blob: 37e49b37567ede65e9d24628e2bba718dcbcd42f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
Unit tests for
import collections
import json
import os
import pathlib
import tempfile
import unittest
import consolidate
class TestParseArgs(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test case for parse_args()."""
def setUp(self):
Change the current working directory.
This will ensure that even if the script is run from elsewhere,
input_dir arg still defaults to fw-testing-configs.
self.original_cwd = os.getcwd()
def tearDown(self):
"""Restore the original working directory."""
def test_command_line_args(self):
"""Test with specified command-line args."""
input_dir = 'foo'
output_file = 'bar'
argv = ['-i', input_dir, '-o', output_file]
args = consolidate.parse_args(argv)
self.assertEqual(args.input_dir, input_dir)
self.assertEqual(args.output, output_file)
def test_defaults(self):
"""Test with no command-line args."""
args = consolidate.parse_args()
self.assertEqual(args.output, consolidate.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILEPATH)
# Note: This assertion is not hermetic!
self.assertTrue('fw-testing-configs' in args.input_dir)
# Note: This assertion is not hermetic!
self.assertTrue('DEFAULTS.json' in os.listdir(args.input_dir))
class TestGetPlatformNames(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test case for get_platform_names()."""
def setUp(self):
"""Create mock fw-testing-configs directory."""
self.mock_fwtc_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
mock_platform_names = ['z', 'a', 'b', 'DEFAULTS', 'CONSOLIDATED']
for platform in mock_platform_names:
mock_filepath = os.path.join(,
platform + '.json')
def tearDown(self):
"""Destroy mock fw-testing-configs directory."""
def test_get_platform_names(self):
Verify that platform names load in the correct order.
The correct order is starting with DEFAULTS, then alphabetical.
The .json file extension should not be included.
platforms = consolidate.get_platform_names(
self.assertEqual(platforms, ['DEFAULTS', 'a', 'b', 'z'])
class TestLoadJSON(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test case for load_json()."""
def setUp(self):
"""Setup mock fw-testing-configs directory."""
self.mock_fwtc_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
a_filename = os.path.join(, 'a.json')
with open(a_filename, 'w') as a_file:
a_file.write('{\n' +
'\t"platform": "a",\n' +
'\t"ec_capability": [\n' +
'\t\t"x86"\n' +
'\t]\n' +
defaults_filename = os.path.join(,
with open(defaults_filename, 'w') as defaults_file:
defaults_file.write('{\n' +
'\t"platform": null,\n' +
'\t"platform_DOC": "foo",\n' +
'\t"ec_capability": []\n' +
def tearDown(self):
def test_load_json(self):
"""Verify that we correctly load platform JSON contents."""
expected = collections.OrderedDict()
expected['DEFAULTS'] = collections.OrderedDict()
expected['DEFAULTS']['platform'] = None
expected['DEFAULTS']['platform_DOC'] = 'foo'
expected['DEFAULTS']['ec_capability'] = []
expected['a'] = collections.OrderedDict()
expected['a']['platform'] = 'a'
expected['a']['ec_capability'] = ['usb', 'x86']
actual = consolidate.load_json(,
['DEFAULTS', 'a'])
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
class TestWriteOutput(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test case for write_output()."""
output_fp = '/tmp/CONSOLIDATED.json'
def tearDown(self):
"""Clean up output_fp"""
if os.path.isfile(TestWriteOutput.output_fp):
def test_write_output(self):
"""Verify that write_output writes JSON and sets to read-only."""
# Run the function
mock_json = collections.OrderedDict({'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'baz'})
consolidate.write_output(mock_json, TestWriteOutput.output_fp)
# Verify file contents
with open(TestWriteOutput.output_fp) as output_file:
output_contents = output_file.readlines()
expected = ['{\n',
'\t"foo": "bar",\n',
'\t"bar": "baz"\n',
self.assertEqual(output_contents, expected)
# Verify that file is read-only
with self.assertRaises(PermissionError):
with open(TestWriteOutput.output_fp, 'w') as output_file:
class TestMain(unittest.TestCase):
"""End-to-end test case for main()."""
output_fp = '/tmp/CONSOLIDATED.json'
def setUp(self):
"""Create and populate mock fw-testing-configs directory."""
self.mock_fwtc_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
a_json_fp = os.path.join(, 'a.json')
with open(a_json_fp, 'w') as a_json_file:
a_json = collections.OrderedDict({'platform': 'a',
'firmware_screen': 0.5,
'ec_capability': ['usb', 'x86']})
json.dump(a_json, a_json_file)
z_json_fp = os.path.join(, 'z.json')
with open(z_json_fp, 'w') as z_json_file:
z_json = collections.OrderedDict({'platform': 'z',
'parent': 'a',
'firmware_screen': 10})
json.dump(z_json, z_json_file)
defaults_json_fp = os.path.join(,
with open(defaults_json_fp, 'w') as defaults_json_file:
defaults_json = collections.OrderedDict({'platform': None,
'platform_DOC': 'foo',
'ec_capability': []})
json.dump(defaults_json, defaults_json_file)
def tearDown(self):
"""Delete output file and mock fw-testing-configs directory."""
if os.path.isfile(TestMain.output_fp):
def test_main(self):
"""Verify that the whole script works, end-to-end."""
expected_output = ['{\n',
'\t"DEFAULTS": {\n',
'\t\t"platform": null,\n',
'\t\t"platform_DOC": "foo",\n',
'\t\t"ec_capability": []\n',
'\t"a": {\n',
'\t\t"platform": "a",\n',
'\t\t"firmware_screen": 0.5,\n',
'\t\t"ec_capability": [\n',
'\t"z": {\n',
'\t\t"platform": "z",\n',
'\t\t"parent": "a",\n',
'\t\t"firmware_screen": 10\n',
# Run the script twice to verify idempotency.
for _ in range(2):
# Run the script.
argv = ['-i',, '-o', TestMain.output_fp]
# Verify the output.
with open(TestMain.output_fp) as output_file:
output_contents = output_file.readlines()
self.assertEqual(output_contents, expected_output)
# Verify the final output is read-only.
with self.assertRaises(PermissionError):
with open(TestMain.output_fp, 'w') as output_file:
if __name__ == '__main__':