blob: e6ae809d421bd86423f860b5d8f0dc3a3e7c58d3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Determine which platform/model configs match a set of field conditions.
Each condition passed in as a command-line arg must be formatted as
${FIELD} is the name of the field being matched
${OPERATOR} can be any of the following:
= | field equals
!= | field does not equal
: | array contains
!: | array does not contain
< | number is less than
<= | number is less than or equal to
> | number is greater than
>= | number is greater than or equal to
${VALUE} is the field-value being compared against
Note that Bash tends to misinterpret '!', so users are advised to wrap
conditions in quotes, as in the following example:
./ 'ec_capability!:x86'
import argparse
import re
import sys
import platform_json
# Regex to match an entire condition: field name, operator, expected value.
RE_CONDITION = re.compile(r'^(\w+)(!?[=:]|[<>]=?)(\w+)$')
class ConditionError(ValueError):
"""Error class for when a condition argument is malformed."""
class UnrecognizedOperatorError(ValueError):
"""Error class for when a query contains an unexpected operator."""
class NotIterableError(ValueError):
"""Error class for querying for a member of a non-iterable field."""
class NotNumericError(ValueError):
"""Error class for when a non-number is used for numeric comparison."""
class Condition(object):
"""A condition for whether a config's field matches an expected rule."""
def __init__(self, string_condition):
"""Parse string_condition to capture the field, operator, and value."""
match = RE_CONDITION.match(string_condition)
if match is None:
raise ConditionError(string_condition)
self.field, self.operator, self.value = match.groups()
# All string comparisons are case-insensitive, so normalize to lower.
self.value = self.value.lower()
def evaluate(self, config_dict):
"""Determine whether a config dict satisfies this Condition."""
if self.field not in config_dict:
raise platform_json.FieldNotFoundError('%s (platform=%s)' % (
self.field, config_dict['platform']))
actual_value = config_dict[self.field]
if self.operator == '=':
return str(actual_value).lower() == self.value
elif self.operator == '!=':
return str(actual_value).lower() != self.value
elif self.operator in (':', '!:'):
return self._evaluate_array_membership(actual_value)
elif self.operator in ('<', '>', '<=', '>='):
return self._evaluate_numeric(actual_value)
raise UnrecognizedOperatorError('%s (expect =/!=/:/!:/</<=/>/>=)' %
def _evaluate_array_membership(self, actual_value):
"""Handler for operators that expect array-type config values."""
if not isinstance(actual_value, list):
msg = 'field %s, actual value %s' % (self.field, actual_value)
raise NotIterableError(msg)
array_contains_expected_element = False
for elem in actual_value:
if str(elem).lower() == self.value:
array_contains_expected_element = True
if self.operator == ':':
return array_contains_expected_element
elif self.operator == '!:':
return not array_contains_expected_element
raise UnrecognizedOperatorError(self.operator)
def _evaluate_numeric(self, actual_value):
"""Handler for operators that expect numeric config values."""
actual_value = float(actual_value)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
msg = 'field %s, actual value %s' % (self.field, actual_value)
raise NotNumericError(msg)
expected_value = float(self.value)
except ValueError:
msg = 'field %s, expected value %s' % (self.field, self.value)
raise NotNumericError(msg)
return eval('%s %s %s' % (actual_value, self.operator, expected_value))
def __repr__(self):
"""Represent this condition as a string."""
return '{Condition:%s%s%s}' % (self.field, self.operator, self.value)
def parse_args(argv):
"""Parse command-line args."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('conditions', nargs='+',
help='Field-matching requirements, each of the form '
'${FIELD}${OPERATOR}${VALUE}. Valid operators '
'are: = (match), != (not match), : (array '
'contains), !: (array does not contain), and '
'numeric comparions <, >, <=, >=. Note: String '
'comparisons are always case-insensitive.')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--consolidated', default='CONSOLIDATED.json',
help='The filepath to CONSOLIDATED.json')
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
return args
def all_satisfied(conditions, config):
"""Determine whether the config satisfies all Conditions."""
return all([cond.evaluate(config) for cond in conditions])
def main(argv):
"""Determine which platforms/models satisfy the passed-in conditions."""
args = parse_args(argv)
conditions = [Condition(str_cond) for str_cond in args.conditions]
consolidated_json = platform_json.load_consolidated_json(args.consolidated)
outputs = []
for platform in consolidated_json:
# Determine whether the platform satisfies all conditions.
platform_config = platform_json.calculate_config(platform, None,
platform_satisfied = all_satisfied(conditions, platform_config)
# Check whether any of the platform's models are exceptions.
models = consolidated_json[platform].get('models', {})
exceptions = []
for model in models:
model_config = platform_json.calculate_config(platform, model,
if all_satisfied(conditions, model_config) != platform_satisfied:
# Print if the platform or any models satisfy the conditions.
if platform_satisfied and exceptions:
outputs.append('%s (except %s)' % (platform, ', '.join(exceptions)))
elif exceptions:
outputs.append('%s (only %s)' % (platform, ', '.join(exceptions)))
elif platform_satisfied:
if outputs:
print('No platforms matched.')
if __name__ == '__main__':