blob: dec68aaca9b2c4b1875f3246b8851ec7f0f0deb0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#![cfg_attr(not(any(test, feature = "std")), no_std)]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub mod build_utils;
pub mod commands;
pub mod fmt;
pub mod memory_banks;
pub mod registers;
use bitflags::bitflags;
mod buffer;
mod common_host_interface;
mod errors;
mod mcu_debug_commands;
mod mem_block;
mod part_ids;
pub use buffer::Buffer;
pub use common_host_interface::report_global_error;
pub use common_host_interface::CommonHostInterface;
pub use errors::Error;
pub use hmac_sha256::Hash;
pub use mcu_debug_commands::McuDebugCommand;
pub use mem_block::MemBlock;
pub use part_ids::PartIds;
/// The length of the stage1 slot. This constant is used by stage0, so shouldn't
/// be changed once stage0 is locked. This must be a multiple of FLASH_PAGE_SZ.
pub const STAGE1_SLOT_LENGTH: usize = 88 * 1024;
/// STM32G0x1, RM0444 (Reference manual)
/// p.76 - 3.3.8 FLASH Main memory programming sequences
/// It is only possible to program a double word (2 x 32-bit data).
pub const FLASH_WRITE_SZ: usize = 4 * 2;
/// STM32G0x1, RM0444 (Reference manual)
/// p.70 3.3.1 FLASH memory organization.
/// Each page consists of eight rows of 256 Bytes.
pub const FLASH_PAGE_SZ: usize = 4 * 256 * 2;
/// A value that all debug commands start with when sent from hps-mon to the
/// MCU. This allows the MCU to resynchronize if it gets out of sync. If it
/// receives a command block that doesn't start with this value, it can skip
/// forward until it finds this value. 254 is chosen since it's a pretty
/// unlikely value to appear in data.
pub const DEBUG_COMMAND_START: u8 = 254;
/// Number of bytes in a debug command block.
pub const DEBUG_BYTES_PER_COMMAND: usize = 4;
/// The i2c address of the HPS.
pub const HPS_ADDRESS: u8 = 0x30;
/// The start address in the SPI flash at which the SOC ROM starts.
pub const SOC_ROM_OFFSET: u32 = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
/// The address of the start of flash.
pub const FLASH_START: u32 = 0x08000000;
/// The size of the MCU flash.
pub const FLASH_SIZE: u32 = 128 * 1024;
/// The non-inclusive end of flash.
/// The number of pages allocated to stage0. This many pages at the start of
/// flash will be write-protected.
pub const STAGE0_NUM_PAGES: u32 =
/// The start address of the MCU's RAM.
pub const MCU_RAM_START: usize = 0x20000000;
/// The size of the MCU's RAM.
pub const MCU_RAM_SIZE: usize = 36 * 1024;
/// Offset in RAM of a program loaded into RAM. Everything before this offset is
/// usual as RAM, everything after is used for the program.
pub const PROGRAM_IN_RAM_OFFSET: usize = 10 * 1024;
/// The full size of the SPI flash.
pub const SPI_FLASH_SIZE: u32 = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
/// The size of a block of SPI flash. We generally erase a whole block at a
/// time, since that's faster than erasing smaller units of flash.
pub const SPI_BLOCK_SIZE: u32 = 64 * 1024;
/// Number of bytes of RAM dedicated to storing crash information.
pub const MCU_CRASH_RECORD_SIZE: usize = 256;
/// The offset in the SPI flash at which we write a test pattern.
pub const SPI_TEST_DATA_OFFSET: u32 = 15 * 1024 * 1024;
/// The address at which the application is written. The stage1 header will be
/// at this address. This constant is used by stage0, so shouldn't be changed
/// once stage0 is locked.
/// The offset of vector table within the application. This constant is used by
/// stage0, so shouldn't be changed once stage0 is locked.
// The address of the application vector table.
/// The offset of the start of the signature within stage1.
pub const SIGNATURE_OFFSET: usize = 20;
/// The length of the signature in bytes.
pub const SIGNATURE_LENGTH: usize = 64;
/// Value at the start of the stage1 header.
pub const STAGE1_MAGIC: u32 = 0xC03FEFE;
/// ImageHeader is the structure found upon the prefix of a stage 1 image.
/// N.B., that all fields must be either unsigned integers that are fixed-sized
/// otherwise 64 bit signing hosts binaries will be built different sized field
/// to the 32 bit target target binaries, resulting in miss-aligned stage 1 HDR's.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ImageHeader {
pub magic: u32,
/// A strictly incrementing version number that should generally only be
/// bumped if there's security critical bug and we want to prevent
/// downgrades to earlier versions.
pub epoch: u16,
/// A value indicating whether this image is "tainted" -- that is, may contain debugging code
/// that is not suitable for production devices. Zero means the image is not tainted, any
/// non-zero value means it is tainted. The signer will refuse to sign a tainted image.
pub taint: u8,
pub _reserved3: u8,
/// The number of bytes allocated to the stage1 slot.
pub slot_length: u32,
pub _reserved1: u32,
pub _reserved2: u32,
pub sig: Signature,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Signature {
pub raw_bytes: [u8; SIGNATURE_LENGTH],
impl Signature {
pub const fn empty() -> Signature {
Signature {
raw_bytes: [0; SIGNATURE_LENGTH],
pub fn copy_from(&mut self, other: &Self) {
pub fn raw_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
pub fn unwrap(&self) -> [u8; SIGNATURE_LENGTH] {
impl ImageHeader {
pub const fn empty() -> Self {
Self {
magic: STAGE1_MAGIC,
epoch: 1,
taint: 0,
_reserved3: 0,
slot_length: STAGE1_SLOT_LENGTH as u32,
_reserved1: 0,
_reserved2: 0,
sig: Signature::empty(),
pub const fn tainted() -> Self {
let mut header = Self::empty();
header.taint = 1;
/// Returns bytes deserialized as an ImageHeader.
pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<ImageHeader> {
if bytes.len() < core::mem::size_of::<ImageHeader>() {
return None;
let mut header = ImageHeader {
magic: u32_from_le_bytes(&bytes[0..]),
epoch: u16_from_le_bytes(&bytes[4..]),
taint: bytes[6],
_reserved3: bytes[7],
slot_length: u32_from_le_bytes(&bytes[8..]),
_reserved1: u32_from_le_bytes(&bytes[12..]),
_reserved2: u32_from_le_bytes(&bytes[16..]),
sig: Signature::empty(),
.copy_from_slice(&bytes[20..20 + SIGNATURE_LENGTH]);
fn u32_from_le_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> u32 {
u32::from_le_bytes([bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3]])
fn u16_from_le_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> u16 {
u16::from_le_bytes([bytes[0], bytes[1]])
/// Returns a magic number that a functioning HPS will always return from
/// register 0. This is used to confirm that a particular device on the I2C bus
/// is actually a HPS.
pub const fn hps_magic_code() -> u16 {
let code = b"HPS";
(((((code[0] - b'A') as u16) << 5) | ((code[1] - b'A') as u16)) << 5)
| ((code[2] - b'A') as u16)
| (1 << 15)
bitflags! {
pub struct Status: u16 {
const OK = 1 << 0;
const FAULT = 1 << 1;
const DEPRECATED1 = 1 << 2;
const STAGE0 = 1 << 3;
const WPON = 1 << 4;
const WPOFF = 1 << 5;
const STAGE1 = 1 << 8;
const APPLREADY = 1 << 9;
const COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS = 1 << 10;
const STAGE0_LOCKED = 1 << 11;
const STAGE0_PERM_LOCKED = 1 << 12;
const ONE_TIME_INIT = 1 << 13;
bitflags! {
pub struct OptionBytesConfigRequest: u16 {
/// Whether to reload the option bytes when done. Will trigger a reset.
const RELOAD = 1 << 0;
/// Whether to configure the the MCU so that reset won't wait for the
/// reset pin to be pulled low before actually resetting.
const RESET_PIN = 1 << 1;
/// Whether to disable boot0 pin, forcing boot from flash.
const DISABLE_BOOT0_PIN = 1 << 2;
/// Whether to non-permanently lock the MCU (RDP level 1).
const RDP1 = 1 << 3;
/// Whether to permanently lock the MCU (RDP level 2). Once this is
/// done, any write protection will be permanent and option bytes can no
/// longer be changed.
const RDP2 = 1 << 4;
/// Whether to apply write protection to stage0.
const WRITE_PROTECT = 1 << 5;
/// Unprotect and erase stage0. Reset option bytes that we might have
/// changed back to their defaults.
const ERASE = 1 << 15;
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_signature_offset() {
// Check that the signature is at the expected offset in the header. If
// we add or remove fields in the header, we don't want this to change,
// since hpsd knows this offset.
let header = ImageHeader {
magic: 0,
epoch: 0,
taint: 0,
_reserved3: 0,
slot_length: 0,
_reserved1: 0,
_reserved2: 0,
sig: Signature {
raw_bytes: [0u8; SIGNATURE_LENGTH],
let signature_offset =
&header.sig.raw_bytes as *const _ as usize - &header as *const _ as usize;
assert_eq!(signature_offset, SIGNATURE_OFFSET);
fn test_vector_table_alignment() {
// The MCU requires that the vector table is aligned to a multiple of
// 0x100 bytes.
fn test_stage1_within_flash() {
// Ensure that the "FLASH" section doesn't extend beyond the end of the
// actual flash.
fn test_header_before_stage1() {
// Ensure that "HDR" doesn't extend into "FLASH".
fn test_stage0_write_protection_range() {
// Everything up to but not including APPLICATION_START_ADDRESS should
// be write protected. This can fail if STAGE1_SLOT_LENGTH isn't an
// exact multiple of FLASH_PAGE_SIZE.
fn test_image_header_from_bytes() {
let mut header = ImageHeader::empty();
header.sig.raw_bytes[..6].copy_from_slice(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
header.slot_length = 1234;
let bytes = unsafe {
&header as *const ImageHeader as *const u8,
assert_eq!(ImageHeader::from_bytes(bytes), Some(header));