blob: eff47d4d1dbd7f2b3606a78b5469bf96ea6cba20 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/atomic_sequence_num.h"
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/debug/crash_logging.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr_exclusion.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_pump_type.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/pending_task.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/task/current_thread.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/associated_thread_id.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/enqueue_order.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/enqueue_order_generator.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/sequence_manager.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/task_queue.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/task_queue_impl.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/task_queue_selector.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/thread_controller.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/work_tracker.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/time/default_tick_clock.h"
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace base {
namespace internal {
class SequenceManagerThreadDelegate;
namespace trace_event {
class ConvertableToTraceFormat;
} // namespace trace_event
namespace sequence_manager {
class SequenceManagerForTest;
class TaskQueue;
class TaskTimeObserver;
class TimeDomain;
namespace internal {
class TaskQueueImpl;
class DefaultWakeUpQueue;
class SequenceManagerImpl;
class ThreadControllerImpl;
// A private factory method for SequenceManagerThreadDelegate which is
// equivalent to sequence_manager::CreateUnboundSequenceManager() but returns
// the underlying impl.
std::unique_ptr<SequenceManagerImpl> CreateUnboundSequenceManagerImpl(
SequenceManager::Settings settings);
// The task queue manager provides N task queues and a selector interface for
// choosing which task queue to service next. Each task queue consists of two
// sub queues:
// 1. Incoming task queue. Tasks that are posted get immediately appended here.
// When a task is appended into an empty incoming queue, the task manager
// work function (DoWork()) is scheduled to run on the main task runner.
// 2. Work queue. If a work queue is empty when DoWork() is entered, tasks from
// the incoming task queue (if any) are moved here. The work queues are
// registered with the selector as input to the scheduling decision.
class BASE_EXPORT SequenceManagerImpl
: public SequenceManager,
public internal::SequencedTaskSource,
public internal::TaskQueueSelector::Observer,
public RunLoop::NestingObserver {
using Observer = SequenceManager::Observer;
SequenceManagerImpl(const SequenceManagerImpl&) = delete;
SequenceManagerImpl& operator=(const SequenceManagerImpl&) = delete;
~SequenceManagerImpl() override;
// Initializes features for this class. See `base::features::Init()`.
static void InitializeFeatures();
// SequenceManager implementation:
void BindToCurrentThread() override;
scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> GetTaskRunnerForCurrentTask() override;
void BindToMessagePump(std::unique_ptr<MessagePump> message_pump) override;
void SetObserver(Observer* observer) override;
void AddTaskTimeObserver(TaskTimeObserver* task_time_observer) override;
void RemoveTaskTimeObserver(TaskTimeObserver* task_time_observer) override;
void SetTimeDomain(TimeDomain* time_domain) override;
void ResetTimeDomain() override;
const TickClock* GetTickClock() const override;
TimeTicks NowTicks() const override;
void SetDefaultTaskRunner(
scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner) override;
void ReclaimMemory() override;
bool GetAndClearSystemIsQuiescentBit() override;
void SetWorkBatchSize(int work_batch_size) override;
void EnableCrashKeys(const char* async_stack_crash_key) override;
const MetricRecordingSettings& GetMetricRecordingSettings() const override;
size_t GetPendingTaskCountForTesting() const override;
TaskQueue::Handle CreateTaskQueue(const TaskQueue::Spec& spec) override;
std::string DescribeAllPendingTasks() const override;
void PrioritizeYieldingToNative(base::TimeTicks prioritize_until) override;
void AddTaskObserver(TaskObserver* task_observer) override;
void RemoveTaskObserver(TaskObserver* task_observer) override;
std::optional<WakeUp> GetNextDelayedWakeUp() const override;
TaskQueue::QueuePriority GetPriorityCount() const override;
// SequencedTaskSource implementation:
void SetRunTaskSynchronouslyAllowed(
bool can_run_tasks_synchronously) override;
std::optional<SelectedTask> SelectNextTask(
LazyNow& lazy_now,
SelectTaskOption option = SelectTaskOption::kDefault) override;
void DidRunTask(LazyNow& lazy_now) override;
std::optional<WakeUp> GetPendingWakeUp(
LazyNow* lazy_now,
SelectTaskOption option = SelectTaskOption::kDefault) override;
bool HasPendingHighResolutionTasks() override;
void OnBeginWork() override;
bool OnIdle() override;
void MaybeEmitTaskDetails(
perfetto::EventContext& ctx,
const SequencedTaskSource::SelectedTask& selected_task) const override;
void AddDestructionObserver(
CurrentThread::DestructionObserver* destruction_observer);
void RemoveDestructionObserver(
CurrentThread::DestructionObserver* destruction_observer);
[[nodiscard]] CallbackListSubscription RegisterOnNextIdleCallback(
OnceClosure on_next_idle_callback);
// Sets / returns the default TaskRunner. Thread-safe.
void SetTaskRunner(scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner);
scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> GetTaskRunner();
bool IsBoundToCurrentThread() const;
MessagePump* GetMessagePump() const;
bool IsType(MessagePumpType type) const;
void SetAddQueueTimeToTasks(bool enable);
void SetTaskExecutionAllowedInNativeNestedLoop(bool allowed);
bool IsTaskExecutionAllowedInNativeNestedLoop() const;
void AttachToMessagePump();
bool IsIdleForTesting() override;
void EnableMessagePumpTimeKeeperMetrics(
const char* thread_name,
bool wall_time_based_metrics_enabled_for_testing = false);
// Requests that a task to process work is scheduled.
void ScheduleWork();
// Returns the currently executing TaskQueue if any. Must be called on the
// thread this class was created on.
internal::TaskQueueImpl* currently_executing_task_queue() const;
// Unregisters a TaskQueue previously created by |NewTaskQueue()|.
// No tasks will run on this queue after this call.
void UnregisterTaskQueueImpl(
std::unique_ptr<internal::TaskQueueImpl> task_queue);
scoped_refptr<AssociatedThreadId> associated_thread() const {
return associated_thread_;
const Settings& settings() const { return settings_; }
WeakPtr<SequenceManagerImpl> GetWeakPtr();
// How frequently to perform housekeeping tasks (sweeping canceled tasks etc).
static constexpr TimeDelta kReclaimMemoryInterval = Seconds(30);
static std::unique_ptr<ThreadControllerImpl>
CreateThreadControllerImplForCurrentThread(const TickClock* clock);
// Create a task queue manager where |controller| controls the thread
// on which the tasks are eventually run.
SequenceManagerImpl(std::unique_ptr<internal::ThreadController> controller,
SequenceManager::Settings settings = Settings());
friend class internal::TaskQueueImpl;
friend class internal::DefaultWakeUpQueue;
friend class ::base::sequence_manager::SequenceManagerForTest;
// Returns the SequenceManager running the
// current thread. It must only be used on the thread it was obtained.
// Only to be used by CurrentThread for the moment
static SequenceManagerImpl* GetCurrent();
friend class ::base::CurrentThread;
// Factory friends to call into private creation methods.
friend std::unique_ptr<SequenceManager>
friend std::unique_ptr<SequenceManager>
std::unique_ptr<MessagePump> message_pump,
friend std::unique_ptr<SequenceManager>
friend std::unique_ptr<SequenceManagerImpl>
// Assume direct control over current thread and create a SequenceManager.
// This function should be called only once per thread.
// This function assumes that a task execution environment is already
// initialized for the current thread.
static std::unique_ptr<SequenceManagerImpl> CreateOnCurrentThread(
SequenceManager::Settings settings);
// Create an unbound SequenceManager (typically for a future thread). The
// SequenceManager can be initialized on the current thread and then needs to
// be bound and initialized on the target thread by calling one of the Bind*()
// methods.
static std::unique_ptr<SequenceManagerImpl> CreateUnbound(
SequenceManager::Settings settings);
enum class ProcessTaskResult {
// SequenceManager maintains a queue of non-nestable tasks since they're
// uncommon and allocating an extra deque per TaskQueue will waste the memory.
using NonNestableTaskDeque =
// We have to track rentrancy because we support nested runloops but the
// selector interface is unaware of those. This struct keeps track off all
// task related state needed to make pairs of SelectNextTask() / DidRunTask()
// work.
struct ExecutingTask {
ExecutingTask(Task&& task,
internal::TaskQueueImpl* task_queue,
TaskQueue::TaskTiming task_timing)
: pending_task(std::move(task)),
task_type(pending_task.task_type) {}
Task pending_task;
// `task_queue` is not a raw_ptr<...> for performance reasons (based on
// analysis of sampling profiler data and tab_search:top100:2020).
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION internal::TaskQueueImpl* task_queue = nullptr;
// Save task_queue_name as the task queue can be deleted within the task.
QueueName task_queue_name;
TaskQueue::TaskTiming task_timing;
// Save priority as it might change after running a task.
TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority;
// Save task metadata to use in after running a task as |pending_task|
// won't be available then.
int task_type;
struct MainThreadOnly {
explicit MainThreadOnly(
SequenceManagerImpl* sequence_manager,
const scoped_refptr<AssociatedThreadId>& associated_thread,
const SequenceManager::Settings& settings,
const base::TickClock* clock);
int nesting_depth = 0;
NonNestableTaskDeque non_nestable_task_queue;
// TODO(altimin): Switch to instruction pointer crash key when it's
// available.
raw_ptr<debug::CrashKeyString> file_name_crash_key = nullptr;
raw_ptr<debug::CrashKeyString> function_name_crash_key = nullptr;
raw_ptr<debug::CrashKeyString> async_stack_crash_key = nullptr;
std::array<char, static_cast<size_t>(debug::CrashKeySize::Size64)>
async_stack_buffer = {};
std::optional<base::MetricsSubSampler> metrics_subsampler;
internal::TaskQueueSelector selector;
ObserverList<TaskObserver>::UncheckedAndDanglingUntriaged task_observers;
const raw_ptr<const base::TickClock> default_clock;
raw_ptr<TimeDomain> time_domain = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<WakeUpQueue> wake_up_queue;
std::unique_ptr<WakeUpQueue> non_waking_wake_up_queue;
// If true MaybeReclaimMemory will attempt to reclaim memory.
bool memory_reclaim_scheduled = false;
// Used to ensure we don't perform expensive housekeeping too frequently.
TimeTicks next_time_to_reclaim_memory;
// List of task queues managed by this SequenceManager.
// - active_queues contains queues that are still running tasks, which are
// are owned by relevant TaskQueues.
// - queues_to_delete contains soon-to-be-deleted queues, because some
// internal scheduling code does not expect queues to be pulled
// from underneath.
// RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION: Performance reasons (based on analysis of
// speedometer3).
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION std::set<internal::TaskQueueImpl*> active_queues;
std::map<internal::TaskQueueImpl*, std::unique_ptr<internal::TaskQueueImpl>>
bool task_was_run_on_quiescence_monitored_queue = false;
bool nesting_observer_registered_ = false;
// Use std::deque() so that references returned by SelectNextTask() remain
// valid until the matching call to DidRunTask(), even when nested RunLoops
// cause tasks to be pushed on the stack in-between. This is needed because
// references are kept in local variables by calling code between
// SelectNextTask()/DidRunTask().
std::deque<ExecutingTask> task_execution_stack;
raw_ptr<Observer> observer = nullptr; // NOT OWNED
UncheckedAndDanglingUntriaged destruction_observers;
// Notified the next time `OnIdle()` completes without scheduling additional
// work.
OnceClosureList on_next_idle_callbacks;
void CompleteInitializationOnBoundThread();
// TaskQueueSelector::Observer:
void OnTaskQueueEnabled(internal::TaskQueueImpl* queue) override;
void OnWorkAvailable() override;
// RunLoop::NestingObserver:
void OnBeginNestedRunLoop() override;
void OnExitNestedRunLoop() override;
// Schedules next wake-up at the given time, canceling any previous requests.
// Use std::nullopt to cancel a wake-up. Must be called on the thread this
// class was created on.
void SetNextWakeUp(LazyNow* lazy_now, std::optional<WakeUp> wake_up);
// Called before TaskQueue requests to reload its empty immediate work queue.
void WillRequestReloadImmediateWorkQueue();
// Returns a valid `SyncWorkAuthorization` if a call to `RunOrPostTask` on a
// `SequencedTaskRunner` bound to this `SequenceManager` may run its task
// synchronously.
SyncWorkAuthorization TryAcquireSyncWorkAuthorization();
// Called when a task is about to be queued. May add metadata to the task and
// emit trace events.
void WillQueueTask(Task* pending_task);
// Enqueues onto delayed WorkQueues all delayed tasks which must run now
// (cannot be postponed) and possibly some delayed tasks which can run now but
// could be postponed (due to how tasks are stored, it is not possible to
// retrieve all such tasks efficiently) and reloads any empty work queues.
void MoveReadyDelayedTasksToWorkQueues(LazyNow* lazy_now);
void NotifyWillProcessTask(ExecutingTask* task, LazyNow* time_before_task);
void NotifyDidProcessTask(ExecutingTask* task, LazyNow* time_after_task);
EnqueueOrder GetNextSequenceNumber();
bool GetAddQueueTimeToTasks();
AsValueWithSelectorResultForTracing(internal::WorkQueue* selected_work_queue,
bool force_verbose) const;
Value::Dict AsValueWithSelectorResult(
internal::WorkQueue* selected_work_queue,
bool force_verbose) const;
// Used in construction of TaskQueueImpl to obtain an AtomicFlag which it can
// use to request reload by ReloadEmptyWorkQueues. The lifetime of
// TaskQueueImpl is managed by this class and the handle will be released by
// TaskQueueImpl::UnregisterTaskQueue which is always called before the
// queue's destruction.
AtomicFlagSet::AtomicFlag GetFlagToRequestReloadForEmptyQueue(
TaskQueueImpl* task_queue);
// Calls |TakeImmediateIncomingQueueTasks| on all queues with their reload
// flag set in |empty_queues_to_reload_|.
void ReloadEmptyWorkQueues();
std::unique_ptr<internal::TaskQueueImpl> CreateTaskQueueImpl(
const TaskQueue::Spec& spec);
// Periodically reclaims memory by sweeping away canceled tasks and shrinking
// buffers.
void MaybeReclaimMemory();
// Deletes queues marked for deletion and empty queues marked for shutdown.
void CleanUpQueues();
// Removes canceled delayed tasks from the front of wake up queue.
void RemoveAllCanceledDelayedTasksFromFront(LazyNow* lazy_now);
TaskQueue::TaskTiming::TimeRecordingPolicy ShouldRecordTaskTiming(
const internal::TaskQueueImpl* task_queue);
bool ShouldRecordCPUTimeForTask();
// Write the async stack trace onto a crash key as whitespace-delimited hex
// addresses.
void RecordCrashKeys(const PendingTask&);
// Helper to terminate all scoped trace events to allow starting new ones
// in SelectNextTask().
std::optional<SelectedTask> SelectNextTaskImpl(LazyNow& lazy_now,
SelectTaskOption option);
// Returns a wake-up for the next delayed task which is not ripe for
// execution, or nullopt if `option` is `kSkipDelayedTask` or there
// are no such tasks (immediate tasks don't count).
std::optional<WakeUp> GetNextDelayedWakeUpWithOption(
SelectTaskOption option) const;
// Given a `wake_up` describing when the next delayed task should run, returns
// a wake up that should be scheduled on the thread. `is_immediate()` if the
// wake up should run immediately. `nullopt` if no wake up is required because
// `wake_up` is `nullopt` or a `time_domain` is used.
std::optional<WakeUp> AdjustWakeUp(std::optional<WakeUp> wake_up,
LazyNow* lazy_now) const;
void MaybeAddLeewayToTask(Task& task) const;
void LogTaskDebugInfo(const internal::WorkQueue* work_queue) const;
// Determines if wall time or thread time should be recorded for the next
// task.
TaskQueue::TaskTiming InitializeTaskTiming(
internal::TaskQueueImpl* task_queue);
const scoped_refptr<AssociatedThreadId> associated_thread_;
EnqueueOrderGenerator enqueue_order_generator_;
const std::unique_ptr<internal::ThreadController> controller_;
const Settings settings_;
const MetricRecordingSettings metric_recording_settings_;
WorkTracker work_tracker_;
// Whether to add the queue time to tasks.
base::subtle::Atomic32 add_queue_time_to_tasks_;
AtomicFlagSet empty_queues_to_reload_;
MainThreadOnly main_thread_only_;
MainThreadOnly& main_thread_only() {
return main_thread_only_;
const MainThreadOnly& main_thread_only() const {
return main_thread_only_;
// |clock_| either refers to the TickClock representation of |time_domain|
// (same object) if any, or to |default_clock| otherwise. It is maintained as
// an atomic pointer here for multi-threaded usage.
std::atomic<const base::TickClock*> clock_;
const base::TickClock* main_thread_clock() const {
return clock_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
const base::TickClock* any_thread_clock() const {
// |memory_order_acquire| matched by |memory_order_release| in
// SetTimeDomain() to ensure all data used by |clock_| is visible when read
// from the current thread. A thread might try to access a stale |clock_|
// but that's not an issue since |time_domain| contractually outlives
// SequenceManagerImpl even if it's reset.
return clock_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
WeakPtrFactory<SequenceManagerImpl> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace internal
} // namespace sequence_manager
} // namespace base