blob: ab393f3f3352b92b8f7af338d16607864a6bbdf5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/task/common/checked_lock.h"
#include "base/task/common/lazy_now.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/tasks.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/task/task_observer.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/trace_event/base_tracing.h"
#include "base/trace_event/base_tracing_forward.h"
namespace perfetto {
class EventContext;
namespace base {
class TaskObserver;
namespace sequence_manager {
using QueueName = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::SequenceManagerTask::QueueName;
namespace internal {
class SequenceManagerImpl;
class TaskQueueImpl;
} // namespace internal
// A `TaskQueue` represents an ordered list of tasks sharing common properties,
// e.g. priority, throttling, etc. `TaskQueue`s are associated with a
// `SequenceManager` instance, which chooses the next task from its set of
// queues. `TaskQueue`s should typically be used on a single thread since most
// methods are not thread safe (enforeced via CHECKs), but cross-thread task
// posting is supported with thread-safe task runners.
// A `TaskQueue` is unregistered (stops accepting and running tasks) when either
// its associated `TaskQueue::Handle` or `SequenceManager` is destroyed. If the
// handle is destroyed while the `SequenceManager` is still alive, the
// `SequenceManager` takes ownership of the queue and schedules it for deletion
// after the current task finishes. Otherwise, if the handle outlives the
// sequence manager, the queue is destroyed when the handle is destroyed.
class BASE_EXPORT TaskQueue {
// Interface that lets a task queue be throttled by changing the wake up time
// and optionally, by inserting fences. A wake up in this context is a
// notification at a given time that lets this TaskQueue know of newly ripe
// delayed tasks if it's enabled. By delaying the desired wake up time to a
// different allowed wake up time, the Throttler can hold off delayed tasks
// that would otherwise by allowed to run sooner.
class BASE_EXPORT Throttler {
// Invoked when the TaskQueue's next allowed wake up time is reached and is
// enabled, even if blocked by a fence. That wake up is defined by the last
// value returned from GetNextAllowedWakeUp().
// This is always called on the thread this TaskQueue is associated with.
virtual void OnWakeUp(LazyNow* lazy_now) = 0;
// Invoked when the TaskQueue newly gets a pending immediate task and is
// enabled, even if blocked by a fence. Redundant calls are possible when
// the TaskQueue already had a pending immediate task.
// The implementation may use this to:
// - Restrict task execution by inserting/updating a fence.
// - Update the TaskQueue's next delayed wake up via UpdateWakeUp().
// This allows the Throttler to perform additional operations later from
// OnWakeUp().
// This is always called on the thread this TaskQueue is associated with.
virtual void OnHasImmediateTask() = 0;
// Invoked when the TaskQueue is enabled and wants to know when to schedule
// the next delayed wake-up (which happens at least every time this queue is
// about to cause the next wake up) provided |next_desired_wake_up|, the
// wake-up for the next pending delayed task in this queue (pending delayed
// tasks that are ripe may be ignored), or nullopt if there's no pending
// delayed task. |has_ready_task| indicates whether there are immediate
// tasks or ripe delayed tasks. The implementation should return the next
// allowed wake up, or nullopt if no future wake-up is necessary.
// This is always called on the thread this TaskQueue is associated with.
virtual std::optional<WakeUp> GetNextAllowedWakeUp(
LazyNow* lazy_now,
std::optional<WakeUp> next_desired_wake_up,
bool has_ready_task) = 0;
~Throttler() = default;
// Wrapper around a `TaskQueue`, exposed by `SequenceManager` when creating a
// task queue. The handle owns the underlying queue and exposes it through a
// unique_ptr-like interface, and it's responsible for managing the queue's
// lifetime, ensuring the queue is properly unregistered with the queue's
// `SequenceManager` when the handle is destroyed.
class BASE_EXPORT Handle {
Handle& operator=(Handle&&);
void reset();
TaskQueue* get() const;
TaskQueue* operator->() const;
explicit operator bool() const { return !!task_queue_; }
friend class internal::SequenceManagerImpl;
explicit Handle(std::unique_ptr<internal::TaskQueueImpl> task_queue);
std::unique_ptr<internal::TaskQueueImpl> task_queue_;
WeakPtr<internal::SequenceManagerImpl> sequence_manager_;
// Queues with higher priority (smaller number) are selected to run before
// queues of lower priority. Note that there is no starvation protection,
// i.e., a constant stream of high priority work can mean that tasks in lower
// priority queues won't get to run.
using QueuePriority = uint8_t;
// By default there is only a single priority. Sequences making use of
// priorities should parameterize the `SequenceManager` with the appropriate
// `SequenceManager::PrioritySettings`.
enum class DefaultQueuePriority : QueuePriority {
kNormalPriority = 0,
// Must be the last entry.
kQueuePriorityCount = 1,
// Options for constructing a TaskQueue.
struct Spec {
explicit Spec(QueueName name) : name(name) {}
Spec SetShouldMonitorQuiescence(bool should_monitor) {
should_monitor_quiescence = should_monitor;
return *this;
Spec SetShouldNotifyObservers(bool run_observers) {
should_notify_observers = run_observers;
return *this;
// Delayed fences require Now() to be sampled when posting immediate tasks
// which is not free.
Spec SetDelayedFencesAllowed(bool allow_delayed_fences) {
delayed_fence_allowed = allow_delayed_fences;
return *this;
Spec SetNonWaking(bool non_waking_in) {
non_waking = non_waking_in;
return *this;
QueueName name;
bool should_monitor_quiescence = false;
bool should_notify_observers = true;
bool delayed_fence_allowed = false;
bool non_waking = false;
// Information about task execution.
// Wall-time related methods (start_time, end_time, wall_duration) can be
// called only when |has_wall_time()| is true.
// Thread-time related mehtods (start_thread_time, end_thread_time,
// thread_duration) can be called only when |has_thread_time()| is true.
// start_* should be called after RecordTaskStart.
// end_* and *_duration should be called after RecordTaskEnd.
class BASE_EXPORT TaskTiming {
enum class State { NotStarted, Running, Finished };
enum class TimeRecordingPolicy { DoRecord, DoNotRecord };
TaskTiming(bool has_wall_time, bool has_thread_time);
bool has_wall_time() const { return has_wall_time_; }
bool has_thread_time() const { return has_thread_time_; }
base::TimeTicks start_time() const {
return start_time_;
base::TimeTicks end_time() const {
return end_time_;
base::TimeDelta wall_duration() const {
return end_time_ - start_time_;
base::ThreadTicks start_thread_time() const {
return start_thread_time_;
base::ThreadTicks end_thread_time() const {
return end_thread_time_;
base::TimeDelta thread_duration() const {
return end_thread_time_ - start_thread_time_;
State state() const { return state_; }
void RecordTaskStart(LazyNow* now);
void RecordTaskEnd(LazyNow* now);
// Protected for tests.
State state_ = State::NotStarted;
bool has_wall_time_;
bool has_thread_time_;
base::TimeTicks start_time_;
base::TimeTicks end_time_;
base::ThreadTicks start_thread_time_;
base::ThreadTicks end_thread_time_;
// An interface that lets the owner vote on whether or not the associated
// TaskQueue should be enabled.
class BASE_EXPORT QueueEnabledVoter {
QueueEnabledVoter(const QueueEnabledVoter&) = delete;
const QueueEnabledVoter& operator=(const QueueEnabledVoter&) = delete;
// Votes to enable or disable the associated TaskQueue. The TaskQueue will
// only be enabled if all the voters agree it should be enabled, or if there
// are no voters. Voters don't keep the queue alive.
// NOTE this must be called on the thread the associated TaskQueue was
// created on.
void SetVoteToEnable(bool enabled);
bool IsVotingToEnable() const { return enabled_; }
friend class internal::TaskQueueImpl;
explicit QueueEnabledVoter(WeakPtr<internal::TaskQueueImpl> task_queue);
WeakPtr<internal::TaskQueueImpl> task_queue_;
bool enabled_ = true;
TaskQueue(const TaskQueue&) = delete;
TaskQueue& operator=(const TaskQueue&) = delete;
virtual ~TaskQueue() = default;
// Returns an interface that allows the caller to vote on whether or not this
// TaskQueue is enabled. The TaskQueue will be enabled if there are no voters
// or if all agree it should be enabled.
// NOTE this must be called on the thread this TaskQueue was created by.
virtual std::unique_ptr<QueueEnabledVoter> CreateQueueEnabledVoter() = 0;
// NOTE this must be called on the thread this TaskQueue was created by.
virtual bool IsQueueEnabled() const = 0;
// Returns true if the queue is completely empty.
virtual bool IsEmpty() const = 0;
// Returns the number of pending tasks in the queue.
virtual size_t GetNumberOfPendingTasks() const = 0;
// Returns true iff this queue has immediate tasks or delayed tasks that are
// ripe for execution. Ignores the queue's enabled state and fences.
// NOTE: this must be called on the thread this TaskQueue was created by.
// TODO(etiennep): Rename to HasReadyTask() and add LazyNow parameter.
virtual bool HasTaskToRunImmediatelyOrReadyDelayedTask() const = 0;
// Returns a wake-up for the next pending delayed task (pending delayed tasks
// that are ripe may be ignored), ignoring Throttler is any. If there are no
// such tasks (immediate tasks don't count) or the queue is disabled it
// returns nullopt.
// NOTE: this must be called on the thread this TaskQueue was created by.
virtual std::optional<WakeUp> GetNextDesiredWakeUp() = 0;
// Can be called on any thread.
virtual const char* GetName() const = 0;
// Set the priority of the queue to |priority|. NOTE this must be called on
// the thread this TaskQueue was created by.
virtual void SetQueuePriority(QueuePriority priority) = 0;
// Same as above but with an enum value as the priority.
template <typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<T>>>
void SetQueuePriority(T priority) {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::underlying_type_t<T>, QueuePriority>,
"Enumerated priorites must have the same underlying type as "
// Returns the current queue priority.
virtual QueuePriority GetQueuePriority() const = 0;
// These functions can only be called on the same thread that the task queue
// manager executes its tasks on.
virtual void AddTaskObserver(TaskObserver* task_observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveTaskObserver(TaskObserver* task_observer) = 0;
enum class InsertFencePosition {
kNow, // Tasks posted on the queue up till this point further may run.
// All further tasks are blocked.
kBeginningOfTime, // No tasks posted on this queue may run.
// Inserts a barrier into the task queue which prevents tasks with an enqueue
// order greater than the fence from running until either the fence has been
// removed or a subsequent fence has unblocked some tasks within the queue.
// Note: delayed tasks get their enqueue order set once their delay has
// expired, and non-delayed tasks get their enqueue order set when posted.
// Fences come in three flavours:
// - Regular (InsertFence(NOW)) - all tasks posted after this moment
// are blocked.
// - Fully blocking (InsertFence(kBeginningOfTime)) - all tasks including
// already posted are blocked.
// - Delayed (InsertFenceAt(timestamp)) - blocks all tasks posted after given
// point in time (must be in the future).
// Only one fence can be scheduled at a time. Inserting a new fence
// will automatically remove the previous one, regardless of fence type.
virtual void InsertFence(InsertFencePosition position) = 0;
// Delayed fences are only allowed for queues created with
// SetDelayedFencesAllowed(true) because this feature implies sampling Now()
// (which isn't free) for every PostTask, even those with zero delay.
virtual void InsertFenceAt(TimeTicks time) = 0;
// Removes any previously added fence and unblocks execution of any tasks
// blocked by it.
virtual void RemoveFence() = 0;
// Returns true if the queue has a fence but it isn't necessarily blocking
// execution of tasks (it may be the case if tasks enqueue order hasn't
// reached the number set for a fence).
virtual bool HasActiveFence() = 0;
// Returns true if the queue has a fence which is blocking execution of tasks.
virtual bool BlockedByFence() const = 0;
// Associates |throttler| to this queue. Only one throttler can be associated
// with this queue. |throttler| must outlive this TaskQueue, or remain valid
// until ResetThrottler().
virtual void SetThrottler(Throttler* throttler) = 0;
// Disassociates the current throttler from this queue, if any.
virtual void ResetThrottler() = 0;
// Updates the task queue's next wake up time in its time domain, taking into
// account the desired run time of queued tasks and policies enforced by the
// throttler if any.
virtual void UpdateWakeUp(LazyNow* lazy_now) = 0;
// Controls whether or not the queue will emit traces events when tasks are
// posted to it while disabled. This only applies for the current or next
// period during which the queue is disabled. When the queue is re-enabled
// this will revert back to the default value of false.
virtual void SetShouldReportPostedTasksWhenDisabled(bool should_report) = 0;
// Create a task runner for this TaskQueue which will annotate all
// posted tasks with the given task type.
// Must be called on the thread this task queue is associated with.
// NOTE: Task runners don't keep the TaskQueue alive, so task queues can be
// deleted with valid task runners. Posting a task in that case will fail.
virtual scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> CreateTaskRunner(
TaskType task_type) const = 0;
// Default task runner which doesn't annotate tasks with a task type.
virtual const scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner>& task_runner() const = 0;
using OnTaskStartedHandler =
RepeatingCallback<void(const Task&, const TaskQueue::TaskTiming&)>;
using OnTaskCompletedHandler =
RepeatingCallback<void(const Task&, TaskQueue::TaskTiming*, LazyNow*)>;
using OnTaskPostedHandler = RepeatingCallback<void(const Task&)>;
using TaskExecutionTraceLogger =
RepeatingCallback<void(perfetto::EventContext&, const Task&)>;
// Sets a handler to subscribe for notifications about started and completed
// tasks.
virtual void SetOnTaskStartedHandler(OnTaskStartedHandler handler) = 0;
// |task_timing| may be passed in Running state and may not have the end time,
// so that the handler can run an additional task that is counted as a part of
// the main task.
// The handler can call TaskTiming::RecordTaskEnd, which is optional, to
// finalize the task, and use the resulting timing.
virtual void SetOnTaskCompletedHandler(OnTaskCompletedHandler handler) = 0;
// RAII handle associated with an OnTaskPostedHandler. Unregisters the handler
// upon destruction.
class OnTaskPostedCallbackHandle {
OnTaskPostedCallbackHandle(const OnTaskPostedCallbackHandle&) = delete;
OnTaskPostedCallbackHandle& operator=(const OnTaskPostedCallbackHandle&) =
virtual ~OnTaskPostedCallbackHandle() = default;
OnTaskPostedCallbackHandle() = default;
// Add a callback for adding custom functionality for processing posted task.
// Callback will be dispatched while holding a scheduler lock. As a result,
// callback should not call scheduler APIs directly, as this can lead to
// deadlocks. For example, PostTask should not be called directly and
// ScopedDeferTaskPosting::PostOrDefer should be used instead. `handler` must
// not be a null callback. Must be called on the thread this task queue is
// associated with, and the handle returned must be destroyed on the same
// thread.
[[nodiscard]] virtual std::unique_ptr<OnTaskPostedCallbackHandle>
AddOnTaskPostedHandler(OnTaskPostedHandler handler) = 0;
// Set a callback to fill trace event arguments associated with the task
// execution.
virtual void SetTaskExecutionTraceLogger(TaskExecutionTraceLogger logger) = 0;
TaskQueue() = default;
} // namespace sequence_manager
} // namespace base