blob: efb3f8fcc0aaa0045148746d3158a89310cce123 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/dcheck_is_on.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/pending_task.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/sequence_manager.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/sequenced_task_source.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/task_order.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/work_queue_sets.h"
#include "base/values.h"
namespace base {
namespace sequence_manager {
namespace internal {
class AssociatedThreadId;
// TaskQueueSelector is used by the SchedulerHelper to enable prioritization
// of particular task queues.
class BASE_EXPORT TaskQueueSelector : public WorkQueueSets::Observer {
using SelectTaskOption = SequencedTaskSource::SelectTaskOption;
TaskQueueSelector(scoped_refptr<const AssociatedThreadId> associated_thread,
const SequenceManager::Settings& settings);
TaskQueueSelector(const TaskQueueSelector&) = delete;
TaskQueueSelector& operator=(const TaskQueueSelector&) = delete;
~TaskQueueSelector() override;
static void InitializeFeatures();
// Called to register a queue that can be selected. This function is called
// on the main thread.
void AddQueue(internal::TaskQueueImpl* queue,
TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority);
// The specified work will no longer be considered for selection. This
// function is called on the main thread.
void RemoveQueue(internal::TaskQueueImpl* queue);
// Make |queue| eligible for selection. This function is called on the main
// thread. Must only be called if |queue| is disabled.
void EnableQueue(internal::TaskQueueImpl* queue);
// Disable selection from |queue|. Must only be called if |queue| is enabled.
void DisableQueue(internal::TaskQueueImpl* queue);
// Called get or set the priority of |queue|.
void SetQueuePriority(internal::TaskQueueImpl* queue,
TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority);
// Called to choose the work queue from which the next task should be taken
// and run. Return the queue to service if there is one or null otherwise.
// This function is called on the main thread.
WorkQueue* SelectWorkQueueToService(
SelectTaskOption option = SelectTaskOption::kDefault);
// Serialize the selector state for tracing/debugging.
Value::Dict AsValue() const;
class BASE_EXPORT Observer {
virtual ~Observer() = default;
// Called when |queue| transitions from disabled to enabled.
virtual void OnTaskQueueEnabled(internal::TaskQueueImpl* queue) = 0;
// Called when work becomes available.
virtual void OnWorkAvailable() = 0;
// Called once to set the Observer. This function is called
// on the main thread. If |observer| is null, then no callbacks will occur.
void SetTaskQueueSelectorObserver(Observer* observer);
// Returns the priority of the most important pending task if one exists.
// O(1).
std::optional<TaskQueue::QueuePriority> GetHighestPendingPriority(
SelectTaskOption option = SelectTaskOption::kDefault) const;
// WorkQueueSets::Observer implementation:
void WorkQueueSetBecameEmpty(size_t set_index) override;
void WorkQueueSetBecameNonEmpty(size_t set_index) override;
// Populates |result| with tasks with lower priority than the first task from
// |selected_work_queue| which could otherwise run now.
void CollectSkippedOverLowerPriorityTasks(
const internal::WorkQueue* selected_work_queue,
std::vector<const Task*>* result) const;
WorkQueueSets* delayed_work_queue_sets() { return &delayed_work_queue_sets_; }
WorkQueueSets* immediate_work_queue_sets() {
return &immediate_work_queue_sets_;
// This method will force select an immediate task if those are being
// starved by delayed tasks.
void SetImmediateStarvationCountForTest(int immediate_starvation_count);
// Maximum number of delayed tasks tasks which can be run while there's a
// waiting non-delayed task.
static const int kDefaultMaxDelayedStarvationTasks = 3;
// Tracks which priorities are currently active, meaning there are pending
// runnable tasks with that priority. Because there are only a handful of
// priorities, and because we always run tasks in order from highest to lowest
// priority, we can use a single integer to represent enabled priorities,
// using a bit per priority.
class BASE_EXPORT ActivePriorityTracker {
bool HasActivePriority() const { return active_priorities_ != 0; }
bool IsActive(TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority) const {
return active_priorities_ & (size_t{1} << static_cast<size_t>(priority));
void SetActive(TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority, bool is_active);
TaskQueue::QueuePriority HighestActivePriority() const;
static_assert(SequenceManager::PrioritySettings::kMaxPriorities <
sizeof(size_t) * 8,
"The number of priorities must be strictly less than the "
"number of bits of |active_priorities_|!");
size_t active_priorities_ = 0;
* SetOperation is used to configure ChooseWithPriority() and must have:
* static std::optional<WorkQueueAndTaskOrder>
* GetWithPriority(const WorkQueueSets& sets,
* TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority);
// The default
struct SetOperationOldest {
static std::optional<WorkQueueAndTaskOrder> GetWithPriority(
const WorkQueueSets& sets,
TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority) {
return sets.GetOldestQueueAndTaskOrderInSet(priority);
struct SetOperationRandom {
static std::optional<WorkQueueAndTaskOrder> GetWithPriority(
const WorkQueueSets& sets,
TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority) {
return sets.GetRandomQueueAndTaskOrderInSet(priority);
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
template <typename SetOperation>
WorkQueue* ChooseWithPriority(TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority) const {
// Select an immediate work queue if we are starving immediate tasks.
if (immediate_starvation_count_ >= g_max_delayed_starvation_tasks) {
WorkQueue* queue =
if (queue)
return queue;
return ChooseDelayedOnlyWithPriority<SetOperation>(priority);
return ChooseImmediateOrDelayedTaskWithPriority<SetOperation>(priority);
template <typename SetOperation>
WorkQueue* ChooseImmediateOnlyWithPriority(
TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority) const {
if (auto queue_and_order = SetOperation::GetWithPriority(
immediate_work_queue_sets_, priority)) {
return queue_and_order->queue;
return nullptr;
template <typename SetOperation>
WorkQueue* ChooseDelayedOnlyWithPriority(
TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority) const {
if (auto queue_and_order =
SetOperation::GetWithPriority(delayed_work_queue_sets_, priority)) {
return queue_and_order->queue;
return nullptr;
size_t priority_count() const { return non_empty_set_counts_.size(); }
void ChangeSetIndex(internal::TaskQueueImpl* queue,
TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority);
void AddQueueImpl(internal::TaskQueueImpl* queue,
TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority);
void RemoveQueueImpl(internal::TaskQueueImpl* queue);
#if DCHECK_IS_ON() || !defined(NDEBUG)
bool CheckContainsQueueForTest(const internal::TaskQueueImpl* queue) const;
template <typename SetOperation>
WorkQueue* ChooseImmediateOrDelayedTaskWithPriority(
TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority) const {
if (auto immediate_queue_and_order = SetOperation::GetWithPriority(
immediate_work_queue_sets_, priority)) {
if (auto delayed_queue_and_order = SetOperation::GetWithPriority(
delayed_work_queue_sets_, priority)) {
return immediate_queue_and_order->order < delayed_queue_and_order->order
? immediate_queue_and_order->queue
: delayed_queue_and_order->queue;
return immediate_queue_and_order->queue;
return ChooseDelayedOnlyWithPriority<SetOperation>(priority);
// Returns true if there are pending tasks with priority |priority|.
bool HasTasksWithPriority(TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority) const;
const scoped_refptr<const AssociatedThreadId> associated_thread_;
const bool random_task_selection_ = false;
// Count of the number of sets (delayed or immediate) for each priority.
// Should only contain 0, 1 or 2.
std::vector<int> non_empty_set_counts_;
static constexpr const int kMaxNonEmptySetCount = 2;
// An atomic is used here because InitializeFeatures() can race with
// SequenceManager reading this.
static std::atomic_int g_max_delayed_starvation_tasks;
// List of active priorities, which is used to work out which priority to run
// next.
ActivePriorityTracker active_priority_tracker_;
WorkQueueSets delayed_work_queue_sets_;
WorkQueueSets immediate_work_queue_sets_;
int immediate_starvation_count_ = 0;
raw_ptr<Observer> task_queue_selector_observer_ = nullptr; // Not owned.
} // namespace internal
} // namespace sequence_manager
} // namespace base