blob: c7f95f60a1d63c232c7cf659ab8075f405bc0b34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/features.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_pump.h"
#include "base/profiler/sample_metadata.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/task/common/lazy_now.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/associated_thread_id.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/tasks.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/trace_event/base_tracing.h"
#include "base/tracing_buildflags.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace base {
class HistogramBase;
class MessageLoopBase;
class TickClock;
struct PendingTask;
namespace sequence_manager {
namespace internal {
class SequencedTaskSource;
// Implementation of this interface is used by SequenceManager to schedule
// actual work to be run. Hopefully we can stop using MessageLoop and this
// interface will become more concise.
class BASE_EXPORT ThreadController {
// Phases the top-RunLevel can go through. While these are more precise than
// RunLevelTracker::State, unlike it: phases are determined retrospectively
// as we often only find out the type of work that was just performed at the
// end of a phase. Or even find out about past phases later in the timeline
// (i.e. kScheduled is only known after the first kSelectingApplicationTask
// phase out-of-idle).
// Public for unit tests.
// These values are logged to UMA. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. Please keep in sync
// with "MessagePumpPhases" in src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
enum Phase {
kScheduled = 1,
kPumpOverhead = 2,
// Any work item, in practice application tasks are mapped to
// kApplicationTask so this only accounts for native work.
kWorkItem = 3,
kNativeWork = kWorkItem,
kSelectingApplicationTask = 4,
kApplicationTask = 5,
kIdleWork = 6,
kNested = 7,
kLastPhase = kNested,
// Reported as a kWorkItem but doesn't clear state relevant to the ongoing
// work item as it isn't finished (will resume after nesting).
explicit ThreadController(const TickClock* time_source);
virtual ~ThreadController();
// Sets the number of tasks executed in a single invocation of DoWork.
// Increasing the batch size can reduce the overhead of yielding back to the
// main message loop.
virtual void SetWorkBatchSize(int work_batch_size = 1) = 0;
// Notifies that |pending_task| is about to be enqueued. Needed for tracing
// purposes. The impl may use this opportunity add metadata to |pending_task|
// before it is moved into the queue.
virtual void WillQueueTask(PendingTask* pending_task) = 0;
// Notify the controller that its associated sequence has immediate work
// to run. Shortly after this is called, the thread associated with this
// controller will run a task returned by sequence->TakeTask(). Can be called
// from any sequence.
// TODO(altimin): Change this to "the thread associated with this
// controller will run tasks returned by sequence->TakeTask() until it
// returns null or sequence->DidRunTask() returns false" once the
// code is changed to work that way.
virtual void ScheduleWork() = 0;
// Notify the controller that SequencedTaskSource will have a delayed work
// ready to be run at |wake_up|. This call cancels any previously
// scheduled delayed work. Can only be called from the main sequence.
// NOTE: GetPendingWakeUp might return a different value as it also takes
// immediate work into account.
// TODO(kraynov): Remove |lazy_now| parameter.
virtual void SetNextDelayedDoWork(LazyNow* lazy_now,
std::optional<WakeUp> wake_up) = 0;
// Sets the sequenced task source from which to take tasks after
// a Schedule*Work() call is made.
// Must be called before the first call to Schedule*Work().
virtual void SetSequencedTaskSource(SequencedTaskSource*) = 0;
// Completes delayed initialization of unbound ThreadControllers.
// BindToCurrentThread(MessageLoopBase*) or BindToCurrentThread(MessagePump*)
// may only be called once.
virtual void BindToCurrentThread(
std::unique_ptr<MessagePump> message_pump) = 0;
// Explicitly allow or disallow task execution. Implicitly disallowed when
// entering a nested runloop.
virtual void SetTaskExecutionAllowedInNativeNestedLoop(bool allowed) = 0;
// Whether task execution is allowed or not.
virtual bool IsTaskExecutionAllowed() const = 0;
// Returns the MessagePump we're bound to if any.
virtual MessagePump* GetBoundMessagePump() const = 0;
// Returns true if the current run loop should quit when idle.
virtual bool ShouldQuitRunLoopWhenIdle() = 0;
// On iOS, the main message loop cannot be Run(). Instead call
// AttachToMessagePump(), which connects this ThreadController to the
// UI thread's CFRunLoop and allows PostTask() to work.
virtual void AttachToMessagePump() = 0;
// Detaches this ThreadController from the message pump, allowing the
// controller to be shut down cleanly.
virtual void DetachFromMessagePump() = 0;
// Initializes features for this class. See `base::features::Init()`.
static void InitializeFeatures(
features::EmitThreadControllerProfilerMetadata emit_profiler_metadata);
// Enables TimeKeeper metrics. `thread_name` will be used as a suffix.
// Setting `wall_time_based_metrics_enabled_for_testing` adds wall-time
// based metrics for this thread. It also also disables subsampling.
void EnableMessagePumpTimeKeeperMetrics(
const char* thread_name,
bool wall_time_based_metrics_enabled_for_testing);
// Currently only overridden on ThreadControllerWithMessagePumpImpl.
// While Now() is less than |prioritize_until| we will alternate between
// |work_batch_size| tasks before setting |yield_to_native| on the
// NextWorkInfo and yielding to the underlying sequence (e.g. the message
// pump).
virtual void PrioritizeYieldingToNative(base::TimeTicks prioritize_until) = 0;
// Sets the SingleThreadTaskRunner that will be returned by
// SingleThreadTaskRunner::GetCurrentDefault on the thread controlled by this
// ThreadController.
virtual void SetDefaultTaskRunner(scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner>) = 0;
// TODO(altimin): Get rid of the methods below.
// These methods exist due to current integration of SequenceManager
// with MessageLoop.
virtual bool RunsTasksInCurrentSequence() = 0;
void SetTickClock(const TickClock* clock);
virtual scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> GetDefaultTaskRunner() = 0;
virtual void RestoreDefaultTaskRunner() = 0;
virtual void AddNestingObserver(RunLoop::NestingObserver* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveNestingObserver(RunLoop::NestingObserver* observer) = 0;
const scoped_refptr<AssociatedThreadId>& GetAssociatedThread() const {
return associated_thread_;
const scoped_refptr<AssociatedThreadId> associated_thread_;
// The source of TimeTicks for this ThreadController.
// Must only be accessed from the `associated_thread_`.
// TODO(scheduler-dev): This could be made
// `GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(associated_thread_->thread_checker)` when
// switching MainThreadOnly to thread annotations and annotating all
// thread-affine ThreadController methods. Without that, this lone annotation
// would result in an inconsistent set of DCHECKs...
raw_ptr<const TickClock> time_source_; // Not owned.
// Whether or not wall-time based metrics are enabled.
bool wall_time_based_metrics_enabled_for_testing_;
// Tracks the state of each run-level (main and nested ones) in its associated
// ThreadController. It does so using two high-level principles:
// 1) #work-in-work-implies-nested :
// If the |state_| is kRunningWorkItem and another work item starts
// (OnWorkStarted()), it implies this inner-work-item is running from a
// 2) #done-work-at-lower-runlevel-implies-done-nested
// WorkItems are required to pass in the nesting depth at which they were
// created in OnWorkEnded(). Then, if |rundepth| is lower than the current
// RunDepth(), we know the top RunLevel was an (already exited) nested
// loop and will be popped off |run_levels_|.
// We need this logic because native nested loops can run from any work item
// without a RunLoop being involved, see
// ThreadControllerWithMessagePumpTest.ThreadControllerActive* tests for
// examples. Using these two heuristics is the simplest way, trying to
// capture all the ways in which work items can nest is harder than reacting
// as it happens.
// Note 1: "native work" is only captured if the MessagePump is
// instrumented to see them and shares them with ThreadController (via
// MessagePump::Delegate::OnBeginWorkItem). As such it is still possible to
// view trace events emanating from native work without "ThreadController
// active" being active.
// Note 2: Non-instrumented native work does not break the two high-level
// principles above because:
// A) If a non-instrumented work item enters a nested loop, either:
// i) No instrumented work run within the loop so it's invisible.
// ii) Instrumented work runs *and* current state is kRunningWorkItem
// ((A) is a work item within an instrumented work item):
// #work-in-work-implies-nested triggers and the nested loop is
// visible.
// iii) Instrumented work runs *and* current state is kIdle or
// kInBetweenWorkItems ((A) is a work item run by a native loop):
// #work-in-work-implies-nested doesn't trigger and this instrumented
// work (iii) looks like a non-nested continuation of work at the
// current RunLevel.
// B) When work item (A) exits its nested loop and completes, respectively:
// i) The loop was invisible so no RunLevel was created for it and
// #done-work-at-lower-runlevel-implies-done-nested doesn't trigger so
// it balances out.
// ii) Instrumented work did run, and so RunLevels() increased. However,
// since instrumented work (the work which called the nested loop)
// keeps track of its own run depth, on its exit, we know to pop the
// RunLevel corresponding to the nested work.
// iii) Nested instrumented work was visible but didn't appear nested,
// state is now back to kInBetweenWorkItems or kIdle as before (A).
class BASE_EXPORT RunLevelTracker {
// States each RunLevel can be in.
enum State {
// Waiting for work (pending wakeup).
// Between two work items but not idle.
// Running and currently processing a work items (includes selecting the
// next work item, i.e. either peeking the native work queue or selecting
// the next application task).
explicit RunLevelTracker(const ThreadController& outer);
void OnRunLoopStarted(State initial_state, LazyNow& lazy_now);
void OnRunLoopEnded();
void OnWorkStarted(LazyNow& lazy_now);
void OnApplicationTaskSelected(TimeTicks queue_time, LazyNow& lazy_now);
void OnWorkEnded(LazyNow& lazy_now, int run_level_depth);
void OnIdle(LazyNow& lazy_now);
size_t num_run_levels() const {
return run_levels_.size();
// Emits a perfetto::Flow (wakeup.flow) event associated with this
// RunLevelTracker.
void RecordScheduleWork();
void EnableTimeKeeperMetrics(
const char* thread_name,
bool wall_time_based_metrics_enabled_for_testing);
// Observes changes of state sent as trace-events so they can be tested.
class TraceObserverForTesting {
virtual ~TraceObserverForTesting() = default;
virtual void OnThreadControllerActiveBegin() = 0;
virtual void OnThreadControllerActiveEnd() = 0;
virtual void OnPhaseRecorded(Phase phase) = 0;
static void SetTraceObserverForTesting(
TraceObserverForTesting* trace_observer_for_testing);
// Keeps track of the time spent in various Phases (ignores idle), reports
// via UMA to the corresponding phase every time one reaches >= 100ms of
// cumulative time, resulting in a metric of relative time spent in each
// non-idle phase. Also emits each phase as a trace event on its own
// MessagePumpPhases track when the disabled-by-default-base tracing
// category is enabled.
class TimeKeeper {
explicit TimeKeeper(const RunLevelTracker& outer);
void EnableRecording(const char* thread_name,
bool wall_time_based_metrics_enabled_for_testing);
// Records the start time of the first phase out-of-idle. The kScheduled
// phase will be attributed the time before this point once its
// `queue_time` is known.
void RecordWakeUp(LazyNow& lazy_now);
// Accounts the time since OnWorkStarted() towards
// kSelectingApplicationTask. Accounts `queue_time - last_wakeup_` towards
// kScheduled (iff `queue_time` is not null nor later than
// `last_wakeup_`). And flags the current kWorkItem as a kApplicationTask,
// to be accounted from OnWorkEnded(). Emits a trace event for the
// kScheduled phase if applicable.
void OnApplicationTaskSelected(TimeTicks queue_time, LazyNow& lazy_now);
// If recording is enabled: Records the end of a phase, attributing it the
// delta between `lazy_now` and `last_phase_end` and emit a trace event
// for it.
void RecordEndOfPhase(Phase phase, LazyNow& lazy_now);
// If recording is enabled: If the `wakeup.flow` category is enabled,
// record a TerminatingFlow into the current "ThreadController Active"
// track event.
void MaybeEmitIncomingWakeupFlow(perfetto::EventContext& ctx);
const std::string& thread_name() const { return thread_name_; }
bool wall_time_based_metrics_enabled_for_testing() const {
return wall_time_based_metrics_enabled_for_testing_;
enum class ShouldRecordReqs {
// Regular should-record requirements.
// On wakeup there's an exception to the requirement that `last_wakeup_`
// be set.
// On end-nested there's an exception to the requirement that there's no
// ongoing nesting (as the kNested phase ends from ~RunLevel, before
// run_levels.pop() completes).
bool ShouldRecordNow(ShouldRecordReqs reqs = ShouldRecordReqs::kRegular);
// Common helper to actually record time in a phase and emitt histograms
// as needed.
void RecordTimeInPhase(Phase phase,
TimeTicks phase_begin,
TimeTicks phase_end);
static const char* PhaseToEventName(Phase phase);
std::string thread_name_;
// Whether or not wall-time based metrics are reported.
bool wall_time_based_metrics_enabled_for_testing_ = false;
// Cumulative time deltas for each phase, reported and reset when >=100ms.
std::array<TimeDelta, Phase::kLastPhase + 1> deltas_ = {};
// Set at the start of the first work item out-of-idle. Consumed from the
// first application task found in that work cycle
// (in OnApplicationTaskSelected).
TimeTicks last_wakeup_;
// The end of the last phase (used as the beginning of the next one).
TimeTicks last_phase_end_;
// The end of the last kIdleWork phase. Used as a minimum for the next
// kScheduled phase's begin (as it's possible that the next wake-up is
// scheduled during DoIdleWork and we don't want overlapping phases).
TimeTicks last_sleep_;
// Assumes each kWorkItem is native unless OnApplicationTaskSelected() is
// invoked in a given [OnWorkStarted, OnWorkEnded].
bool current_work_item_is_native_ = true;
// non-null when recording is enabled.
raw_ptr<HistogramBase> histogram_ = nullptr;
std::optional<perfetto::Track> perfetto_track_;
// True if tracing was enabled during the last pass of RecordTimeInPhase.
bool was_tracing_enabled_ = false;
const raw_ref<const RunLevelTracker> outer_;
} time_keeper_{*this};
class RunLevel {
RunLevel(State initial_state,
bool is_nested,
TimeKeeper& time_keeper,
LazyNow& lazy_now);
// Move-constructible for STL compat. Flags `other.was_moved_` so it noops
// on destruction after handing off its responsibility. Move-assignment
// is not necessary nor possible as not all members are assignable.
RunLevel(RunLevel&& other);
RunLevel& operator=(RunLevel&&) = delete;
void UpdateState(State new_state, LazyNow& lazy_now);
State state() const { return state_; }
void set_exit_lazy_now(LazyNow* exit_lazy_now) {
exit_lazy_now_ = exit_lazy_now;
void LogPercentageMetric(const char* name, int value);
void LogPercentageMetric(const char* name,
int value,
base::TimeDelta interval_duration);
void LogIntervalMetric(const char* name,
base::TimeDelta value,
base::TimeDelta interval_duration);
void LogOnActiveMetrics(LazyNow& lazy_now);
void LogOnIdleMetrics(LazyNow& lazy_now);
base::TimeTicks last_active_end_;
base::TimeTicks last_active_start_;
base::ThreadTicks last_active_threadtick_start_;
base::TimeDelta accumulated_idle_time_;
base::TimeDelta accumulated_active_time_;
base::TimeDelta accumulated_active_on_cpu_time_;
base::TimeDelta accumulated_active_off_cpu_time_;
MetricsSubSampler metrics_sub_sampler_;
State state_ = kIdle;
bool is_nested_;
bool ShouldRecordSampleMetadata();
// Get full suffix for histogram logging purposes. |duration| should equal
// TimeDelta() when not applicable.
std::string GetSuffixForHistogram(TimeDelta duration);
std::string GetSuffixForCatchAllHistogram();
std::string_view GetThreadName();
const raw_ref<TimeKeeper> time_keeper_;
// Must be set shortly before ~RunLevel.
raw_ptr<LazyNow> exit_lazy_now_ = nullptr;
SampleMetadata thread_controller_sample_metadata_;
size_t thread_controller_active_id_ = 0;
// Toggles to true when used as RunLevel&& input to construct another
// RunLevel. This RunLevel's destructor will then no-op.
class TruePostMove {
TruePostMove() = default;
TruePostMove(TruePostMove&& other) { other.was_moved_ = true; }
// Not necessary for now.
TruePostMove& operator=(TruePostMove&&) = delete;
explicit operator bool() { return was_moved_; }
bool was_moved_ = false;
TruePostMove was_moved_;
[[maybe_unused]] const raw_ref<const ThreadController> outer_;
std::stack<RunLevel, std::vector<RunLevel>> run_levels_
static TraceObserverForTesting* trace_observer_for_testing_;
} run_level_tracker_{*this};
} // namespace internal
} // namespace sequence_manager
} // namespace base