blob: df30e39f660874f6614f3f346505bdd7cae96632 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/containers/intrusive_heap.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr_exclusion.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/fence.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/sequenced_task_source.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/task_queue_impl.h"
#include "base/values.h"
namespace base {
namespace sequence_manager {
class TaskOrder;
namespace internal {
class WorkQueueSets;
// This class keeps track of immediate and delayed tasks which are due to run
// now. It interfaces deeply with WorkQueueSets which keeps track of which queue
// (with a given priority) contains the oldest task.
// If a fence is inserted, WorkQueue behaves normally up until
// TakeTaskFromWorkQueue reaches or exceeds the fence. At that point it the
// API subset used by WorkQueueSets pretends the WorkQueue is empty until the
// fence is removed. This functionality is a primitive intended for use by
// throttling mechanisms.
class BASE_EXPORT WorkQueue {
using QueueType = internal::TaskQueueImpl::WorkQueueType;
// Note |task_queue| can be null if queue_type is kNonNestable.
WorkQueue(TaskQueueImpl* task_queue, const char* name, QueueType queue_type);
WorkQueue(const WorkQueue&) = delete;
WorkQueue& operator=(const WorkQueue&) = delete;
// Associates this work queue with the given work queue sets. This must be
// called before any tasks can be inserted into this work queue.
void AssignToWorkQueueSets(WorkQueueSets* work_queue_sets);
// Assigns the current set index.
void AssignSetIndex(size_t work_queue_set_index);
Value::List AsValue(TimeTicks now) const;
// Returns true if the |tasks_| is empty. This method ignores any fences.
bool Empty() const { return tasks_.empty(); }
// Returns the front task's TaskOrder if `tasks_` is non-empty and a fence
// hasn't been reached, otherwise returns nullopt.
std::optional<TaskOrder> GetFrontTaskOrder() const;
// Returns the first task in this queue or null if the queue is empty. This
// method ignores any fences.
const Task* GetFrontTask() const;
// Returns the last task in this queue or null if the queue is empty. This
// method ignores any fences.
const Task* GetBackTask() const;
// Pushes the task onto the |tasks_| and if a fence hasn't been reached
// it informs the WorkQueueSets if the head changed.
void Push(Task task);
// RAII helper that helps efficiently push N Tasks to a WorkQueue.
class BASE_EXPORT TaskPusher {
TaskPusher(const TaskPusher&) = delete;
TaskPusher(TaskPusher&& other);
void Push(Task task);
friend class WorkQueue;
explicit TaskPusher(WorkQueue* work_queue);
// RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION: Performance reasons (based on analysis of sampling
// profiler data and tab_search:top100:2020).
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION WorkQueue* work_queue_ = nullptr;
const bool was_empty_;
// Returns an RAII helper to efficiently push multiple tasks.
TaskPusher CreateTaskPusher();
// Pushes the task onto the front of the |tasks_| and if it's before any
// fence it informs the WorkQueueSets the head changed. Use with caution this
// API can easily lead to task starvation if misused.
void PushNonNestableTaskToFront(Task task);
// Reloads the empty |tasks_| with
// |task_queue_->TakeImmediateIncomingQueue| and if a fence hasn't been
// reached it informs the WorkQueueSets if the head changed.
void TakeImmediateIncomingQueueTasks();
size_t Size() const { return tasks_.size(); }
size_t Capacity() const { return tasks_.capacity(); }
// Pulls a task off the |tasks_| and informs the WorkQueueSets. If the
// task removed had an enqueue order >= the current fence then WorkQueue
// pretends to be empty as far as the WorkQueueSets is concerned.
Task TakeTaskFromWorkQueue();
// Removes all canceled tasks from the head of the list. Returns true if any
// tasks were removed.
bool RemoveAllCanceledTasksFromFront();
const char* name() const { return name_; }
TaskQueueImpl* task_queue() const { return task_queue_; }
WorkQueueSets* work_queue_sets() const { return work_queue_sets_; }
size_t work_queue_set_index() const { return work_queue_set_index_; }
HeapHandle heap_handle() const { return heap_handle_; }
void set_heap_handle(HeapHandle handle) { heap_handle_ = handle; }
QueueType queue_type() const { return queue_type_; }
// Submit a fence. When TakeTaskFromWorkQueue encounters a task whose
// enqueue_order is >= |fence| then the WorkQueue will start pretending to be.
// empty.
// Inserting a fence may supersede a previous one and unblock some tasks.
// Returns true if any tasks where unblocked, returns false otherwise.
bool InsertFence(Fence fence);
// Submit a fence without triggering a WorkQueueSets notification.
// Caller must ensure that WorkQueueSets are properly updated.
// This method should not be called when a fence is already present.
void InsertFenceSilently(Fence fence);
// Removes any fences that where added and if WorkQueue was pretending to be
// empty, then the real value is reported to WorkQueueSets. Returns true if
// any tasks where unblocked.
bool RemoveFence();
// Returns true if any tasks are blocked by the fence. Returns true if the
// queue is empty and fence has been set (i.e. future tasks would be blocked).
// Otherwise returns false.
bool BlockedByFence() const;
// Shrinks |tasks_| if it's wasting memory.
void MaybeShrinkQueue();
// Test support function. This should not be used in production code.
void PopTaskForTesting();
// Iterates through |tasks_| adding any that are older than |reference| to
// |result|.
void CollectTasksOlderThan(TaskOrder reference,
std::vector<const Task*>* result) const;
bool InsertFenceImpl(Fence fence);
TaskQueueImpl::TaskDeque tasks_;
// RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION: Performance reasons (based on analysis of speedometer3).
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION WorkQueueSets* work_queue_sets_ = nullptr; // NOT OWNED.
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION TaskQueueImpl* const task_queue_ = nullptr; // NOT OWNED.
size_t work_queue_set_index_ = 0;
// Iff the queue isn't empty (or appearing to be empty due to a fence) then
// |heap_handle_| will be valid and correspond to this queue's location within
// an IntrusiveHeap inside the WorkQueueSet.
HeapHandle heap_handle_;
const char* const name_;
std::optional<Fence> fence_;
const QueueType queue_type_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace sequence_manager
} // namespace base