blob: accb3c9096cd007ab66e29bad8a245d58e2e22f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/types/variant.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/types/expected.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/policy/policy_export.h"
namespace policy {
namespace internal {
struct POLICY_EXPORT SchemaData;
struct POLICY_EXPORT SchemaNode;
struct POLICY_EXPORT PropertyNode;
struct POLICY_EXPORT PropertiesNode;
} // namespace internal
// The error path, which leads to an error occurred. Members of the
// error path can either be ints in case of list items or strings in case of
// dictionary keys.
using PolicyErrorPath = std::vector<absl::variant<int, std::string>>;
// Returns a formatted string for a given error path |error_path|, consisting
// of list indices and dict keys.
// For example, ErrorPathToString("TestPolicy", {4, "testField"}) will be
// encoded as "TestPolicy[4].testField"
POLICY_EXPORT std::string ErrorPathToString(const std::string& policy_name,
PolicyErrorPath error_path);
// Option flags passed to Schema::Validate() and Schema::Normalize(), describing
// the strategy to handle unknown properties or invalid values for dict type.
// Note that in Schema::Normalize() allowed errors will be dropped and thus
// ignored.
// Unknown error indicates that some value in a dictionary (may or may not be
// the one in root) have unknown property name according to schema.
// Invalid error indicates a validation failure against the schema. As
// validation is done recursively, a validation failure of dict properties or
// list items might be ignored (or dropped in Normalize()) or trigger whole
// dictionary/list validation failure.
enum SchemaOnErrorStrategy {
// No errors will be allowed. This should not be used for policies, since it
// basically prevents future changes to the policy (Server sends newField, but
// clients running older versions of Chrome reject the policy because they
// don't know newField). Prefer to use |SCHEMA_ALLOW_UNKNOWN| or
// instead.
// Unknown properties in any dictionary will be ignored.
// In addition to the previous, invalid list entries will be ignored for all
// lists in the schema. Should only be used in cases where dropping list items
// is safe. For example, can't be used if an empty list has a special meaning,
// like allowing everything.
// Same as |SCHEMA_ALLOW_UNKNOWN|, but unknown properties won't cause errors
// messages to be added. Used to allow adding extra fields to the policy
// internally, without adding those fields to the schema. This option should
// be avoided, since it suppresses the errors.
// Schema validation options for Schema::ParseToDictAndValidate().
constexpr int kSchemaOptionsNone = 0;
constexpr int kSchemaOptionsIgnoreUnknownAttributes = 1 << 0;
// String used to hide sensitive policy values.
// It should be consistent with the mask |NetworkConfigurationPolicyHandler|
// uses for network credential fields.
extern const char kSensitiveValueMask[];
class Schema;
typedef std::vector<Schema> SchemaList;
// Describes the expected type of one policy. Also recursively describes the
// types of inner elements, for structured types.
// Objects of this class refer to external, immutable data and are cheap to
// copy.
// See components/policy/core/common/json_schema_constants.h for a list of
// supported features and data types. Only these features and data-types are
// supported and enforced. For the full schema proposal see
// There are also these departures from the proposal:
// - "additionalProperties": false is not supported. The value of
// "additionalProperties" has to be a schema if present. Otherwise, the
// behavior for unknown attributes is controlled by |SchemaOnErrorStrategy|.
// - "sensitiveValue" (bool) marks a value to be sensitive. This is used to
// mask those values in the UI by calling |MaskSensitiveValues()|.
class POLICY_EXPORT Schema {
// Used internally to store shared data.
class InternalStorage;
// Builds an empty, invalid schema.
// Makes a copy of |schema| that shares the same internal storage.
Schema(const Schema& schema);
Schema& operator=(const Schema& schema);
// Returns a Schema that references static data. This can be used by
// the embedder to pass structures generated at compile time, which can then
// be quickly loaded at runtime.
static Schema Wrap(const internal::SchemaData* data);
// Parses a JSON schema. If the input `content` represents a valid schema,
// returns a Schema. Otherwise, returns an error message containing a reason
// for the failure.
static base::expected<Schema, std::string> Parse(const std::string& content);
// Verifies if |schema| is a valid JSON v3 schema. When this validation passes
// then |schema| is valid JSON that can be parsed into a Value::Dict which can
// be used to build a |Schema|. Returns the parsed Value::Dict when |schema|
// validated, otherwise returns an error description. For performance reasons,
// currently IsValidSchema() won't check the correctness of regular
// expressions used in "pattern" and "patternProperties" and in Validate()
// invalid regular expression don't accept any strings. |options| is a
// bitwise-OR combination of the options above (see |kSchemaOptions*| above).
static base::expected<base::Value::Dict, std::string> ParseToDictAndValidate(
const std::string& schema,
int options);
// Returns true if this Schema is valid. Schemas returned by the methods below
// may be invalid, and in those cases the other methods must not be used.
bool valid() const { return !!node_; }
base::Value::Type type() const;
// Validate |value| against current schema, |strategy| is the strategy to
// handle unknown properties or invalid values. Allowed errors will be
// ignored. |out_error_path| and |out_error| will contain the last error
// location and detailed message if |value| doesn't strictly conform to the
// schema. If |value| doesn't conform to the schema even within the allowance
// of |strategy|, false will be returned and |out_error_path| and |out_error|
// will contain the corresponding error that caused the failure.
// |out_error_path| and |out_error| can be nullptr and in that case no value
// will be returned.
bool Validate(const base::Value& value,
SchemaOnErrorStrategy strategy,
PolicyErrorPath* out_error_path,
std::string* out_error) const;
// Similar to Validate() but drop values with errors instead of ignoring them.
// |out_changed| is a pointer to a boolean value, and indicate whether |value|
// is changed or not (probably dropped properties or items). Be sure to set
// the bool that |out_changed| pointed to false before calling Normalize().
// |out_error_path|, |out_error| and |out_changed| can be nullptr and in that
// case no value will be set. This function will also take the ownership of
// dropped base::Value and destroy them.
bool Normalize(base::Value* value,
SchemaOnErrorStrategy strategy,
PolicyErrorPath* out_error_path,
std::string* out_error,
bool* out_changed) const;
// Modifies |value| in place - masks values that have been marked as sensitive
// ("sensitiveValue": true) in this Schema. Note that |value| may not be
// schema-valid according to this Schema after this function returns - the
// masking is performed by replacing values with string values, so the value
// types may not correspond to this Schema anymore.
void MaskSensitiveValues(base::Value* value) const;
// Used to iterate over the known properties of Type::DICT schemas.
class POLICY_EXPORT Iterator {
Iterator(const scoped_refptr<const InternalStorage>& storage,
const internal::PropertiesNode* node);
Iterator(const Iterator& iterator);
Iterator& operator=(const Iterator& iterator);
// The other methods must not be called if the iterator is at the end.
bool IsAtEnd() const;
// Advances the iterator to the next property.
void Advance();
// Returns the name of the current property.
const char* key() const;
// Returns the Schema for the current property. This Schema is always valid.
Schema schema() const;
scoped_refptr<const InternalStorage> storage_;
raw_ptr<const internal::PropertyNode, AllowPtrArithmetic> it_;
raw_ptr<const internal::PropertyNode, AllowPtrArithmetic> end_;
// These methods should be called only if type() == Type::DICT,
// otherwise invalid memory will be read. A CHECK is currently enforcing this.
// Returns an iterator that goes over the named properties of this schema.
// The returned iterator is at the beginning.
Iterator GetPropertiesIterator() const;
// Returns the Schema for the property named |key|. If |key| is not a known
// property name then the returned Schema is not valid.
Schema GetKnownProperty(const std::string& key) const;
// Returns all Schemas from pattern properties that match |key|. May be empty.
SchemaList GetPatternProperties(const std::string& key) const;
// Returns this Schema's required properties. May be empty if the Schema has
// no required properties.
std::vector<std::string> GetRequiredProperties() const;
// Returns the Schema for additional properties. If additional properties are
// not allowed for this Schema then the Schema returned is not valid.
Schema GetAdditionalProperties() const;
// Returns the Schema for |key| if it is a known property, otherwise returns
// the Schema for additional properties.
// DEPRECATED: This function didn't consider patternProperties, use
// GetMatchingProperties() instead.
// TODO(binjin): Replace calls to this function with GetKnownProperty() or
// GetMatchingProperties() and remove this later.
Schema GetProperty(const std::string& key) const;
// Returns all Schemas that are supposed to be validated against for |key|.
// May be empty.
SchemaList GetMatchingProperties(const std::string& key) const;
// Returns the Schema for items of an array.
// This method should be called only if type() == Type::LIST,
// otherwise invalid memory will be read. A CHECK is currently enforcing this.
Schema GetItems() const;
// Gets the validation schema associated with this |schema| - or if there
// isn't one, returns an empty invalid schema. There are a few policies that
// contain embedded JSON - these policies have a schema for validating that
// JSON that is more complicated than the regular schema. For other policies
// it is not defined. To get the validation schema for a policy, call
// |chrome_schema.GetValidationSchema().GetKnownProperty(policy_name)|, where
// |chrome_schema| is the root schema that has all policies as children.
Schema GetValidationSchema() const;
// If this returns true, the value described by this schema should not be
// displayed on the UI.
bool IsSensitiveValue() const;
// If this returns true, the schema contains child elements that contain
// sensitive values.
bool HasSensitiveChildren() const;
// Builds a schema pointing to the inner structure of |storage|,
// rooted at |node|.
Schema(const scoped_refptr<const InternalStorage>& storage,
const internal::SchemaNode* node);
bool ValidateIntegerRestriction(int index, int value) const;
bool ValidateStringRestriction(int index, const char* str) const;
void MaskSensitiveValuesRecursive(base::Value* value) const;
scoped_refptr<const InternalStorage> storage_;
raw_ptr<const internal::SchemaNode, DanglingUntriaged | AllowPtrArithmetic>
} // namespace policy