blob: 624349577cda5c15d7235daeb144104cfc797b30 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "dbus/dbus_export.h"
#include "dbus/message.h"
namespace dbus {
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class DBusResult {
kSuccess = 0,
kErrorNoReply = 1,
kErrorTimeout = 2,
kErrorTimedOut = 3,
kErrorNotSupported = 4,
kErrorAccessDenied = 5,
kErrorDisconnected = 6,
kErrorResponseMissing = 7,
kErrorUnknown = 8,
kErrorFailed = 9,
kErrorNoMemory = 10,
kErrorServiceUnknown = 11,
kErrorNameHasNoOwner = 12,
kErrorIOError = 13,
kErrorBadAddress = 14,
kErrorLimitsExceeded = 15,
kErrorAuthFailed = 16,
kErrorNoServer = 17,
kErrorNoNetwork = 18,
kErrorAddressInUse = 19,
kErrorInvalidArgs = 20,
kErrorFileNotFound = 21,
kErrorFileExists = 22,
kErrorUnknownMethod = 23,
kErrorUnknownObject = 24,
kErrorUnknownInterface = 25,
kErrorUnknownProperty = 26,
kErrorPropertyReadOnly = 27,
kErrorMatchRuleNotFound = 28,
kErrorMatchRuleInvalid = 29,
kErrorSpawnExecFailed = 30,
kErrorSpawnForkFailed = 31,
kErrorSpawnChildExited = 32,
kErrorSpawnChildSignaled = 33,
kErrorSpawnFailed = 34,
kErrorSpawnSetupFailed = 35,
kErrorSpawnConfigInvalid = 36,
kErrorSpawnServiceInvalid = 37,
kErrorSpawnServiceNotFound = 38,
kErrorSpawnPermissionsInvalid = 39,
kErrorSpawnFileInvalid = 40,
kErrorSpawnNoMemory = 41,
kErrorUnixProcessIDUnknown = 42,
kErrorInvalidSignature = 43,
kErrorInvalidFileContent = 44,
kErrorSELinuxSecurityContextUnknown = 45,
kErrorAdtAuditDataUnknown = 46,
kErrorObjectPathInUse = 47,
kErrorInconsistentMessage = 48,
kErrorInteractiveAuthorizationRequired = 49,
kErrorNotContainer = 50,
kMaxValue = kErrorNotContainer
CHROME_DBUS_EXPORT DBusResult GetResult(dbus::ErrorResponse* response);
} // namespace dbus