blob: 434c3ffd14b0732287375111824ee4669a16d10c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file handles the details of reporting user metrics related to login.
#include "login_manager/login_metrics.h"
#include <base/file_util.h>
#include <metrics/bootstat.h>
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
namespace login_manager {
namespace {
// Uptime stats file created when session_manager executes Chrome.
// For any case of reload after crash no stats are recorded.
// For any signout stats are recorded.
const char kChromeUptimeFile[] = "/tmp/uptime-chrome-exec";
const char kLoginConsumerAllowsNewUsersMetric[] =
const char kLoginPolicyFilesMetric[] = "Login.PolicyFilesStatePerBoot";
const char kLoginUserTypeMetric[] = "Login.UserType";
const int kMaxPolicyFilesValue = 64;
const char kLoginMetricsFlagFile[] = "per_boot_flag";
} // namespace
// static
int LoginMetrics::PolicyFilesStatusCode(const PolicyFilesStatus& status) {
return (status.owner_key_file_state * 16 /* 4^2 */ +
status.policy_file_state * 4 /* 4^1 */ +
status.defunct_prefs_file_state * 1 /* 4^0 */);
LoginMetrics::LoginMetrics(const base::FilePath& per_boot_flag_dir)
: per_boot_flag_file_(per_boot_flag_dir.Append(kLoginMetricsFlagFile)) {
LoginMetrics::~LoginMetrics() {}
void LoginMetrics::SendConsumerAllowsNewUsers(bool allowed) {
metrics_lib_.SendEnumToUMA(kLoginConsumerAllowsNewUsersMetric, uma_code, 1);
void LoginMetrics::SendLoginUserType(bool dev_mode, bool incognito,
bool owner) {
int uma_code = LoginUserTypeCode(dev_mode, incognito, owner);
metrics_lib_.SendEnumToUMA(kLoginUserTypeMetric, uma_code, NUM_TYPES - 1);
bool LoginMetrics::SendPolicyFilesStatus(const PolicyFilesStatus& status) {
if (!base::PathExists(per_boot_flag_file_)) {
bool created = file_util::WriteFile(per_boot_flag_file_, "", 0) == 0;
PLOG_IF(WARNING, !created) << "Can't touch " << per_boot_flag_file_.value();
return true;
return false;
void LoginMetrics::RecordStats(const char* tag) {
bool LoginMetrics::HasRecordedChromeExec() {
return base::PathExists(base::FilePath(kChromeUptimeFile));
// static
// Code for incognito, owner and any other user are 0, 1 and 2
// respectively in normal mode. In developer mode they are 3, 4 and 5.
int LoginMetrics::LoginUserTypeCode(bool dev_mode, bool guest, bool owner) {
if (!dev_mode) {
if (guest)
return GUEST;
if (owner)
return OWNER;
return OTHER;
// If we get here, we're in dev mode.
if (guest)
return DEV_GUEST;
if (owner)
return DEV_OWNER;
return DEV_OTHER;
} // namespace login_manager