blob: 2be38b0a0bea4cff3b64312e56e977fcf49d77ad [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from database_models.common.constants import Constants
class Job(declarative_base()):
owner: username of job owner
name: job name (does not have to be unique)
priority: Integer priority value. Higher is more important.
control_file: contents of control file
control_type: Client or Server
created_on: date of job creation
submitted_on: date of job submission
synch_count: how many hosts should be used per autoserv execution
run_verify: Whether or not to run the verify phase
run_reset: Whether or not to run the reset phase
timeout: DEPRECATED - hours from queuing time until job times out
timeout_mins: minutes from job queuing time until the job times out
max_runtime_hrs: DEPRECATED - hours from job starting time until job
times out
max_runtime_mins: minutes from job starting time until job times out
email_list: list of people to email on completion delimited by any of:
white space, ',', ':', ';'
dependency_labels: many-to-many relationship with labels corresponding to
job dependencies
reboot_before: Never, If dirty, or Always
reboot_after: Never, If all tests passed, or Always
parse_failed_repair: if True, a failed repair launched by this job will have
its results parsed as part of the job.
drone_set: The set of drones to run this job on
parent_job: Parent job (optional)
require_ssp: Require server-side packaging unless require_ssp is set to
False. (optional, default: None)
__tablename__ = "afe_jobs"
# TODO: Investigate, if jobkeyval_set is really needed.
# dynamic_suite will write them into an attached file for the drone, but
# it doesn't seem like they are actually used. If they aren't used, remove
# jobkeyval_set here.
AND NOT (afe_host_queue_entries.aborted = 0
AND IN (%(known_ids)s))
EXCLUDE_OLD_JOBS_CLAUSE = 'AND (afe_jobs.created_on > "%(cutoff)s")'
INNER JOIN afe_host_queue_entries
ON ( = afe_host_queue_entries.job_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN afe_jobs_dependency_labels
ON ( = afe_jobs_dependency_labels.job_id)
JOIN afe_shards_labels
ON (afe_shards_labels.label_id = afe_jobs_dependency_labels.label_id
OR afe_shards_labels.label_id = afe_host_queue_entries.meta_host)
WHERE (afe_shards_labels.shard_id = %(shard_id)s
AND afe_host_queue_entries.complete != 1
AND != 1
# Jobs can be created with assigned hosts and have no dependency
# labels nor meta_host.
# We are looking for:
# - a job whose hqe's meta_host is null
# - a job whose hqe has a host
# - one of the host's labels matches the shard's label.
# Non-aborted known jobs, completed jobs, active jobs, jobs
# without hqe are exluded as we do with SQL_SHARD_JOBS.
INNER JOIN afe_host_queue_entries
ON ( = afe_host_queue_entries.job_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN %(host_label_table)s
ON (afe_host_queue_entries.host_id = %(host_label_table)s.host_id)
WHERE (%(host_label_table)s.%(host_label_column)s IN %(label_ids)s
AND afe_host_queue_entries.complete != 1
AND != 1
AND afe_host_queue_entries.meta_host IS NULL
AND afe_host_queue_entries.host_id IS NOT NULL
# Even if we had filters about complete, active and aborted
# bits in the above two SQLs, there is a chance that
# the result may still contain a job with an hqe with 'complete=1'
# or 'active=1'.'
# This happens when a job has two (or more) hqes and at least
# one hqe has different bits than others.
# We use a second sql to ensure we exclude all un-desired jobs.
SELECT FROM afe_jobs
INNER JOIN afe_host_queue_entries
ON ( = afe_host_queue_entries.job_id)
WHERE ( in (%(candidates)s)
AND (afe_host_queue_entries.complete=1
RebootBefore = Constants.REBOOT_BEFORE
RebootAfter = Constants.REBOOT_AFTER
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
owner = Column(String(length=255), default=None)
name = Column(String(length=255), default=None)
priority = Column(Integer, default=None)
control_file = Column(Text, default=None)
control_type = Column(Integer, default=None)
created_on = Column(DateTime, default=None)
synch_count = Column(Integer, nullable=False, default=0)
# TODO: Config the default values by migrating the global_config class.
timeout = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
run_verify = Column(Boolean, default=True)
email_list = Column(String(length=250), nullable=False)
reboot_before = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False)
reboot_after = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False, default=1)
parse_failed_repair = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=1)
max_runtime_hrs = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
max_runtime_mins = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
drone_set_id = Column(Integer, default=None)
parameterized_job_id = Column(Integer, default=None)
parent_job_id = Column(Integer, default=None)
run_reset = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False, default=1)
timeout_mins = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
shard_id = Column(Integer, default=None)
require_ssp = Column(Boolean, default=None)