blob: dddf16d2e6b17d1d1b84d0477491e5c2bf00b6f4 [file] [log] [blame]
mosys - The more open system tool
Mosys is designed to aid in obtaining obscure system-specific information
and present it in a uniform, human-friendly manner that is also parseable. It
is intended to complement other systems software and may overlap in some areas.
Examples of information this program is useful for:
- Platform identification
- Snapshot of machine information
- Listing non-enumerable devices
- Retrieving vital product data
Due to the system-specific nature of this program, it is unlikely to work with
most platforms. A generic subset of functionality will be available, though
its usefulness may be extremely limited.
Configuration & Building
Mosys uses the Meson build system. Run "meson -D${arch?} output_dir" to
configure and then "ninja -C output_dir" to build. "ninja -C output_dir test"
will run tests and "ninja -C output_dir install" will install. Chrome OS
contributors will want to use cros_workon instead.
See for valid arch options.
Other flags of interest:
-Duse_cros_config=true/false: whether to enable linking to cros_config for
Chrome OS. See Chrome OS example in mosys ebuild.
-Dstatic=true/false: whether to compile mosys binary as static.
Note that you might have better luck compiling mosys with Clang while -Werror is
enabled. This is because we (Chromium) use Clang as our default compiler. To do
that, add CC=clang before you invoke Meson.
In summary, all of this should look something like:
CC=clang meson -Darch=amd64 -Duse_cros_config=true out
ninja -C out
ninja -C out test
ninja -C out install
To build the experimental Rust support, first build libmosys.a using the
instructions above. Then run: "MESON_BUILD_ROOT=output_dir cargo build".
Mosys uses a natural language syntax to navigate thru a command hierarchy for
a given platform. Each supported platform will have a specific set of commands
Typically, top-level commands will reflect classes of hardware components
such as "cpu" or "sensor", available busses such as "pci" or "i2c", or a
type of information such as "smbios" or "vpd".
Mosys returns EXIT_SUCCESS upon successful completion of a command, or
EXIT_FAILURE if a command is not supported on a given platform. These values
are defined in the system's stdlib.h. In case of failure, mosys will also print
a message to stderr to let the user know.
Use "mosys -t" to display the command tree for the host platform.