blob: f469631ed654fb91e4b993f9294e1a87318f6cea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <dbus/dbus.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <libudev.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
namespace permission_broker {
class Rule;
// The PermissionBroker encapsulates the execution of a chain of Rules which
// decide whether or not to grant access to a given path. The PermissionBroker
// is also responsible for providing a DBus interface to clients.
class PermissionBroker {
// Initializes the broker and loops waiting for requests on the DBus
// interface. Never returns.
void Run();
// Adds an exception to the rule processor that forces devices identified by
// |vendor_id| and |product_id| to be ignored by the broker, but to claim that
// they were successfully opened when requested.
void AddUsbException(const uint16_t vendor_id, const uint16_t product_id);
// Adds |rule| to the end of the existing rule chain. Takes ownership of
// |rule|.
void AddRule(Rule *rule);
// This constructor is for use by test code only.
PermissionBroker(const gid_t access_group);
friend class PermissionBrokerTest;
// The callback invoked by the DBus method handler in order to dispatch method
// calls to their individual handlers.
static DBusHandlerResult MainDBusMethodHandler(DBusConnection *connection,
DBusMessage *message,
void *data);
// Waits for all queued udev events to complete before returning. Is
// equivalent to invoking 'udevadm settle', but without the external
// dependency and overhead.
void WaitForEmptyUdevQueue();
// Invokes each of the rules in order on |path| until either a rule explicitly
// denies access to the path or until there are no more rules left. If, after
// executing all of the stored rules, no rule has explicitly allowed access to
// the path then access is denied. If _any_ rule denies access to |path| then
// processing the rules is aborted early and access is denied.
bool ProcessPath(const std::string &path);
// Grants access to |path|, which is accomplished by changing the owning group
// on the path to the one specified numerically by the 'access_group' flag.
virtual bool GrantAccess(const std::string &path);
// Given |vendor_id| and |product_id|, scans the USB subsystem for devices
// whose idVendor and idProduct attributes match and inserts their device node
// paths into |path|, clearing |paths| first.
bool ExpandUsbIdentifiersToPaths(const uint16_t vendor_id,
const uint16_t product_id,
std::vector<std::string> *paths);
DBusMessage *HandleRequestPathAccessMethod(DBusMessage *message);
DBusMessage *HandleRequestUsbAccessMethod(DBusMessage *message);
struct udev *udev_;
gid_t access_group_;
std::vector<Rule *> rules_;
std::set<std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t> > usb_exceptions_;
} // namespace permission_broker