blob: b074aa8e6f7000dc50676633c3d1baa36caca318 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'''A module to provide interface to ChromeOS services.'''
import datetime
import os
import re
import shutil
import struct
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
class ChromeOSInterfaceError(Exception):
'''ChromeOS interface specific exception.'''
class Crossystem(object):
'''A wrapper for the crossystem utility.'''
# Code dedicated for user triggering recovery mode through crossystem.
The first three legacy boot vector digits are the boot vector base (the
entire vector consists of 5 digits). They used to be reported by the BIOS
through ACPI, but that scheme has been superseded by the 'crossystem'
The digits of the boot vector base have the following significance
- first digit -
1 - normal boot
2 - developer mode boot
3 - recovery initialed by pressing the recovery button
4 - recovery from developer mode warning screen
5 - recovery caused by both firmware images being invalid
6 - recovery caused by both kernel images being invalid
8 - recovery initiated by user
- second digit -
0 - recovery firmware
1 - rewritable firmware A
2 - rewritable firmware B
- third digit -
0 - Read only (recovery) EC firmware
1 - rewritable EC firmware
Below is a list of dictionaries to map current system state as reported by
'crossystem' into the 'legacy' boot vector digits.
The three elements of the list represent the three digits of the boot
vector. Each list element is a dictionary where the key is the legacy boot
vector value in the appropriate position, and the value is in turn a
dictionary of name-value pairs.
If all name-value pairs of a dictionary element match those reported by
crossystem, the legacy representation number is considered the appropriate
vector digit.
Note that on some platforms (namely, Mario) same parameters returned by
crossystem are set to a wrong value. The class init() routine adjust the
list to support those platforms.
{ # first vector position
'1': {
'devsw_boot': '0',
'mainfw_type': 'normal',
'recoverysw_boot': '0',
'2': {
'devsw_boot': '1',
'mainfw_type': 'developer',
'recoverysw_boot': '0',
'3': {
'devsw_boot': '0',
'mainfw_type': 'recovery',
'recovery_reason' : '2',
'recoverysw_boot': '1',
'4': {
'devsw_boot': '1',
'mainfw_type': 'recovery',
'recovery_reason' : '65',
'recoverysw_boot': '0',
'5': {
'devsw_boot': '0',
'mainfw_type': 'recovery',
'recovery_reason' : ('3', '23', '27'),
'recoverysw_boot': '0',
'6': {
'devsw_boot': '0',
'mainfw_type': 'recovery',
'recovery_reason' : '66',
'recoverysw_boot': '0',
'8': {
'devsw_boot': '0',
'mainfw_type': 'recovery',
'recovery_reason' : USER_RECOVERY_REQUEST_CODE,
'recoverysw_boot': '0',
{ # second vector position
'0': {'mainfw_type': 'recovery',},
'1': {'mainfw_act': 'A',},
'2': {'mainfw_act': 'B',},
{ # third vector position
'0': {'ecfw_act': 'RO',},
'1': {'ecfw_act': 'RW',},
def init(self, cros_if):
'''Init the instance. If running on Mario - adjust the map.'''
self.cros_if = cros_if
# Hack Alert!!! Adjust vector map to work on Mario
fwid = self.__getattr__('fwid').lower()
if not 'mario' in fwid:
# Mario firmware is broken and always reports recovery switch as set
# at boot time when booting up in recovery mode. This is why we
# exclude recoverysw_boot from the map when running on mario.
for state in self.VECTOR_MAPS[0].itervalues():
if state['mainfw_type'] != 'recovery':
if 'recoverysw_boot' in state:
if state['recovery_reason'] == self.USER_RECOVERY_REQUEST_CODE:
# This is the only recovery reason Mario knows about
state['recovery_reason'] = '1'
def __getattr__(self, name):
Retrieve a crosssystem attribute.
Attempt to access will invoke `crossystem name'
and return the stdout as the value.
return self.cros_if.run_shell_command_get_output(
'crossystem %s' % name)[0]
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in ('cros_if',):
self.__dict__[name] = value
self.cros_if.run_shell_command('crossystem "%s=%s"' % (name, value))
def request_recovery(self):
'''Request recovery mode next time the target reboots.'''
self.__setattr__('recovery_request', self.USER_RECOVERY_REQUEST_CODE)
def get_boot_vector_base(self):
'''Convert system state into a legacy boot vector base.
The function looks up the VECTOR_MAPS list above to find the digits
matching the current crossystem output, and returns a list of three
digits in symbolic representation, which become the base of the 5
digit boot state vector.
Should it be impossible to interpret the state, the function returns
a partially built list, which is an indication of a problem for the
caller (list shorter than 3 elements).
boot_vector = []
for vector_map in self.VECTOR_MAPS:
for (digit, values) in vector_map.iteritems():
for (name, value) in values.iteritems():
# Get the actual attribute value from crossystem.
attr_value = self.__getattr__(name)
if isinstance(value, str):
if attr_value != value:
# 'value' is a tuple of possible actual values.
if attr_value not in value:
return boot_vector
def dump(self):
'''Dump all crossystem values as multiline text.'''
return '\n'.join(self.cros_if.run_shell_command_get_output(
class ChromeOSInterface(object):
'''An object to encapsulate OS services functions.'''
def __init__(self, silent):
'''Object construction time initialization.
The only parameter is the Boolean 'silent', when True the instance
does not duplicate log messages on the console.
self.silent = silent
self.state_dir = None
self.log_file = None
self.cs = Crossystem()
def init(self, state_dir=None, log_file=None):
'''Initialize the ChromeOS interface object.
state_dir - a string, the name of the directory (as defined by the
caller). The contents of this directory persist over
system restarts and power cycles.
log_file - a string, the name of the log file kept in the state
Default argument values support unit testing.
self.state_dir = state_dir
if self.state_dir:
if not os.path.exists(self.state_dir):
except OSError, err:
raise ChromeOSInterfaceError(err)
if log_file:
if log_file[0] == '/':
self.log_file = log_file
self.log_file = os.path.join(state_dir, log_file)
def target_hosted(self):
'''Return True if running on a ChromeOS target.'''
signature = open('/etc/lsb-release', 'r').readlines()[0]
return'chrom(ium|e)os', signature, re.IGNORECASE) != None
def state_dir_file(self, file_name):
'''Get a full path of a file in the state directory.'''
return os.path.join(self.state_dir, file_name)
def init_environment(self):
'''Initialize Chrome OS interface environment.
If state dir was not set up by the constructor, create a temp
directory, otherwise create the directory defined during construction
of this object.
Return the state directory name.
if not self.state_dir:
self.state_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='_saft')
# Wipe out state directory, to start the state machine clean.
# And recreate it
self.init(self.state_dir, self.log_file)
return self.state_dir
def shut_down(self, new_log='/var/saft_log.txt'):
'''Destroy temporary environment so that the test can be restarted.'''
if os.path.exists(self.log_file):
shutil.copyfile(self.log_file, new_log)
def log(self, text):
'''Write text to the log file and print it on the screen, if enabled.
The entire log (maintained across reboots) can be found in
# Don't print on the screen unless enabled.
if not self.silent:
print text
if not self.log_file or not os.path.exists(self.state_dir):
# Called before environment was initialized, ignore.
timestamp = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%I:%M:%S %p:')
log_f = open(self.log_file, 'a')
log_f.write('%s %s\n' % (timestamp, text))
def exec_exists(self, program):
'''Check if the passed in string is a valid executable found in PATH.'''
for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
if (os.path.isfile(exe_file) or os.path.islink(exe_file)
) and os.access(exe_file, os.X_OK):
return True
return False
def run_shell_command(self, cmd):
'''Run a shell command.
In case of the command returning an error print its stdout and stderr
outputs on the console and dump them into the log. Otherwise suppress all
In case of command error raise an OSInterfaceError exception.
Return the subprocess.Popen() instance to provide access to console
output in case command succeeded.
self.log('Executing %s' % cmd)
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
if process.returncode:
err = ['Failed running: %s' % cmd]
text = '\n'.join(err)
print text
raise ChromeOSInterfaceError('command %s failed' % cmd)
return process
def is_removable_device(self, device):
'''Check if a certain storage device is removable.
device - a string, file name of a storage device or a device partition
(as in /dev/sda[0-9] or /dev/mmcblk0p[0-9]).
Returns True if the device is removable, False if not.
if not self.target_hosted():
return False
# Drop trailing digit(s) and letter(s) (if any)
base_dev = self.strip_part(device.split('/')[2])
removable = int(open('/sys/block/%s/removable' % base_dev, 'r').read())
return removable == 1
def get_internal_disk(self, device):
'''Get the internal disk by given the current disk.
If device is removable device, internal disk is decided by which kind
of divice (arm or x86). Otherwise, return device itself.
device - a string, file name of a storage device or a device partition
(as in /dev/sda[0-9] or /dev/mmcblk0p[0-9]).
Return internal kernel disk.
if self.is_removable_device(device):
if os.path.exists('/dev/mmcblk1'):
return '/dev/mmcblk1'
return '/dev/sda'
return self.strip_part(device)
def get_root_part(self):
'''Return a string, the name of root device with partition number'''
return self.run_shell_command_get_output('rootdev -s')[0]
def get_root_dev(self):
'''Return a string, the name of root device without partition number'''
return self.strip_part(self.get_root_part())
def join_part(self, dev, part):
'''Return a concatenated string of device and partition number'''
if 'mmcblk' in dev:
return dev + 'p' + part
return dev + part
def strip_part(self, dev_with_part):
'''Return a stripped string without partition number'''
dev_name_stripper = re.compile('p?[0-9]+$')
return dev_name_stripper.sub('', dev_with_part)
def run_shell_command_get_output(self, cmd):
'''Run shell command and return its console output to the caller.
The output is returned as a list of strings stripped of the newline
process = self.run_shell_command(cmd)
return [x.rstrip() for x in process.stdout.readlines()]
def boot_state_vector(self):
'''Read and return to caller a string describing the system state.
The string has a form of x0:x1:x2:<removable>:<partition_number>,
where the field meanings of X# are described in the
Crossystem.get_boot_vector_base() docstring above.
<removable> is set to 1 or 0 depending if the root device is removable
or not, and <partition number> is the last element of the root device
name, designating the partition where the root fs is mounted.
This vector fully describes the way the system came up.
state = self.cs.get_boot_vector_base()
if len(state) != 3:
raise ChromeOSInterfaceError(self.cs.dump())
root_part = self.get_root_part()
state.append('%d' % int(self.is_removable_device(root_part)))
state.append('%s' % root_part[-1])
state_str = ':'.join(state)
return state_str
def cmp_boot_vector(self, vector1, vector2):
'''Compare if the two boot vectors are the same
Note: a wildcard (*) will match any value.
list1 = vector1.split(':')
list2 = vector2.split(':')
if len(list1) != len(list2):
raise ChromeOSInterfaceError(
'Boot vectors (%s %s) should be of the same length'
% (vecotr1, vector2))
for i in range(len(list1)):
if list1[i] != list2[i] and list1[i] != '*' and list2[i] != '*':
return False
return True
def get_writeable_mount_point(self, dev, tmp_dir):
'''Get mountpoint of the passed in device mounted in read/write mode.
If the device is already mounted and is writeable - return its mount
point. If the device is mounted but read-only - remount it read/write
and return its mount point. If the device is not mounted - mount it read
write on the passsed in path and return this path.
# The device root file system is mounted on is represented as /dev/root
# otherwise.
options_filter = re.compile('.*\((.+)\).*')
root_part = self.get_root_part()
if dev == root_part:
dev = '/dev/root'
for line in self.run_shell_command_get_output('mount'):
if not line.startswith('%s ' % dev):
mount_options = options_filter.match(line).groups(0)[0]
# found mounted
if 'ro' in mount_options.split(','):
# mounted read only
self.run_shell_command('mount -o remount,rw %s' % dev)
return line.split()[2] # Mountpoint is the third element.
# Not found, needs to be mounted
self.run_shell_command('mount %s %s' % (dev, tmp_dir))
return tmp_dir
def retrieve_body_version(self, blob):
'''Given a blob, retrieve body version.
Currently works for both, firmware and kernel blobs. Returns '-1' in
case the version can not be retrieved reliably.
header_format = '<8s8sQ'
preamble_format = '<40sQ'
magic, _, kb_size = struct.unpack_from(header_format, blob)
if magic != 'CHROMEOS':
return -1 # This could be a corrupted version case.
_, version = struct.unpack_from(preamble_format, blob, kb_size)
return version
def retrieve_datakey_version(self, blob):
'''Given a blob, retrieve firmware data key version.
Currently works for both, firmware and kernel blobs. Returns '-1' in
case the version can not be retrieved reliably.
header_format = '<8s96sQ'
magic, _, version = struct.unpack_from(header_format, blob)
if magic != 'CHROMEOS':
return -1 # This could be a corrupted version case.
return version
def retrieve_kernel_subkey_version(self, blob):
'''Given a blob, retrieve kernel subkey version.
It is in firmware vblock's preamble.
header_format = '<8s8sQ'
preamble_format = '<72sQ'
magic, _, kb_size = struct.unpack_from(header_format, blob)
if magic != 'CHROMEOS':
return -1
_, version = struct.unpack_from(preamble_format, blob, kb_size)
return version
def retrieve_preamble_flags(self, blob):
'''Given a blob, retrieve preamble flags if available.
It only works for firmware. If the version of preamble header is less
than 2.1, no preamble flags supported, just returns 0.
header_format = '<8s8sQ'
preamble_format = '<32sII64sI'
magic, _, kb_size = struct.unpack_from(header_format, blob)
if magic != 'CHROMEOS':
return -1 # This could be a corrupted version case.
_, ver, subver, _, flags = struct.unpack_from(preamble_format, blob,
if ver > 2 or (ver == 2 and subver >= 1):
return flags
return 0 # Returns 0 if preamble flags not available.
def read_partition(self, partition, size):
'''Read the requested partition, up to size bytes.'''
tmp_file = self.state_dir_file('part.tmp')
self.run_shell_command('dd if=%s of=%s bs=1 count=%d' % (
partition, tmp_file, size))
fileh = open(tmp_file, 'r')
data =
return data