blob: 7341b84aa2edd8d4831ef14200453e141e502d91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package inputs
import (
// Documentation on file format can be found in go/tast-handwriting-svg-parsing.
const (
handwritingWarmupFile = "handwriting_digit_3.svg"
handwritingWarmupDigit = "3"
var hwTestMessages = []data.Message{data.HandwritingMessageHello}
var hwTestIMEs = []ime.InputMethod{
func init() {
Func: VirtualKeyboardHandwriting,
Desc: "Test handwriting input functionality on virtual keyboard",
Contacts: []string{"", ""},
SoftwareDeps: []string{"chrome", "google_virtual_keyboard"},
Attr: []string{"group:mainline", "informational", "group:input-tools"},
Data: append(data.ExtractExternalFiles(hwTestMessages, hwTestIMEs), handwritingWarmupFile),
Timeout: time.Duration(len(hwTestIMEs)) * time.Duration(len(hwTestMessages)) * time.Minute,
Params: []testing.Param{
Name: "docked_stable",
Val: false, // false for docked-mode VK.
ExtraHardwareDeps: hwdep.D(pre.InputsStableModels),
Name: "docked_unstable",
Val: false, // false for docked-mode VK.
ExtraHardwareDeps: hwdep.D(pre.InputsUnstableModels),
Name: "floating_stable",
Val: true, // true for floating-mode VK.
ExtraHardwareDeps: hwdep.D(pre.InputsStableModels),
Name: "floating_unstable",
Val: true, // true for floating-mode VK.
ExtraHardwareDeps: hwdep.D(pre.InputsUnstableModels),
func VirtualKeyboardHandwriting(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
cleanupCtx := ctx
// Use a shortened context for test operations to reserve time for cleanup.
ctx, cancel := ctxutil.Shorten(ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
isFloating := s.Param().(bool)
// Options containing preconditions.
opts := []chrome.Option{
// Add precondition of requiring a floating keyboard if testing for floating handwriting input.
if isFloating {
opts = append(opts, chrome.EnableFeatures("VirtualKeyboardFloatingDefault"))
// TODO(crbug/1173252): Clean up states within Chrome using preconditions.
cr, err := chrome.New(ctx, opts...)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to connect to new Chrome instance: ", err)
defer cr.Close(cleanupCtx)
tconn, err := cr.TestAPIConn(ctx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to connect Test API: ", err)
defer faillog.DumpUITreeOnError(cleanupCtx, s.OutDir(), s.HasError, tconn)
// Launch inputs test web server.
its, err := testserver.Launch(ctx, cr, tconn)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to launch inputs test server: ", err)
defer its.Close()
// Select the input field being tested.
inputField := testserver.TextAreaInputField
vkbCtx := vkb.NewContext(cr, tconn)
// Creates subtest that runs the test logic using inputData.
subtest := func(testName string, inputData data.InputData) func(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
return func(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
cleanupCtx := ctx
// Use a shortened context for test operations to reserve time for cleanup.
ctx, cancel := ctxutil.Shorten(ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
defer func(ctx context.Context) {
outDir := filepath.Join(s.OutDir(), testName)
faillog.DumpUITreeWithScreenshotOnError(ctx, outDir, s.HasError, cr, "ui_tree_"+testName)
if err := vkbCtx.HideVirtualKeyboard()(ctx); err != nil {
s.Log("Failed to hide virtual keyboard: ", err)
if err := its.ClickFieldUntilVKShown(inputField)(ctx); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to show VK: ", err)
// Switch to handwriting layout.
hwCtx, err := vkbCtx.SwitchToHandwritingAndCloseInfoDialogue(ctx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to switch to handwriting: ", err)
// Warm-up steps to check handwriting engine ready.
checkEngineReady := uiauto.Combine("Wait for handwriting engine to be ready",
util.WaitForFieldTextToBe(tconn, inputField.Finder(), handwritingWarmupDigit),
if err := uiauto.Combine("Test handwriting on virtual keyboard",
util.WaitForFieldTextToBe(tconn, inputField.Finder(), inputData.ExpectedText),
)(ctx); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to verify handwriting input: ", err)
// Run defined subtest per input method and message combination.
util.RunSubtestsPerInputMethodAndMessage(ctx, tconn, s, hwTestIMEs, hwTestMessages, subtest)