blob: f642ea66f0c72a76f621fa05f608529263e3c628 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package crostini
import (
func init() {
Func: Webserver,
Desc: "Runs a webserver in the container, and confirms that the host can connect to it",
Contacts: []string{"", ""},
Attr: []string{"group:mainline"},
Vars: []string{"keepState"},
VarDeps: []string{"ui.gaiaPoolDefault"},
SoftwareDeps: []string{"chrome", "vm_host"},
Params: []testing.Param{
// Parameters generated by params_test.go. DO NOT EDIT.
Name: "stretch_stable",
ExtraData: []string{crostini.GetContainerMetadataArtifact("stretch", false), crostini.GetContainerRootfsArtifact("stretch", false)},
ExtraSoftwareDeps: []string{"dlc"},
ExtraHardwareDeps: crostini.CrostiniStable,
Pre: crostini.StartedByDlcStretch(),
Timeout: 7 * time.Minute,
}, {
Name: "stretch_unstable",
ExtraAttr: []string{"informational"},
ExtraData: []string{crostini.GetContainerMetadataArtifact("stretch", false), crostini.GetContainerRootfsArtifact("stretch", false)},
ExtraSoftwareDeps: []string{"dlc"},
ExtraHardwareDeps: crostini.CrostiniUnstable,
Pre: crostini.StartedByDlcStretch(),
Timeout: 7 * time.Minute,
}, {
Name: "buster_stable",
ExtraData: []string{crostini.GetContainerMetadataArtifact("buster", false), crostini.GetContainerRootfsArtifact("buster", false)},
ExtraSoftwareDeps: []string{"dlc"},
ExtraHardwareDeps: crostini.CrostiniStable,
Pre: crostini.StartedByDlcBuster(),
Timeout: 7 * time.Minute,
}, {
Name: "buster_unstable",
ExtraAttr: []string{"informational"},
ExtraData: []string{crostini.GetContainerMetadataArtifact("buster", false), crostini.GetContainerRootfsArtifact("buster", false)},
ExtraSoftwareDeps: []string{"dlc"},
ExtraHardwareDeps: crostini.CrostiniUnstable,
Pre: crostini.StartedByDlcBuster(),
Timeout: 7 * time.Minute,
}, {
Name: "bullseye_stable",
ExtraAttr: []string{"informational"},
ExtraData: []string{crostini.GetContainerMetadataArtifact("bullseye", false), crostini.GetContainerRootfsArtifact("bullseye", false)},
ExtraSoftwareDeps: []string{"dlc"},
ExtraHardwareDeps: crostini.CrostiniStable,
Pre: crostini.StartedByDlcBullseye(),
Timeout: 7 * time.Minute,
}, {
Name: "bullseye_unstable",
ExtraAttr: []string{"informational"},
ExtraData: []string{crostini.GetContainerMetadataArtifact("bullseye", false), crostini.GetContainerRootfsArtifact("bullseye", false)},
ExtraSoftwareDeps: []string{"dlc"},
ExtraHardwareDeps: crostini.CrostiniUnstable,
Pre: crostini.StartedByDlcBullseye(),
Timeout: 7 * time.Minute,
func Webserver(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
pre := s.PreValue().(crostini.PreData)
cr := pre.Chrome
cont := pre.Container
defer crostini.RunCrostiniPostTest(ctx, s.PreValue().(crostini.PreData))
const expectedWebContent = "nothing but the web"
cmd := cont.Command(ctx, "sh", "-c",
fmt.Sprintf("echo '%s' > ~/index.html", expectedWebContent))
if err := cmd.Run(testexec.DumpLogOnError); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to add test index.html: ", err)
conn, err := cr.NewConn(ctx, "")
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to create renderer: ", err)
defer conn.Close()
defer conn.CloseTarget(ctx)
sockaddrs := []net.TCPAddr{
{IP: net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1), Port: 6789}, // An unprivileged port listening on localhost should be tunneled.
{IP: net.IPv4zero, Port: 999}, // Privileged ports will be accessible via penguin.linux.test but not localhost.
{IP: net.IPv4zero, Port: 8000}, // Common dev webserver port.
{IP: net.IPv4zero, Port: 12345}, // Uncommon dev webserver port.
{IP: net.IPv6unspecified, Port: 8001}, // IPv6 all interfaces.
{IP: net.IPv6loopback, Port: 8002}, // IPv6 loopback.
// Assemble the list of URLs to check. For localhost tunneling, check both
// IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity. If listening on the unspecified address, also
// check penguin.linux.test.
checkURLs := make(map[string]bool)
for _, sockaddr := range sockaddrs {
if sockaddr.IP.IsLoopback() || sockaddr.IP.IsUnspecified() {
// Localhost tunneling only works on unprivileged ports.
if sockaddr.Port > 1023 {
checkURLs[fmt.Sprintf("", sockaddr.Port)] = true
checkURLs[fmt.Sprintf("http://[::1]:%d", sockaddr.Port)] = true
// penguin.linux.test only works for IPv4 sockets listening on all interfaces.
if sockaddr.IP.IsUnspecified() && sockaddr.IP.To4() != nil {
checkURLs[fmt.Sprintf("http://penguin.linux.test:%d", sockaddr.Port)] = true
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Waiting for webservers to start up")
for _, sockaddr := range sockaddrs {
cmd = cont.Command(ctx, "sudo", "busybox", "httpd", "-f", "-p", sockaddr.String())
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Failed to start webserver on %v:%d: %v", sockaddr.IP, sockaddr.Port, err)
defer cmd.Wait()
defer cmd.Kill()
checkNavigation := func(url string) error {
if err = conn.Navigate(ctx, url); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "navigating to %q failed", url)
var actual string
if err = conn.Eval(ctx, "document.documentElement.innerText", &actual); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get page content for %s", url)
if !strings.HasPrefix(actual, expectedWebContent) {
return errors.Errorf("unexpected page content for %s; got %q, want %q", url, actual, expectedWebContent)
return nil
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Checking URLs for webservers")
for url := range checkURLs {
if err := testing.Poll(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
return checkNavigation(url)
}, &testing.PollOptions{Timeout: 10 * time.Second}); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Error polling for webserver: ", err)