blob: 6c7639f603c0bd09ac30d632ac49dfecad65d961 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package crosdisks provides a series of tests to verify CrosDisks'
// D-Bus API behavior.
package crosdisks
import (
// formatDevice is a convenience function to invoke provided command to create
// a filesystem on the device.
func formatDevice(ctx context.Context, formatCmd, device string) error {
cmd := strings.Split(formatCmd, " ")
args := append(cmd, device)[1:]
command := cmd[0]
if err := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, command, args...).Run(testexec.DumpLogOnError); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "could not format device %s with %q", device, command)
return nil
// withLoopbackDeviceDo initializes a loopback device (optionally formatting it) and calls
// the provided function enclosed within the scope of validity of the loopback device.
func withLoopbackDeviceDo(ctx context.Context, cd *crosdisks.CrosDisks, sizeBytes int64, formatCmd string, f func(ctx context.Context, ld *crosdisks.LoopbackDevice) error) (err error) {
ctxForCleanUp := ctx
ctx, cancel := ctxutil.Shorten(ctx, time.Second*10)
defer cancel()
ld, err := crosdisks.CreateLoopbackDevice(ctx, sizeBytes)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create loopback device")
defer func() {
testing.ContextLogf(ctxForCleanUp, "Detaching the loopback device %q", ld.DevicePath())
if e := ld.Close(ctxForCleanUp); e != nil && err == nil {
err = errors.Wrapf(e, "failed to destroy loopback device %q", ld.DevicePath())
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Created loopback device %q", ld.DevicePath())
if err := cd.AddDeviceToAllowlist(ctx, ld.SysDevicePath()); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to allowlist the loopback device %q", ld.SysDevicePath())
// We don't really care if this fails.
defer cd.RemoveDeviceFromAllowlist(ctx, ld.SysDevicePath())
if formatCmd != "" {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Formatting %q with %q", ld.DevicePath(), formatCmd)
if err := formatDevice(ctx, formatCmd, ld.DevicePath()); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to format the loopback device %q with %q: %v", ld.DevicePath(), formatCmd, err)
return f(ctx, ld)
// testMountFilesystem mounts the loopback device, attempts a write and returns an error if unsuccessful.
func testMountFilesystem(ctx context.Context, cd *crosdisks.CrosDisks, ld *crosdisks.LoopbackDevice, label string) error {
expectedMountPath := filepath.Join("/media/removable", label)
return withMountDo(ctx, cd, ld.DevicePath(), "", "rw", func(ctx context.Context, mountPath string) error {
if expectedMountPath != mountPath {
return errors.Errorf("unexpected mount_path: got %q; want %q", mountPath, expectedMountPath)
// Test writes.
dir := filepath.Join(mountPath, "mydir")
if err := execAsUser(ctx, chronos, []string{"mkdir", dir}); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create a test directory %q as chronos", dir)
file := filepath.Join(dir, "test.txt")
if err := execAsUser(ctx, chronos, []string{"touch", file}); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to write a test file in %q as chronos", file)
// Check that file is actually there.
st, err := os.Stat(file)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to stat a test file %q", file)
stat, _ := st.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
if stat.Uid != sysutil.ChronosUID {
return errors.Errorf("wrong owner of the file: got %d; want %d", stat.Uid, sysutil.ChronosUID)
return nil
const loopbackSizeBytes = 16 * 1024 * 1024
// RunFilesystemTests executes a set of tests which mount different filesystems using CrosDisks.
func RunFilesystemTests(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
cd, err := crosdisks.New(ctx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to connect CrosDisks D-Bus service: ", err)
defer cd.Close()
err = withLoopbackDeviceDo(ctx, cd, loopbackSizeBytes, "", func(ctx context.Context, ld *crosdisks.LoopbackDevice) error {
// Ideally we should run also some failure tests, e.g. unknown/no filesystem, etc, but cros-disks
// is too fragile and remains in a half-broken state after that, so we only check known good scenarios.
s.Run(ctx, "vfat", func(ctx context.Context, state *testing.State) {
if err := formatDevice(ctx, "mkfs.vfat -n EMPTY1", ld.DevicePath()); err != nil {
state.Fatal("Could not format device: ", err)
if err := testMountFilesystem(ctx, cd, ld, "EMPTY1"); err != nil {
state.Fatal("Test case failed: ", err)
s.Run(ctx, "exfat", func(ctx context.Context, state *testing.State) {
if err := formatDevice(ctx, "mkfs.exfat -n EMPTY2", ld.DevicePath()); err != nil {
state.Fatal("Could not format device: ", err)
if err := testMountFilesystem(ctx, cd, ld, "EMPTY2"); err != nil {
state.Fatal("Test case failed: ", err)
s.Run(ctx, "ntfs", func(ctx context.Context, state *testing.State) {
if err := formatDevice(ctx, "mkfs.ntfs -f -L EMPTY3", ld.DevicePath()); err != nil {
state.Fatal("Could not format device: ", err)
if err := testMountFilesystem(ctx, cd, ld, "EMPTY3"); err != nil {
state.Fatal("Test case failed: ", err)
return nil
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to initialize loopback device: ", err)