blob: 30449b79e0803562772b65122f4677a47ef14a03 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package runtimeprobe
import "testing"
func TestTryTrimQid(t *testing.T) {
for i, tc := range []struct {
model, category, input, expected string
{ // match name policy
model: "model",
category: "category",
input: "model_category_1234_5678",
expected: "model_category_1234_{Any}",
{ // match name policy (with seq appended)
model: "model",
category: "category",
input: "model_category_1234_5678#12345",
expected: "model_category_1234_{Any}",
{ // not match name policy
model: "model",
category: "category",
input: "model_category_48d58a8b",
expected: "model_category_48d58a8b",
{ // special chars in model/category
model: `\.\.\.\.`,
category: "category",
input: `\.\.\.\._category_1234_5678`,
expected: `\.\.\.\._category_1234_{Any}`,
{ // special chars (not valid regexp) in model/category
model: "[([([(",
category: "category",
input: "[([([(_category_1234_5678",
expected: "[([([(_category_1234_{Any}",
{ // category mismatches in comp names
model: "model",
category: "category1",
input: "model_category2_1234_5678",
expected: "model_category2_1234_5678",
{ // extra chars in the end
model: "model",
category: "category",
input: "model_category_1234_5678_9012",
expected: "model_category_1234_5678_9012",
{ // new category "camera"
model: "model",
category: "camera",
input: "model_camera_1234_5678",
expected: "model_camera_1234_{Any}",
{ // legacy category "video"
model: "model",
category: "camera",
input: "model_video_1234_5678",
expected: "model_video_1234_{Any}",
{ // category which has underscore.
model: "model",
category: "display_panel",
input: "model_display_panel_1234_5678",
expected: "model_display_panel_1234_{Any}",
} {
got := tryTrimQid(tc.model, tc.category, tc.input)
if got != tc.expected {
t.Errorf("testcase %d failed; input %v; got %v; want %v", i, tc.input, got, tc.expected)