blob: 32aa47be5091b63a57859c3a57bbca1a2225defe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package security
import (
func init() {
Func: MinijailSeccomp,
Desc: "Verifies minijail0's seccomp_filter enforcement",
Contacts: []string{
"", // Security team
Data: []string{
Attr: []string{"group:mainline"},
const (
minijailSeccompDefaultPolicy = "minijail_seccomp_policy" // permits openat, read, close, exit, exit_group
minijailSeccompReadOnlyPolicy = "minijail_seccomp_policy-rdonly" // default except O_RDONLY for openat
minijailSeccompWriteOnlyPolicy = "minijail_seccomp_policy-wronly" // default except O_WRONLY for openat
minijailSeccompPrivDrop32Policy = "minijail_seccomp_policy-privdrop_32" // default plus setgroups, setresgid, setresuid
minijailSeccompPrivDrop64Policy = "minijail_seccomp_policy-privdrop_64" // 64-bit version of privdrop
func MinijailSeccomp(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
const (
minijailPath = "/sbin/minijail0"
// These binaries are installed by the chromeos-base/tast-local-helpers-cros package.
exePrefix = "/usr/local/libexec/tast/helpers/local/cros/security.MinijailSeccomp."
okExe = exePrefix + "ok" // calls openat, read, close, exit
openExe = exePrefix + "open" // calls openat (with supplied access mode), close, exit
failExe = exePrefix + "fail" // calls openat, read, write, close, exit
user = "chronos" // unprivileged user to use for testing
readOnlyArg = "0" // O_RDONLY for openExe
writeOnlyArg = "1" // O_WRONLY for openExe
readWriteArg = "2" // O_RDWR for openExe
exitSuccess = 0 // exit code indicating success
exitJail = 253 // exit code indicating a jail violation
// Choose the correct version of the priv-drop policy depending on the userspace arch.
var privDropPolicy string
ptrSize := 32 << uintptr(^uintptr(0)>>63) // from
switch ptrSize {
case 32:
privDropPolicy = minijailSeccompPrivDrop32Policy
case 64:
privDropPolicy = minijailSeccompPrivDrop64Policy
s.Fatal("Unexpected pointer size ", ptrSize)
// Controls whether -n is passed to minijail0 to set no_new_privs:
type newPrivsState int
const (
allowNewPrivs newPrivsState = iota
for _, tc := range []struct {
name string // test case name
exe string // executable path
args []string // args to pass to exe
user string // user name to run as, or empty to not set user
policy string // seccomp policy to use
newPrivs newPrivsState
exitCode int // expected exit code
{"allowed syscalls", okExe, nil, "", minijailSeccompDefaultPolicy, allowNewPrivs, exitSuccess},
{"blocked priv-drop syscalls", okExe, nil, user, minijailSeccompDefaultPolicy, allowNewPrivs, exitJail},
{"allowed priv-drop syscalls", okExe, nil, user, privDropPolicy, allowNewPrivs, exitSuccess},
{"no_new_privs", okExe, nil, user, minijailSeccompDefaultPolicy, noNewPrivs, exitSuccess},
{"blocked write", failExe, nil, "", minijailSeccompDefaultPolicy, allowNewPrivs, exitJail},
{"allowed O_RDONLY", openExe, []string{readOnlyArg}, "", minijailSeccompReadOnlyPolicy, allowNewPrivs, exitSuccess},
{"blocked O_WRONLY", openExe, []string{writeOnlyArg}, "", minijailSeccompReadOnlyPolicy, allowNewPrivs, exitJail},
{"allowed O_WRONLY", openExe, []string{writeOnlyArg}, "", minijailSeccompWriteOnlyPolicy, allowNewPrivs, exitSuccess},
{"blocked O_RDWR", openExe, []string{readWriteArg}, "", minijailSeccompWriteOnlyPolicy, allowNewPrivs, exitJail},
} {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
s.Error("Aborting testing: ", ctx.Err())
var args []string
if tc.user != "" {
args = append(args, "-u", user)
if tc.newPrivs == noNewPrivs {
args = append(args, "-n")
args = append(args, "-S", s.DataPath(tc.policy))
args = append(args, tc.exe)
args = append(args, tc.args...)
cmd := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, minijailPath, args...)
cmdStr := shutil.EscapeSlice(cmd.Args)
s.Logf("Running %q: %v",, cmdStr)
err := cmd.Run()
if st, ok := testexec.GetWaitStatus(err); !ok {
s.Errorf("Case %q (%v) failed (no exit status): %v",, cmdStr, err)
} else if st.ExitStatus() != tc.exitCode {
s.Errorf("Case %q (%v) exited with %d; want %d",, cmdStr, st.ExitStatus(), tc.exitCode)