blob: 4cdea3d89f5f9770e179d533f0c80071bcb96a98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package security
import (
func init() {
Func: SymlinkRestrictions,
Desc: "Verifies that unsafe symlinks are blocked",
Contacts: []string{
"", // Security team
Attr: []string{"group:mainline"},
func SymlinkRestrictions(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
// Check that symlink protection is enabled.
// See for details.
const procPath = "/proc/sys/fs/protected_symlinks"
if b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(procPath); err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Failed to read %s: %v", procPath, err)
} else if v := strings.TrimSpace(string(b)); v != "1" {
s.Fatalf("%v contains %q; want \"1\"", procPath, v)
td, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to create temp dir: ", err)
defer os.RemoveAll(td)
if err := os.Chmod(td, 0777|os.ModeSticky); err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Failed to set permissions on %v: %v", td, err)
// As an initial high-level check, verify that we won't follow a chronos-owned symlink to a restricted file.
linkPath := filepath.Join(td, "evil-symlink")
filesetup.CreateSymlink("/etc/shadow", linkPath, int(sysutil.ChronosUID))
if _, err := ioutil.ReadFile(linkPath); err == nil {
s.Errorf("Following malicious symlink %v was permitted", linkPath)
// readAsUser reads path as username. If expSuccess is true, an error is reported if the read fails.
// Otherwise, an error is reported only if the read was successful.
readAsUser := func(path, username string, expSuccess bool) {
err := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "sudo", "-u", username, "cat", path).Run()
if expSuccess && err != nil {
s.Errorf("Failed to read %v as %v: %v", path, username, err)
} else if !expSuccess && err == nil {
s.Errorf("Unexpectedly able to read %v as %v", path, username)
// initialState describes an initial file state for writeAsUser.
type initialState int
const (
// fileOwnedByUser indicates that the file should already exist and be owned by the supplied user.
fileOwnedByUser initialState = iota
// fileMissing indicates that the file should initially not be present.
// writeAsUser attempts to write arbitrary data to writePath as username.
// initialState describes checkPath's initial state.
// If expSuccess is true, checkPath is verified to exist and to be owned by username.
// Otherwise, an error is reported only if the write is successful.
writeAsUser := func(writePath, checkPath, username string, st initialState, expSuccess bool) {
uid, err := sysutil.GetUID(username)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to find uid: ", err)
switch st {
case fileOwnedByUser:
filesetup.CreateFile(checkPath, "initial contents", int(uid), 0644)
case fileMissing:
if err := os.RemoveAll(checkPath); err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Failed to remove %v: %v", checkPath, err)
err = testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "sudo", "-u", username, "dd", "if=/etc/passwd", "of="+writePath).Run()
if !expSuccess {
if err == nil {
s.Errorf("Writing to %v as %v unexpectedly succeeded", writePath, username)
if err != nil {
s.Errorf("Writing to %v as %v failed: %v", writePath, username, err)
if fi, err := os.Stat(checkPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
s.Errorf("%v doesn't exist after writing to %v as %v", checkPath, writePath, username)
} else if err != nil {
s.Errorf("Failed to stat %v after writing to %v as %v: %v", checkPath, writePath, username, err)
} else if u := fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Uid; u != uid {
s.Errorf("%v owned by %v after writing to %v as %v; want %v", checkPath, u, writePath, username, uid)
for _, tc := range []struct {
user1 string // directory owner
user2 string // other user
uid1 uint32
uid2 uint32
sticky bool // whether dir should be sticky
{"root", "chronos", 0, sysutil.ChronosUID, false},
{"chronos", "root", sysutil.ChronosUID, 0, false},
{"root", "chronos", 0, sysutil.ChronosUID, true},
{"chronos", "root", sysutil.ChronosUID, 0, true},
} {
var mode os.FileMode = 0777
dirType := "regular world-writable dir"
if tc.sticky {
mode |= os.ModeSticky
dirType = "sticky world-writable dir"
s.Logf("Using a %v owned by %v", dirType, tc.user1)
// Create a world-writable directory owned by the first user.
dir := filepath.Join(td, fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v-sticky=%v", tc.user1, tc.user2, tc.sticky))
filesetup.CreateDir(dir, int(tc.uid1), mode)
// Verify basic stickiness behavior: try to remove a file owned by the directory owner as the other user.
toDelete := filepath.Join(dir, "")
filesetup.CreateFile(toDelete, "I can be deleted in a non-sticky directory", int(tc.uid1), 0644)
err = testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "sudo", "-u", tc.user2, "rm", "-f", toDelete).Run()
wantErr := tc.sticky && tc.uid2 != 0 // should be able to delete unless running in sticky dir as non-root
if err == nil && wantErr {
s.Errorf("%v was able to delete file owned by %v in %s", tc.user2, tc.user1, dirType)
} else if err != nil && !wantErr {
s.Errorf("%v wasn't able to delete file owned by %v in %s", tc.user2, tc.user1, dirType)
// Create target files.
publicTarget := filepath.Join(dir, "target")
filesetup.CreateFile(publicTarget, "not secret", 0, 0644)
targetUser1 := filepath.Join(dir, "target-owned-by-"+tc.user1)
filesetup.CreateFile(targetUser1, "secret owned by "+tc.user1, int(tc.uid1), 0400)
targetUser2 := filepath.Join(dir, "target-owned-by-"+tc.user2)
filesetup.CreateFile(targetUser2, "secret owned by "+tc.user2, int(tc.uid2), 0400)
// Create symlinks owned by both users that point at the public target.
symlinkUser1 := filepath.Join(dir, "symlink-owned-by-"+tc.user1)
filesetup.CreateSymlink(publicTarget, symlinkUser1, int(tc.uid1))
symlinkUser2 := filepath.Join(dir, "symlink-owned-by-"+tc.user2)
filesetup.CreateSymlink(publicTarget, symlinkUser2, int(tc.uid2))
// The public target should be directly readable by both users.
readAsUser(publicTarget, tc.user1, true)
readAsUser(publicTarget, tc.user2, true)
// Non-public targets should only be readable by their owners.
// UID 0 should also be able to read other users' files due to DAC_OVERRIDE.
readAsUser(targetUser1, tc.user1, true)
readAsUser(targetUser2, tc.user2, true)
readAsUser(targetUser1, tc.user2, tc.uid2 == 0)
readAsUser(targetUser2, tc.user1, tc.uid1 == 0)
// The public target should be readable via a symlink by the symlink's owner.
readAsUser(symlinkUser1, tc.user1, true)
readAsUser(symlinkUser2, tc.user2, true)
// It should also be universally readable through a symlink owned by the directory owner (i.e. tc.user1).
readAsUser(symlinkUser1, tc.user2, true)
// When the symlink owner doesn't match a sticky directory owner, reading as another user should be blocked.
readAsUser(symlinkUser2, tc.user1, !tc.sticky)
// A self-owned file should be directly writable by both users.
writeAsUser(publicTarget, publicTarget, tc.user1, fileOwnedByUser, true)
writeAsUser(publicTarget, publicTarget, tc.user2, fileOwnedByUser, true)
// It should also be writable via self-owned symlinks.
writeAsUser(publicTarget, publicTarget, tc.user1, fileOwnedByUser, true)
writeAsUser(publicTarget, publicTarget, tc.user2, fileOwnedByUser, true)
// The second user should be able to use the directory owner's symlink to write the file.
writeAsUser(symlinkUser1, publicTarget, tc.user2, fileOwnedByUser, true)
// Non-directory-owner symlinks shouldn't be writable when the dir is sticky.
writeAsUser(symlinkUser2, publicTarget, tc.user1, fileOwnedByUser, !tc.sticky)
// A file should be directly creatable by both users.
writeAsUser(publicTarget, publicTarget, tc.user1, fileMissing, true)
writeAsUser(publicTarget, publicTarget, tc.user2, fileMissing, true)
// The file should also be creatable via a self-owned symlink.
writeAsUser(symlinkUser1, publicTarget, tc.user1, fileMissing, true)
writeAsUser(symlinkUser2, publicTarget, tc.user2, fileMissing, true)
// The second user should be able to use the directory owner's symlink to create the file.
writeAsUser(symlinkUser1, publicTarget, tc.user2, fileMissing, true)
// Creating a file with a non-directory-owner symlink shouldn't work when the dir is sticky.
writeAsUser(symlinkUser2, publicTarget, tc.user1, fileMissing, !tc.sticky)