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// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package coords keeps coordinates-related structs and their utilities for the
// UI system.
package coords
import (
// Point represents a location.
type Point struct {
X int `json:"x"`
Y int `json:"y"`
// NewPoint creates a new Point instance for given x,y coordinates.
func NewPoint(x, y int) Point {
return Point{X: x, Y: y}
// String returns the string representation of Point.
func (p Point) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%d, %d)", p.X, p.Y)
// Equals returns true if the point equals another one.
func (p Point) Equals(p2 Point) bool {
return p.X == p2.X && p.Y == p2.Y
// Add returns the addition of two Points.
func (p Point) Add(p2 Point) Point {
return Point{p.X + p2.X, p.Y + p2.Y}
// Sub returns the subtraction of two Points.
func (p Point) Sub(p2 Point) Point {
return Point{p.X - p2.X, p.Y - p2.Y}
// Size represents a size of a region.
type Size struct {
Width int `json:"width"`
Height int `json:"height"`
// NewSize creates a new Size instance for given width,height.
func NewSize(w, h int) Size {
return Size{Width: w, Height: h}
// String returns the string representation of Size.
func (s Size) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%d x %d)", s.Width, s.Height)
// Rect represents a rectangular region.
type Rect struct {
Left int `json:"left"`
Top int `json:"top"`
Width int `json:"width"`
Height int `json:"height"`
// NewRect creates a new Rect instance for given x, y width, and height.
func NewRect(x, y, w, h int) Rect {
return Rect{Left: x, Top: y, Width: w, Height: h}
// NewRectLTRB creates a new rect instance for left, top, right, and bottom
// coordinates.
func NewRectLTRB(l, t, r, b int) Rect {
return Rect{Left: l, Top: t, Width: r - l, Height: b - t}
// String returns the string representation of Rect.
func (r Rect) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%d, %d) - (%d x %d)", r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height)
// Right returns the x-value of the right edge of the rectangle.
func (r Rect) Right() int {
return r.Left + r.Width
// Bottom returns the y-value of the bottom edge of the rectangle.
func (r Rect) Bottom() int {
return r.Top + r.Height
// CenterX returns the x-value of the center point of the rectangle.
func (r Rect) CenterX() int {
return r.Left + r.Width/2
// CenterY returns the y-value of the center point of the rectangle.
func (r Rect) CenterY() int {
return r.Top + r.Height/2
// TopLeft returns the location of the top left of the rectangle.
func (r Rect) TopLeft() Point {
return Point{X: r.Left, Y: r.Top}
// TopRight returns the location of the top right of the rectangle.
func (r Rect) TopRight() Point {
return Point{X: r.Left + r.Width, Y: r.Top}
// BottomLeft returns the location of the bottom left of the rectangle.
func (r Rect) BottomLeft() Point {
return Point{X: r.Left, Y: r.Top + r.Height}
// BottomRight returns the location of the bottom right of the rectangle.
func (r Rect) BottomRight() Point {
return Point{X: r.Left + r.Width, Y: r.Top + r.Height}
// BottomCenter returns the center location of the bottom edge of the rectangle.
func (r Rect) BottomCenter() Point {
return Point{X: r.Left + r.Width/2, Y: r.Top + r.Height}
// CenterPoint returns the location of the center of the rectangle.
func (r Rect) CenterPoint() Point {
return Point{X: r.Left + r.Width/2, Y: r.Top + r.Height/2}
// Empty returns true if the r is zero-value.
func (r Rect) Empty() bool {
return r == Rect{}
// Size returns the size of the rect.
func (r Rect) Size() Size {
return Size{Width: r.Width, Height: r.Height}
// Contains returns whether `other` is a rectangle contained within r.
// A rectangle is considered to contain itself.
func (r Rect) Contains(other Rect) bool {
return r.Left <= other.Left && r.Top <= other.Top && r.Bottom() >= other.Bottom() && r.Right() >= other.Right()
func min(x, y int) int {
if x < y {
return x
return y
func max(x, y int) int {
if x < y {
return y
return x
// Intersection returns the intersection of two rectangles, or an empty
// rectangle if they don't intersect.
func (r Rect) Intersection(other Rect) Rect {
res := NewRectLTRB(
max(r.Left, other.Left),
max(r.Top, other.Top),
min(r.Right(), other.Right()),
min(r.Bottom(), other.Bottom()))
if res.Width < 0 || res.Height < 0 {
return Rect{}
return res
// WithInset returns a new Rect inset by the given amounts. If insetting would cause the rectangle to
// have negative area, instead an empty rectangle with the same CenterPoint is returned.
// Note that dw and dh may be negative to outset a rectangle.
func (r Rect) WithInset(dw, dh int) Rect {
dw2 := dw * 2
if dw2 > r.Width {
dw2 = r.Width
dh2 := dh * 2
if dh2 > r.Height {
dh2 = r.Height
return NewRect(r.Left+dw2/2, r.Top+dh2/2, r.Width-dw2, r.Height-dh2)
// WithOffset returns a new Rect offset by the given amounts.
func (r Rect) WithOffset(dl, dt int) Rect {
return NewRect(r.Left+dl, r.Top+dt, r.Width, r.Height)
// convertBounds is used by ConvertBoundsFromDPToPX and ConvertBoundsFromPXToDP.
func convertBounds(bounds Rect, factor float64) Rect {
return Rect{
Left: int(math.Round(float64(bounds.Left) * factor)),
Top: int(math.Round(float64(bounds.Top) * factor)),
Width: int(math.Round(float64(bounds.Width) * factor)),
Height: int(math.Round(float64(bounds.Height) * factor))}
// ConvertBoundsFromDPToPX converts the given bounds in dips to pixels based on the given device
// scale factor. The converted values of Left, Top, Width, and Height are rounded.
func ConvertBoundsFromDPToPX(bounds Rect, dsf float64) Rect {
return convertBounds(bounds, dsf)
// ConvertBoundsFromPXToDP converts the given bounds in pixels to dips based on the given device
// scale factor. The converted values of Left, Top, Width, and Height are rounded.
func ConvertBoundsFromPXToDP(bounds Rect, dsf float64) Rect {
return convertBounds(bounds, 1.0/dsf)