blob: 25a1baa02e2003080e3659775f9b61cbe9494ad5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package crash
import (
gotesting "testing"
// crashFile contains information about a crash file used by tests.
// The testutil package uses relative paths while the crash package
// uses absolute paths, so this struct stores both.
type crashFile struct{ rel, abs, data string }
// writeCrashFile writes a file with relative path rel containing data to dir.
func writeCrashFile(t *gotesting.T, dir, rel, data string) crashFile {
cf := crashFile{rel, filepath.Join(dir, rel), data}
if err := testutil.WriteFiles(dir, map[string]string{rel: data}); err != nil {
return cf
func TestGetCrashes(t *gotesting.T) {
td := testutil.TempDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(td)
writeCrashFile(t, td, "foo.txt", "") // skipped because non-core/dmp extension
fooCore := writeCrashFile(t, td, "foo.core", "")
fooDmp := writeCrashFile(t, td, "foo.dmp", "")
fooLog := writeCrashFile(t, td, "foo.log", "")
fooMeta := writeCrashFile(t, td, "foo.meta", "")
fooInfo := writeCrashFile(t, td, "", "")
fooProclog := writeCrashFile(t, td, "foo.proclog", "")
fooGPU := writeCrashFile(t, td, "foo.i915_error_state.log.xz", "")
fooCompressedTxt := writeCrashFile(t, td, "foo.txt.gz", "")
fooBIOSLog := writeCrashFile(t, td, "foo.bios_log", "")
fooKCrash := writeCrashFile(t, td, "foo.kcrash", "")
fooCompressedLog := writeCrashFile(t, td, "foo.log.gz", "")
barDmp := writeCrashFile(t, td, "bar.dmp", "")
writeCrashFile(t, td, "bar", "") // skipped because no extenison
writeCrashFile(t, td, "subdir/baz.dmp", "") // skipped because in subdir
writeCrashFile(t, td, "", "") // skipped because second extension is wrong
writeCrashFile(t, td, "other.xz", "")
dirs := []string{filepath.Join(td, "missing"), td} // nonexistent dir should be skipped
files, err := GetCrashes(dirs...)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("GetCrashes(%v) failed: %v", dirs, err)
if exp := []string{barDmp.abs, fooBIOSLog.abs, fooCore.abs, fooDmp.abs, fooGPU.abs, fooInfo.abs, fooKCrash.abs, fooLog.abs, fooCompressedLog.abs, fooMeta.abs, fooProclog.abs, fooCompressedTxt.abs}; !reflect.DeepEqual(files, exp) {
t.Errorf("GetCrashes(%v) = %v; want %v", dirs, files, exp)
func TestProcessRunning(t *gotesting.T) {
td := testutil.TempDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(td)
// procName must be <=14 characters long so that gopsutil doesn't look at
// /proc/$$/cmdline.
procName := fmt.Sprintf("t_%d", rand.Int31())
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(td, procName), []byte("#!/bin/sh\nsleep 10\n"), 0777); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to write a script: ", err)
cmd := exec.Command(filepath.Join(td, procName))
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to start a script: ", err)
func() {
defer cmd.Wait()
defer cmd.Process.Kill()
if err := testing.Poll(context.Background(), func(ctx context.Context) error {
running, err := processRunning(procName)
if err != nil {
return testing.PollBreak(err)
if !running {
return errors.New("processRunning = false")
return nil
}, &testing.PollOptions{Timeout: 10 * time.Second}); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to wait for processRunning to return true: ", err)
if err := testing.Poll(context.Background(), func(ctx context.Context) error {
running, err := processRunning(procName)
if err != nil {
return testing.PollBreak(err)
if running {
return errors.New("processRunning = true")
return nil
}, &testing.PollOptions{Timeout: 10 * time.Second}); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to wait for processRunning to return false: ", err)
func compareWaitForCrashFilesResultHelper(results, expected map[string][]string, td, message string) error {
// Order doesn't matter for the list of files, so sort before comparison.
for _, value := range expected {
for i := range value {
value[i] = filepath.Join(td, value[i])
for _, value := range results {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(results, expected) {
return errors.Errorf(message, results, expected)
return nil
func compareWaitForCrashFilesResult(results, expected map[string][]string, td string) error {
return compareWaitForCrashFilesResultHelper(results, expected, td, "WaitForCrashFiles returned %v, expected %v")
func compareRegexesNotFoundPartialMatches(results, expected map[string][]string, td string) error {
return compareWaitForCrashFilesResultHelper(results, expected, td, "RegexesNotFound.PartialMatches was %v, expected %v")
func compareRegexesNotFound(actualErr error, expectedErr *RegexesNotFound, td string) error {
if actualErr == nil {
return errors.Errorf("WaitForCrashFiles succeeded, expected RegexesNotFound error %v", expectedErr)
notFoundErr, ok := actualErr.(RegexesNotFound)
if !ok {
return errors.Errorf("WaitForCrashFiles returned error %v, expected RegexesNotFound error %v", actualErr, expectedErr)
var issues []string
for i := range expectedErr.Files {
expectedErr.Files[i] = filepath.Join(td, expectedErr.Files[i])
// Order doesn't matter for the list of files, so sort before comparison.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(notFoundErr.Files, expectedErr.Files) {
issues = append(issues, fmt.Sprintf("Bad Files list in err, got %v, expected %v", notFoundErr.Files, expectedErr.Files))
// Order doesn't matter for the missing list, so sort before comparison.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(notFoundErr.Missing, expectedErr.Missing) {
issues = append(issues, fmt.Sprintf("Bad Missing list in err, got %v, expected %v", notFoundErr.Missing, expectedErr.Missing))
if err := compareRegexesNotFoundPartialMatches(notFoundErr.PartialMatches, expectedErr.PartialMatches, td); err != nil {
issues = append(issues, err.Error())
if len(issues) > 0 {
return errors.Errorf("Returned RegexesNotFound error didn't match expected %v", issues)
return nil
func writeFiles(dir string, files []string, fileContents []byte, overrideFileContents map[string][]byte) error {
for _, file := range files {
contents := fileContents
if val, ok := overrideFileContents[file]; ok {
contents = val
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, file), contents, 0666); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to touch file")
return nil
const (
metaRegex = `.*\.\d{1,8}\.meta`
dmpRegex = `.*\.\d{1,8}\.dmp`
logRegex = `.*\.\d{1,8}\.log`
kcrashRegex = `.*\.\d{1,8}\.kcrash`
var waitForCrashFilesTests = []struct {
// name is the test name.
name string
// files is the list of files to create before calling WaitForCrashFiles.
files []string
// laterFiles is a list of files that are created while WaitForCrashFiles is
// running.
laterFiles []string
// fileContents is the contents of the files. (By default, all files have the
// same contents). Usually contains 'done=1' so that meta files are considered
// valid.
fileContents []byte
// overrideFileContents is a map of file name to contents. If present, it
// overrides fileContents for the files that appear in the map.
overrideFileContents map[string][]byte
// dirs is the list of directories to pass into WaitForCrashFiles. The test
// directory name is prepended to each. If empty or nil, the test directory
// is passed in as the only directory.
dirs []string
// regexes is the regexes parameter to WaitForCrashFiles
regexes []string
// optionalRegexes, if not nil, is passed to WaitForCrashFiles via the
// OptionalRegexes option.
optionalRegexes []string
// expectedResults is the expected non-error return value. The value strings
// are the base names of the files, which will have the directory prepended
// during the test.
expectedResults map[string][]string
// expectedErr, if not nil, is the RegexesNotFound error we expect to get from
// WaitForCrashFiles. If nil, we don't expect to get an error at all.
// Note that the various files (in Files and PartialMatches) will have the
// directory prepended, so only the base names are listed in the test case.
expectedErr *RegexesNotFound
// timeout, if not 0, is the timeout for WaitForCrashFiles
timeout time.Duration
name: "Success",
// "notreturned.*" will not be returned because it's missing the PID and so
// doesn't match the pattern we provide below.
files: []string{"a.15.meta", "a.15.dmp", "a.15.log", "b.7.meta", "b.7.dmp", "b.7.log", "notreturned.meta", "notreturned.dmp", "notreturned.log"},
fileContents: []byte("foo=bar\ndone=1"),
regexes: []string{metaRegex, dmpRegex, logRegex},
expectedResults: map[string][]string{
metaRegex: []string{"a.15.meta", "b.7.meta"},
dmpRegex: []string{"a.15.dmp", "b.7.dmp"},
logRegex: []string{"a.15.log", "b.7.log"},
}, {
name: "MissOneRegex",
// No .log files, only .dmp and .meta.
files: []string{"a.15.meta", "a.15.dmp", "b.7.meta", "b.7.dmp", "notreturned.6.kcrash"},
fileContents: []byte("foo=bar\ndone=1"),
regexes: []string{metaRegex, dmpRegex, logRegex},
expectedErr: &RegexesNotFound{
Missing: []string{logRegex},
Files: []string{"a.15.meta", "a.15.dmp", "b.7.meta", "b.7.dmp", "notreturned.6.kcrash"},
PartialMatches: map[string][]string{
metaRegex: []string{"a.15.meta", "b.7.meta"},
dmpRegex: []string{"a.15.dmp", "b.7.dmp"},
timeout: time.Second,
}, {
name: "MissAllRegexes",
files: []string{"notreturned.kcrash"},
fileContents: []byte("foo=bar\ndone=1"),
regexes: []string{metaRegex, dmpRegex, logRegex},
expectedErr: &RegexesNotFound{
Missing: []string{metaRegex, dmpRegex, logRegex},
Files: []string{"notreturned.kcrash"},
PartialMatches: map[string][]string{},
timeout: time.Second,
}, {
name: "MatchesEntireFilename",
// "abc.15.meta" is a partial match for the regex but is not returned because
// we only accept full matches.
files: []string{"c.15.meta", "abc.15.meta"},
fileContents: []byte("foo=bar\ndone=1"),
regexes: []string{`c\.\d{1,8}\.meta`},
expectedResults: map[string][]string{
`c\.\d{1,8}\.meta`: []string{"c.15.meta"},
}, {
name: "DirectoryNamesNotPartOfMatch",
// The string "dir1/q.15.log" matches the regex but the file is not returned
// because "q.15.log" does not match the regex.
files: []string{"dir/q.15.log", "dir/dir.15.log"},
fileContents: []byte("foo=bar"),
dirs: []string{"dir"},
regexes: []string{`d.*\.\d{1,8}\.log`},
expectedResults: map[string][]string{
`d.*\.\d{1,8}\.log`: []string{"dir/dir.15.log"},
}, {
// Ensure WaitForCrashFiles actually waits for the files to show up and doesn't
// exit if they are not there when the function is first called.
name: "ActuallyWaits",
files: []string{"a.15.log", "a.15.dmp", "b.7.log", "b.7.dmp"},
laterFiles: []string{"a.15.meta", "b.7.kcrash"},
fileContents: []byte("foo=bar\ndone=1"),
regexes: []string{metaRegex, dmpRegex, logRegex, kcrashRegex},
expectedResults: map[string][]string{
metaRegex: []string{"a.15.meta"},
dmpRegex: []string{"a.15.dmp", "b.7.dmp"},
logRegex: []string{"a.15.log", "b.7.log"},
kcrashRegex: []string{"b.7.kcrash"},
}, {
name: "MetasNeedDone",
files: []string{"a.15.meta", "a.15.dmp", "a.15.log", "b.7.meta", "b.7.dmp", "b.7.log"},
fileContents: []byte("foo=bar"),
regexes: []string{metaRegex, dmpRegex, logRegex},
expectedErr: &RegexesNotFound{
Missing: []string{metaRegex},
Files: []string{"a.15.meta", "a.15.dmp", "a.15.log", "b.7.meta", "b.7.dmp", "b.7.log"},
PartialMatches: map[string][]string{
logRegex: []string{"a.15.log", "b.7.log"},
dmpRegex: []string{"a.15.dmp", "b.7.dmp"},
timeout: time.Second,
}, {
name: "NonMetasDontNeedDone",
files: []string{"a.15.dmp", "a.15.log", "b.7.dmp", "b.7.log"},
fileContents: []byte("foo=bar"),
regexes: []string{dmpRegex, logRegex},
expectedResults: map[string][]string{
dmpRegex: []string{"a.15.dmp", "b.7.dmp"},
logRegex: []string{"a.15.log", "b.7.log"},
}, {
name: "OnlyOneMetaNeedsDone_FirstMetaHasDone",
files: []string{"a.15.meta", "a.15.dmp", "a.15.log", "b.7.meta", "b.7.dmp", "b.7.log"},
fileContents: []byte("foo=bar"),
overrideFileContents: map[string][]byte{"a.15.meta": []byte("done=1")},
regexes: []string{metaRegex, dmpRegex, logRegex},
expectedResults: map[string][]string{
dmpRegex: []string{"a.15.dmp", "b.7.dmp"},
logRegex: []string{"a.15.log", "b.7.log"},
metaRegex: []string{"a.15.meta"}, // Note no b.7.meta
}, {
name: "OnlyOneMetaNeedsDone_SecondMetaHasDone",
files: []string{"a.15.meta", "a.15.dmp", "a.15.log", "b.7.meta", "b.7.dmp", "b.7.log"},
fileContents: []byte("foo=bar"),
overrideFileContents: map[string][]byte{"b.7.meta": []byte("done=1")},
regexes: []string{metaRegex, dmpRegex, logRegex},
expectedResults: map[string][]string{
dmpRegex: []string{"a.15.dmp", "b.7.dmp"},
logRegex: []string{"a.15.log", "b.7.log"},
metaRegex: []string{"b.7.meta"}, // Note no a.15.meta
}, {
name: "MultipleDirectories",
files: []string{"dir2/a.15.meta", "dir2/a.15.dmp", "dir2/a.15.log",
"dir3/b.7.meta", "dir3/b.7.dmp", "dir3/b.7.log"},
fileContents: []byte("foo=bar\ndone=1"),
dirs: []string{"dir1", "dir2", "dir3"},
regexes: []string{metaRegex, dmpRegex, logRegex},
expectedResults: map[string][]string{
dmpRegex: []string{"dir2/a.15.dmp", "dir3/b.7.dmp"},
logRegex: []string{"dir2/a.15.log", "dir3/b.7.log"},
metaRegex: []string{"dir2/a.15.meta", "dir3/b.7.meta"},
}, {
name: "NonCrashFilesAlwaysIgnored",
files: []string{"a.dmp", "a.kcrash", "a.notaknownextension"},
fileContents: []byte("foo=bar"),
regexes: []string{".*"},
expectedResults: map[string][]string{
".*": []string{"a.dmp", "a.kcrash"},
}, {
name: "NonCrashFilesAlwaysIgnoredNoMatches",
files: []string{"a.notaknownextension"},
fileContents: []byte("foo=bar"),
regexes: []string{".*"},
expectedErr: &RegexesNotFound{
Missing: []string{".*"},
Files: nil,
PartialMatches: map[string][]string{},
timeout: time.Second,
}, {
name: "OptionalRegexesAreMatched",
files: []string{"a.15.meta", "a.15.dmp", "a.15.log", "a.15.kcrash", "b.7.meta", "b.7.dmp", "b.7.log", "notreturned.meta", "notreturned.dmp", "notreturned.log"},
fileContents: []byte("foo=bar\ndone=1"),
regexes: []string{metaRegex, dmpRegex},
optionalRegexes: []string{logRegex, kcrashRegex},
expectedResults: map[string][]string{
metaRegex: []string{"a.15.meta", "b.7.meta"},
dmpRegex: []string{"a.15.dmp", "b.7.dmp"},
logRegex: []string{"a.15.log", "b.7.log"},
kcrashRegex: []string{"a.15.kcrash"},
}, {
name: "OptionalRegexesDontCauseErrors",
files: []string{"a.15.meta", "a.15.dmp", "a.15.log", "b.7.meta", "b.7.dmp", "b.7.log", "notreturned.meta", "notreturned.dmp", "notreturned.log"},
fileContents: []byte("foo=bar\ndone=1"),
regexes: []string{metaRegex, dmpRegex},
optionalRegexes: []string{logRegex, kcrashRegex},
// kcrashRegex not matched
expectedResults: map[string][]string{
metaRegex: []string{"a.15.meta", "b.7.meta"},
dmpRegex: []string{"a.15.dmp", "b.7.dmp"},
logRegex: []string{"a.15.log", "b.7.log"},
}, {
name: "OnlyOptionalRegexesAlwaysSucceeds",
files: nil,
regexes: nil,
optionalRegexes: []string{metaRegex, dmpRegex, logRegex, kcrashRegex},
expectedResults: map[string][]string{},
func TestWaitForCrashFiles(t *gotesting.T) {
for _, testCase := range waitForCrashFilesTests {
testCase := testCase // NOTE:
t.Run(, func(t *gotesting.T) {
t.Parallel() // Run subtests in parallel because some have timeouts
td := testutil.TempDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(td)
dirs := testCase.dirs
for i := range dirs {
dirs[i] = filepath.Join(td, dirs[i])
if err := os.MkdirAll(dirs[i], 0770); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to make subdirectory ", dirs[i], ": ", err)
if len(dirs) == 0 {
dirs = []string{td}
if err := writeFiles(td, testCase.files, testCase.fileContents, testCase.overrideFileContents); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to create files: ", err)
if testCase.laterFiles != nil {
time.AfterFunc(time.Second, func() {
if err := writeFiles(td, testCase.laterFiles, testCase.fileContents, testCase.overrideFileContents); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to create late-arriving files: ", err)
var opts []WaitForCrashFilesOpt
if testCase.timeout != 0 {
opts = append(opts, Timeout(testCase.timeout))
if testCase.optionalRegexes != nil {
opts = append(opts, OptionalRegexes(testCase.optionalRegexes))
results, err := WaitForCrashFiles(context.Background(), dirs, testCase.regexes, opts...)
if testCase.expectedResults == nil && results != nil {
t.Error("WaitForCrashFiles returned ", results, ", expected no results")
} else {
if err := compareWaitForCrashFilesResult(results, testCase.expectedResults, td); err != nil {
if testCase.expectedErr != nil {
if compareErr := compareRegexesNotFound(err, testCase.expectedErr, td); compareErr != nil {
} else if err != nil {
t.Error("WaitForCrashFiles had error: ", err, ", expected success")
func TestDeleteCoreDumps(t *gotesting.T) {
td := testutil.TempDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(td)
dir1 := filepath.Join(td, "dir1") // dir1 is missing
dir2 := filepath.Join(td, "dir2")
if err := os.Mkdir(dir2, 0777); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to create dir: ", err)
initFiles := []string{"a.core", "a.txt", "b.core", "b.dmp", "b.jpg"}
for _, fn := range initFiles {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir2, fn), nil, 0666); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to touch file: ", err)
// filesIn returns a list of files under dir.
filesIn := func(dir string) []string {
fis, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("ReadDir failed: ", err)
var files []string
for _, fi := range fis {
files = append(files, fi.Name())
return files
// First, test the behavior when crash_reporter is running.
func() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
reporterRunning := func() (bool, error) {
// Cancel the context so that deleteCoreDumps returns after observing exactly once that
// crash_reporter is running.
return true, nil
if err := deleteCoreDumps(ctx, []string{dir1, dir2}, reporterRunning); err == nil {
t.Error("deleteCoreDumps succeeded unexpectedly while crash_reporter is running")
got := filesIn(dir2)
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, initFiles); diff != "" {
t.Error("Files mismatch after failed deleteCoreDumps (-got +want):\n", diff)
// Second, test the behavior when crash_reporter is not running.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
reporterRunning := func() (bool, error) {
// Create a new core file. This should not be deleted.
for _, fn := range []string{"c.core", "c.dmp"} {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir2, fn), nil, 0666); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to touch file: ", err)
return false, nil
if err := deleteCoreDumps(ctx, []string{dir1, dir2}, reporterRunning); err != nil {
t.Error("deleteCoreDumps failed when crash_reporter is not running: ", err)
// a.core: Not deleted because a.dmp does not exist.
// b.core: Deleted.
// c.core: Not deleted because it was created after waiting for crash_reporter.
got := filesIn(dir2)
want := []string{"a.core", "a.txt", "b.dmp", "b.jpg", "c.core", "c.dmp"}
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, want); diff != "" {
t.Error("Files mismatch after successful deleteCoreDumps (-got +want):\n", diff)