blob: 7605abe7577bd6220c30329e14905f10f6a917fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package kernelmeter provides a mechanism for collecting kernel-related
// measurements in parallel with the execution of a test.
// Several kernel quantities (e.g page faults, swaps) are exposed via sysfs or
// procfs in the form of counters. We are generally interested in the absolute
// increments of these values over a period of time, and their rate of change.
// A kernelmeter.Meter instance keeps track of the initial values of the
// counters so that deltas can be computed. It also calculates the peak rate
// over an interval. Additionally, various methods are available for reading
// snapshots of other exported kernel quantities.
package kernelmeter
import (
// Meter collects kernel performance statistics.
type Meter struct {
isClosed bool // true after the meter has been closed
stop chan struct{} // closed (by client) to request stop
stopped chan struct{} // closed by collection goroutine when it exits
vmsm *vmStatsMeter // tracks various memory manager counters
// vmField is an index into vmSample.fields. Each vmstat of interest is
// assigned a fixed vmField.
type vmField int
// The /proc/vmstat fields to be collected.
const (
pageFaultField vmField = iota
const vmFieldsLength = int(vmFieldsLastField)
// vmSample contains a snapshot (time + values) from /proc/vmstat.
type vmSample struct {
time time.Time
fields [vmFieldsLength]uint64
// vmFieldIndices maps the name of a vmstat field to a vmField, which is an
// index into a vmSample.fields vector.
var vmFieldIndices = map[string]vmField{
"pgmajfault": pageFaultField,
"pswpin": swapInField,
"pswpout": swapOutField,
"oom_kill": oomKillField,
const (
// Length of window for moving averages as a multiple of the sampling period.
vmCountWindowLength = 10
// Number of samples in circular buffer. The window has samples at
// both ends, so for instance a window of length 1 requires 2 samples.
sampleBufferLength = vmCountWindowLength + 1
// vmStatsMeter collects vm counter statistics.
type vmStatsMeter struct {
startSample vmSample // initial values at collection start
samples [sampleBufferLength]vmSample // circular buffer of recent samples
sampleIndex int // index of most recent sample in buffer
sampleCount int // count of valid samples in buffer (for startup)
maxRates [vmFieldsLength]float64 // max seen counter rates (delta per second)
mutex sync.Mutex // for safe access of all variables
// reset resets a vmStatsMeter. Should be called immediately after
// acquireSample, so that the latest sample is up to date. Note that this
// resets the start time and max rates seen, but does not modify the
// circular buffer used to compute the moving average.
func (v *vmStatsMeter) reset() {
v.startSample = v.samples[v.sampleIndex]
for i := range v.maxRates {
v.maxRates[i] = 0.0
// updateMaxRates updates the max rate of increase seen for each counter.
func (v *vmStatsMeter) updateMaxRates() {
currentTime := v.samples[v.sampleIndex].time
previousIndex := (v.sampleIndex - 1 + sampleBufferLength) % sampleBufferLength
previousTime := v.samples[previousIndex].time
for i := 0; i < vmFieldsLength; i++ {
currentCount := v.samples[v.sampleIndex].fields[i]
previousCount := v.samples[previousIndex].fields[i]
rate := float64(currentCount-previousCount) / currentTime.Sub(previousTime).Seconds()
if rate > v.maxRates[i] {
v.maxRates[i] = rate
// acquireSample adds a new sample to the circular buffer, and tracks the
// number of valid entries in the buffer.
func (v *vmStatsMeter) acquireSample() {
if v.sampleCount < sampleBufferLength {
v.sampleIndex = (v.sampleIndex + 1) % sampleBufferLength
// counterData produces a VMCounterData for field.
func (v *vmStatsMeter) counterData(field vmField) VMCounterData {
current := v.samples[v.sampleIndex].fields[field]
currentTime := v.samples[v.sampleIndex].time
delta := current - v.startSample.fields[field]
// Use the most recent and least recent samples in the circular buffer.
old := (v.sampleIndex - (v.sampleCount - 1) + sampleBufferLength) % sampleBufferLength
oldTime := v.samples[old].time
recentDelta := current - v.samples[old].fields[field]
return VMCounterData{
Count: delta,
AverageRate: float64(delta) / currentTime.Sub(v.startSample.time).Seconds(),
MaxRate: v.maxRates[field],
RecentRate: float64(recentDelta) / currentTime.Sub(oldTime).Seconds(),
// VMCounterData contains statistics for a memory manager event counter, such
// as the page fault counter (pgmajfault in /proc/vmstat).
type VMCounterData struct {
// Count is the number of events since the last reset.
Count uint64
// AverageRate is the average rate (increase/second) for the duration
// of the sampling.
AverageRate float64
// MaxRate is the maximum rate seen during the sampling
// (increase/second over samplePeriod intervals).
MaxRate float64
// RecentRate is the average rate in the most recent window with size
// vmCountWindowLength periods (or slightly more), or however many
// periods are available since the most recent reset, including the
// most recent sample.
RecentRate float64
// VMStatsData contains statistics for various memory manager counters.
// The fields of VMStatsData must match the names and indices above.
type VMStatsData struct {
// PageFault reports major page fault count and rates.
PageFault VMCounterData
// SwapIn reports swapin count and rates.
SwapIn VMCounterData
// SwapOut reports swapout count and rates.
SwapOut VMCounterData
// OOM reports out-of-memory kill count and rates.
OOM VMCounterData
const samplePeriod = 1 * time.Second // length of sample period for max rate calculation
// New creates a Meter and starts the sampling goroutine.
func New(ctx context.Context) *Meter {
vmsm := newVMStatsMeter()
m := &Meter{
vmsm: vmsm,
stop: make(chan struct{}),
stopped: make(chan struct{}),
go m.start(ctx)
return m
// Close stops the sampling goroutine and releases other resources.
func (m *Meter) Close(ctx context.Context) {
if m.isClosed {
panic("Closing already closed kernelmeter")
// Send stop request to the goroutine.
// Wait for the goroutine to finish.
select {
case <-m.stopped:
case <-ctx.Done():
m.isClosed = true
// Reset resets a Meter so that it is ready for a new set of measurements.
func (m *Meter) Reset() {
// newVMStatsMeter returns a vmStatsMeter instance.
func newVMStatsMeter() *vmStatsMeter {
v := &vmStatsMeter{}
return v
// stats returns the vm counter stats since the last reset.
func (v *vmStatsMeter) stats() (*VMStatsData, error) {
defer v.mutex.Unlock()
interval := time.Now().Sub(v.startSample.time)
if interval.Seconds() == 0.0 {
return nil, errors.New("calling VMCounterStats too soon")
return &VMStatsData{
PageFault: v.counterData(pageFaultField),
SwapIn: v.counterData(swapInField),
SwapOut: v.counterData(swapOutField),
OOM: v.counterData(oomKillField),
}, nil
// read stores the current time and current values of selected fields of
// /proc/vmstat into s. Panics if any error occurs, since we expect the kernel
// to function properly. The values of fields that are not found in
// /proc/vmstat are left unchanged.
func (s *vmSample) read() {
s.time = time.Now()
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/proc/vmstat")
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprint("Cannot read /proc/vmstat: ", err))
seen := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(string(b), "\n"), "\n") {
nameValue := strings.Split(line, " ")
if len(nameValue) != 2 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected vmstat line %q", line))
name := nameValue[0]
value := nameValue[1]
i, present := vmFieldIndices[name]
if !present {
count, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot parse %q value %q: %v", name, value, err))
s.fields[i] = uint64(count)
if len(seen) == vmFieldsLength {
// start starts the kernel meter, which periodically samples various memory
// manager quantities (such as page fault counts) and tracks the max values of
// their rate of change.
func (m *Meter) start(ctx context.Context) {
defer func() {
for {
select {
case <-time.After(samplePeriod):
case <-m.stop:
case <-ctx.Done():
// VMStats returns the total number of events, and the average and
// max rates, for various memory manager events.
func (m *Meter) VMStats() (*VMStatsData, error) {
return m.vmsm.stats()
// MemSize represents an amount of RAM in bytes.
type MemSize uint64
// String converts a MemSize to a string for printing. The value is printed in
// MiB, since MiB resolution is more than sufficient for this application. For
// Values smaller than 2 MiB, print a few decimals.
func (m MemSize) String() string {
const mib = MemSize(1024 * 1024)
if m >= 2*mib {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", m/mib)
return fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", float64(m)/float64(mib))
// watermarkData contains the sums of per-zone watermarks, plus the total
// memory reserve from the kernel.
type watermarkData struct {
min, low, high, totalReserve MemSize
// watermarks returns the MM watermarks and mimics the calculation of
// totalreserve_pages, which is not exported, in
// calculate_totalreserve_pages(). The latter number is a reasonable
// approximation (and an upper bound) of the minimum amount of RAM which the
// kernel tries to keep free by reclaiming.
func watermarks() (*watermarkData, error) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/proc/zoneinfo")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return stringToWatermarks(string(b))
// NewMemSizePages converts a number of pages to its memory size in bytes.
func NewMemSizePages(pages int) MemSize {
return MemSize(pages) * MemSize(os.Getpagesize())
// NewMemSizeKiB converts an amount in KiB to a memory size in bytes.
func NewMemSizeKiB(kib int) MemSize {
return MemSize(kib) * 1024
// NewMemSizeMiB converts an amount in MiB to a memory size in bytes.
func NewMemSizeMiB(mib int) MemSize {
return MemSize(mib) * 1024 * 1024
// stringToWatermarks is the internal version of watermarks, for unit testing.
// s is the content of /proc/zoneinfo.
func stringToWatermarks(s string) (*watermarkData, error) {
watermarkRE := regexp.MustCompile(`(high|low|min)\s+(\d+)`)
managedRE := regexp.MustCompile(`managed\s+(\d+)`)
reserveRE := regexp.MustCompile(`protection: \((.*)\)`)
w := &watermarkData{}
type parseState int
const (
lookingForWatermarks parseState = iota
// All quantities in /proc/zoneinfo are in pages. They are converted
// to MemSize (bytes).
state := lookingForWatermarks // initial parsing state
var managed MemSize // per-zone managed memory
var highWM MemSize // high watermark in a zone
var maxReserve MemSize // highest value in "protection" array for a zone
var totalReserve MemSize // total reserve, based on max per-zone reserves
wm := map[string]MemSize{} // values of min, low, high in a zone
for _, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(string(s), "\n"), "\n") {
if groups := watermarkRE.FindStringSubmatch(line); groups != nil {
if state != lookingForWatermarks {
return nil, errors.New("field out of order in zoneinfo")
var v int
var err error
if v, err = strconv.Atoi(groups[2]); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "bad value %q for zoneinfo field %q", groups[2], groups[1])
wm[groups[1]] = NewMemSizePages(v)
if len(wm) == 3 {
w.min += wm["min"]
w.low += wm["low"]
w.high += wm["high"]
highWM = w.high
state = lookingForManaged
wm = map[string]MemSize{} // clear watermarks map
if groups := managedRE.FindStringSubmatch(line); groups != nil {
if state != lookingForManaged {
return nil, errors.New("field 'managed' out of order in zoneinfo")
var m int
var err error
if m, err = strconv.Atoi(groups[1]); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "bad zoneinfo 'managed' field %q", groups[1])
managed = NewMemSizePages(m)
state = lookingForProtection
if groups := reserveRE.FindStringSubmatch(line); groups != nil {
maxReserve = 0
if state != lookingForProtection {
return nil, errors.New("field 'protection' out of order in zoneinfo")
for _, field := range strings.Split(groups[1], ", ") {
r, err := strconv.Atoi(field)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "bad reserve %q", groups[1])
reserve := NewMemSizePages(r)
if maxReserve < reserve {
maxReserve = reserve
state = foundAll
if state == foundAll {
zoneReserve := highWM + maxReserve
if zoneReserve > managed {
zoneReserve = managed
totalReserve += zoneReserve
state = lookingForWatermarks
if state != lookingForWatermarks {
return nil, errors.New("zoneinfo ended prematurely")
w.totalReserve = totalReserve
return w, nil
// readMemInfo returns all name-value pairs from /proc/meminfo. The values
// returned are in bytes.
func readMemInfo() (map[string]MemSize, error) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/proc/meminfo")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(\S+):\s+(\d+) kB\n`)
info := make(map[string]MemSize)
for _, groups := range re.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(b), -1) {
v, err := strconv.Atoi(groups[2])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "bad meminfo value: %q", groups[2])
info[groups[1]] = NewMemSizeKiB(v)
return info, nil
// MemInfoFields holds selected fields of /proc/meminfo.
type MemInfoFields struct {
Total, Free, Anon, File, SwapTotal, SwapUsed MemSize
// MemInfo returns selected /proc/meminfo fields.
func MemInfo() (data *MemInfoFields, err error) {
info, err := readMemInfo()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &MemInfoFields{
Total: info["MemTotal"],
Free: info["MemFree"],
Anon: info["Active(anon)"] + info["Inactive(anon)"],
File: info["Active(file)"] + info["Inactive(file)"],
SwapTotal: info["SwapTotal"],
SwapUsed: info["SwapTotal"] - info["SwapFree"],
}, nil
// readIntFromFile returns the numeric value of the content of filename, which
// is typically a sysfs or procfs entry.
func readIntFromFile(filename string) (int, error) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
x, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(string(b)))
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrapf(err, "bad integer: %q", b)
return x, nil
// readFirstIntFromFile assumes filename contains one or more space-separated
// items, and returns the value of the first item which must be an integer.
func readFirstIntFromFile(filename string) (int, error) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
f := strings.Fields(string(b))
if len(f) == 0 {
return 0, errors.Wrapf(err, "no fields in file %v", filename)
x, err := strconv.Atoi(f[0])
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrapf(err, "bad integer: %q", f[0])
return x, nil
// ChromeosLowMem returns sysfs information from the chromeos low-mem module.
func ChromeosLowMem() (available, criticalMargin MemSize, ramWeight int, err error) {
sysdir := "/sys/kernel/mm/chromeos-low_mem/"
a, err := readIntFromFile(sysdir + "available")
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, 0, err
m, err := readFirstIntFromFile(sysdir + "margin")
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, 0, err
r, err := readIntFromFile(sysdir + "ram_vs_swap_weight")
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, 0, err
available = NewMemSizeMiB(a)
criticalMargin = NewMemSizeMiB(m)
ramWeight = r
// ProcessMemory returns the approximate amount of virtual memory (swapped or
// not) currently allocated by processes.
func ProcessMemory() (allocated MemSize, err error) {
meminfo, err := MemInfo()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return meminfo.Anon + meminfo.SwapUsed, nil
// HasZram returns true when the system uses swap on a zram device,
// and no other device.
func HasZram() bool {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/proc/swaps")
if err != nil {
return false
lines := strings.Split(string(b), "\n")
if len(lines) < 2 {
return false
return strings.HasPrefix(lines[1], "/dev/zram")
// LogMemoryParameters logs various kernel parameters as well as some
// calculated quantities to help understand the memory manager behavior.
func LogMemoryParameters(ctx context.Context, ratio float64) error {
available, margin, ramWeight, err := ChromeosLowMem()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot obtain low-mem info")
hasZram := HasZram()
if !hasZram {
// Swap to disk is the same as if the compression ratio was 0.
ratio = 0.0
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Device is not using zram")
memInfo, err := MemInfo()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot obtain memory info")
total := memInfo.Total
totalSwap := memInfo.SwapTotal
usedSwap := memInfo.SwapUsed
// process is how much memory is in use by processes at this time.
process, err := ProcessMemory()
if err != nil {
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Cannot compute process footprint: ", err)
wm, err := watermarks()
if err != nil {
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Cannot compute watermarks: ", err)
// swapReduction is the amount to be taken out of swapTotal because we
// start discarding before swap is full. If ramWeight is large, free
// swap has little or no influence on available, and we assume all swap
// space can be used.
var swapReduction MemSize
if margin > wm.totalReserve {
swapReduction = (margin - wm.totalReserve) * MemSize(ramWeight)
if swapReduction > totalSwap {
swapReduction = 0
usableSwap := totalSwap - swapReduction
// maxProcess is the amount of allocated process memory at which the
// low-mem device triggers.
maxProcess := total - wm.totalReserve + MemSize(float64(usableSwap)*(1-ratio))
if maxProcess < process {
return errors.Errorf("bad process size calculation: max %v , current %v ", maxProcess, process)
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Metrics: all memory sizes (RAM, swap, process) are in MiB")
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Metrics: meminfo: total %v, has zram %v", total, hasZram)
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Metrics: swap: total %v, used %d, usable %v", totalSwap, usedSwap, usableSwap)
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Metrics: low-mem: available %v, margin %v, RAM weight %v", available, margin, ramWeight)
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Metrics: watermarks %v %v %v, total reserve %v", wm.min, wm.low, wm.high, wm.totalReserve)
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Metrics: process allocation: current %v, max %v, compression ratio %v", process, maxProcess, ratio)
return nil