blob: 8bce7dcbd23db52f2f7c89be03bacad9f71b0897 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package perf
import (
// Timeline datasources provide periodic performance metrics collected at the
// same time during a test.
// Lifecycle methods are called in the following order:
// Setup - do any potentially expensive metric initialization. Called from
// TimelineBuilder.Build
// Start - capture any initial state needed to start metrics collection.
// Called from Timeline.Start.
// Snapshot - Log one data point. Called from Timeline.Snapshot.
// Stop - Log one last data point. Called from Timeline.StopRecording if
// there haven't been any errors during snapshotting.
// TimelineDatasource is an interface that is implemented to add a source of
// metrics to a Timeline.
type TimelineDatasource interface {
Setup(ctx context.Context, prefix string) error
Start(ctx context.Context) error
Snapshot(ctx context.Context, values *Values) error
Stop(ctx context.Context, values *Values) error
// timestampSource is the only default TimelineDatasource. Snapshot records the
// number of seconds from the beginning of the test.
type timestampSource struct {
begin time.Time
started bool
metric Metric
// Setup created the metric used for recording the timestamps with the correct
// prefix.
func (t *timestampSource) Setup(_ context.Context, prefix string) error {
t.metric = Metric{
Name: prefix + "t",
Unit: "s",
Variant: DefaultVariantName,
Multiple: true,
return nil
// Start records the start time of the test.
func (t *timestampSource) Start(_ context.Context) error {
t.started = true
t.begin = time.Now()
return nil
// Snapshot appends the current runtime of the test.
func (t *timestampSource) Snapshot(_ context.Context, v *Values) error {
if !t.started {
return errors.New("failed to snapshot Timeline, Start wasn't called")
v.Append(t.metric, time.Now().Sub(t.begin).Seconds())
return nil
// Stop does nothing.
func (t *timestampSource) Stop(_ context.Context, v *Values) error {
return nil
// Clock implementations are used for waiting a certain time duration. In unit tests, fake Clocks should be used to avoid race conditions.
type Clock interface {
Sleep(ctx context.Context, d time.Duration) error
Now() time.Time
// defaultClock uses the default Sleep()/Now() implementations.
type defaultClock struct{}
// Sleep waits for a certain time duration.
func (t defaultClock) Sleep(ctx context.Context, d time.Duration) error {
return testing.Sleep(ctx, d)
func (t defaultClock) Now() time.Time {
return time.Now()
// Timeline collects performance metrics periodically on a common timeline.
type Timeline struct {
sources []TimelineDatasource
interval time.Duration
cancelRecording context.CancelFunc
recordingValues *Values
recordingStatus chan error
clock Clock
// NewTimelineOptions holds all optional parameters of NewTimeline.
type NewTimelineOptions struct {
// A prefix that is added to all metric names.
Prefix string
// The time duration between two subsequent metric snapshots. Default value is 10 seconds.
Interval time.Duration
// A different Clock implementation is used in Timeline unit tests to avoid sleeping in test code.
Clock Clock
// NewTimelineOption sets an optional parameter of NewTimeline.
type NewTimelineOption func(*NewTimelineOptions)
// Interval sets the interval between two subsequent metric snapshots.
func Interval(interval time.Duration) NewTimelineOption {
return func(args *NewTimelineOptions) {
args.Interval = interval
// Prefix sets prepends all metric names with a given string.
func Prefix(prefix string) NewTimelineOption {
return func(args *NewTimelineOptions) {
args.Prefix = prefix
// WithClock sets a Clock implementation.
func WithClock(clock Clock) NewTimelineOption {
return func(args *NewTimelineOptions) {
args.Clock = clock
// NewTimeline creates a Timeline from a slice of TimelineDatasources. Metric names may be prefixed and callers can specify the time interval between two subsequent snapshots. This method calls the Setup method of each data source.
func NewTimeline(ctx context.Context, sources []TimelineDatasource, setters ...NewTimelineOption) (*Timeline, error) {
args := NewTimelineOptions{Interval: 10 * time.Second, Clock: &defaultClock{}}
for _, setter := range setters {
ss := append(sources, &timestampSource{})
for _, s := range ss {
if err := s.Setup(ctx, args.Prefix); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to setup TimelineDatasource")
return &Timeline{sources: ss, interval: args.Interval, clock: args.Clock}, nil
// Start starts metric collection on all datasources.
func (t *Timeline) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
for _, s := range t.sources {
if err := s.Start(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to start TimelineDatasource")
return nil
// snapshot takes a snapshot of all metrics.
func (t *Timeline) snapshot(ctx context.Context, v *Values) error {
for _, s := range t.sources {
if err := s.Snapshot(ctx, v); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// stop gives the metrics last chance to report values before test finishes.
func (t *Timeline) stop(ctx context.Context, v *Values) error {
for _, s := range t.sources {
if err := s.Stop(ctx, v); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// StartRecording starts capturing metrics in a goroutine. The sampling interval is specified as a parameter of NewTimeline. StartRecording may not be called twice, unless StopRecording is called in-between.
func (t *Timeline) StartRecording(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.recordingStatus != nil {
return errors.New("already recording")
ctx, t.cancelRecording = context.WithCancel(ctx)
t.recordingValues = NewValues()
t.recordingStatus = make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
for nextTime := t.clock.Now().Add(t.interval); ; nextTime = nextTime.Add(t.interval) {
sleepTime := nextTime.Sub(t.clock.Now())
if sleepTime < 0 {
t.recordingStatus <- errors.Errorf("trying to snapshot every %v, but taking the last snapshot already took more time", t.interval)
if err := t.clock.Sleep(ctx, sleepTime); err != nil {
t.recordingStatus <- nil
val := NewValues()
if err := t.snapshot(ctx, val); err != nil {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
t.recordingStatus <- nil
} else {
// Actual error during snapshotting.
t.recordingStatus <- err
return nil
// StopRecording stops capturing metrics and returns the captured metrics.
func (t *Timeline) StopRecording(ctx context.Context) (*Values, error) {
if t.recordingStatus == nil {
return nil, errors.New("not recording yet")
var err error
select {
case err = <-t.recordingStatus:
case <-time.After(2 * time.Minute):
panic("StopRecording timed out")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
val := NewValues()
if err := t.stop(ctx, val); err != nil {
return nil, err
result := t.recordingValues
t.recordingValues = nil
t.recordingStatus = nil
return result, nil