blob: 5c62f64b15a545295794c7bcef22edc6db8ac86d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package encoding
import (
// StreamParams is the parameter for video_encode_accelerator_unittest.
type StreamParams struct {
// Name is the name of input raw data file.
Name string
// Size is the width and height of YUV image in the input raw data.
Size coords.Size
// Bitrate is the requested bitrate in bits per second. VideoEncodeAccelerator is forced to output
// encoded video in expected range around the bitrate.
Bitrate int
// FrameRate is the initial frame rate in the test. This value is optional, and will be set to
// 30 if unspecified.
FrameRate int
// SubseqBitrate is the bitrate to switch to in the middle of the stream in some test cases in
// video_encode_accelerator_unittest. This value is optional, and will be set to two times of Bitrate if unspecified.
SubseqBitrate int
// SubseqFrameRate is the frame rate to switch to in the middle of the stream in some test cases in
// video_encode_accelerator_unittest. This value is optional, and will be set to 30 if unspecified.
SubseqFrameRate int
// Level is the requested output level. This value is optional and currently only used by the H264 codec. The value
// should be aligned with the H264LevelIDC enum in,
// as well as level_idc(u8) definition of sequence parameter set data in official H264 spec.
Level int
// CreateStreamDataArg creates an argument of video_encode_accelerator_unittest from profile, dataPath and outFile.
func CreateStreamDataArg(params StreamParams, profile videotype.CodecProfile, pixelFormat videotype.PixelFormat, dataPath, outFile string) string {
const (
defaultFrameRate = 30
defaultSubseqBitrateRatio = 2
// Fill default values if they are unsettled.
if params.FrameRate == 0 {
params.FrameRate = defaultFrameRate
if params.SubseqBitrate == 0 {
params.SubseqBitrate = params.Bitrate * defaultSubseqBitrateRatio
if params.SubseqFrameRate == 0 {
params.SubseqFrameRate = defaultFrameRate
streamDataArgs := fmt.Sprintf("--test_stream_data=%s:%d:%d:%d:%s:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d",
dataPath, params.Size.Width, params.Size.Height, int(profile), outFile,
params.Bitrate, params.FrameRate, params.SubseqBitrate,
params.SubseqFrameRate, int(pixelFormat))
if params.Level != 0 {
streamDataArgs += fmt.Sprintf(":%d", params.Level)
return streamDataArgs