blob: b677a465a30ce98caa4ebbd4feec6f7ee122d12f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package webrtc
import "chromiumos/tast/local/media/logging"
// This file provides utility variables and functions for WebRTC related tests.
// ChromeArgsWithFakeCameraInput returns Chrome extra args as string slice for
// video test with a Fake WebCam (a.k.a. "rolling pacman") s live camera input.
// If verbose is true, it appends extra args for verbose logging.
func ChromeArgsWithFakeCameraInput(verbose bool) []string {
args := []string{
// See
// Feed a test pattern to getUserMedia() instead of live camera input.
// Avoid the need to grant camera/microphone permissions.
// Disable the autoplay policy not to be affected by actions from outside of tests.
// cf.
if verbose {
args = append(args, logging.ChromeVmoduleFlag())
return args
// ChromeArgsWithFileCameraInput returns Chrome extra args as string slice
// for video test with a Y4M/MJPEG fileName streamed as live camera input.
// If verbose is true, it appends extra args for verbose logging.
// NOTE( performance test should unset verbose.
func ChromeArgsWithFileCameraInput(fileName string, verbose bool) []string {
args := []string{
// Feed a Y4M test file to getUserMedia() instead of live camera input.
"--use-file-for-fake-video-capture=" + fileName,
args = append(ChromeArgsWithFakeCameraInput(verbose), args...)
return args
// DataFiles returns a list of required files that tests that use this package
// should include in their Data fields.
func DataFiles() []string {
return []string{