blob: 4f2c1006768b5b3aa7ab48fc082a63420c294284 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements functions to interact with the DUT's embedded controller (EC)
// via the host command `ectool`.
package firmware
import (
// ECToolName specifies which of the many Chromium EC based MCUs ectool will
// be communicated with.
// Some options are cros_ec, cros_fp, cros_pd, cros_scp, and cros_ish.
type ECToolName string
const (
// ECToolNameMain selects the main EC using cros_ec.
ECToolNameMain ECToolName = "cros_ec"
// ECToolNameFingerprint selects the FPMCU using cros_fp.
ECToolNameFingerprint ECToolName = "cros_fp"
// ECTool allows for interaction with the host command `ectool`.
type ECTool struct {
dut *dut.DUT
name ECToolName
// NewECTool creates an ECTool.
func NewECTool(d *dut.DUT, name ECToolName) *ECTool {
return &ECTool{dut: d, name: name}
// Regexps to capture values outputted by ectool version.
var (
reFirmwareCopy = regexp.MustCompile(`Firmware copy:\s*(RO|RW)`)
reROVersion = regexp.MustCompile(`RO version:\s*(\S+)\s`)
reRWVersion = regexp.MustCompile(`RW version:\s*(\S+)\s`)
// Command return the prebuilt ssh Command with options and args applied.
func (ec *ECTool) Command(args ...string) *ssh.Cmd {
args = append([]string{"--name=" + string(}, args...)
return ec.dut.Conn().Command("ectool", args...)
// Version returns the EC version of the active firmware.
func (ec *ECTool) Version(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
output, err := ec.Command("version").Output(ctx, ssh.DumpLogOnError)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "running 'ectool version' on DUT")
// Parse output to determine whether RO or RW is the active firmware.
match := reFirmwareCopy.FindSubmatch(output)
if len(match) == 0 {
return "", errors.Errorf("did not find firmware copy in 'ectool version' output: %s", output)
var reActiveFWVersion *regexp.Regexp
switch string(match[1]) {
case "RO":
reActiveFWVersion = reROVersion
case "RW":
reActiveFWVersion = reRWVersion
return "", errors.Errorf("unexpected match from reFirmwareCopy: got %s; want RO or RW", match[1])
// Parse either RO version line or RW version line, depending on which is active, to find the active firmware version.
match = reActiveFWVersion.FindSubmatch(output)
if len(match) == 0 {
return "", errors.Errorf("failed to match regexp %s in ectool version output: %s", reActiveFWVersion, output)
return string(match[1]), nil