blob: fdf0f78f85a64ca5dd4504d7ac2351e988445a40 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package servo
import (
// A StringControl contains the name of a gettable/settable Control which takes a string value.
type StringControl string
// These are the Servo controls which can be get/set with a string value.
const (
ActiveChgPort StringControl = "active_chg_port"
ActiveDUTController StringControl = "active_dut_controller"
DownloadImageToUSBDev StringControl = "download_image_to_usb_dev"
DUTVoltageMV StringControl = "dut_voltage_mv"
FWWPState StringControl = "fw_wp_state"
ImageUSBKeyDirection StringControl = "image_usbkey_direction"
ImageUSBKeyPwr StringControl = "image_usbkey_pwr"
ImageUSBKeyDev StringControl = "image_usbkey_dev"
PowerState StringControl = "power_state"
Type StringControl = "servo_type"
UARTCmd StringControl = "servo_v4_uart_cmd"
Watchdog StringControl = "watchdog"
WatchdogAdd StringControl = "watchdog_add"
WatchdogRemove StringControl = "watchdog_remove"
// DUTConnectionType was previously known as V4Type ("servo_v4_type")
DUTConnectionType StringControl = "root.dut_connection_type"
// PDRole was previously known as V4Role ("servo_v4_role")
PDRole StringControl = "servo_pd_role"
// A BoolControl contains the name of a gettable/settable Control which takes a boolean value.
type BoolControl string
// These are the Servo controls which can be get/set with a boolean value.
const (
ChargerAttached BoolControl = "charger_attached"
// An IntControl contains the name of a gettable/settable Control which takes an integer value.
type IntControl string
// These are the Servo controls which can be get/set with an integer value.
const (
BatteryChargeMAH IntControl = "battery_charge_mah"
BatteryFullChargeMAH IntControl = "battery_full_charge_mah"
VolumeDownHold IntControl = "volume_down_hold" // Integer represents a number of milliseconds.
VolumeUpHold IntControl = "volume_up_hold" // Integer represents a number of milliseconds.
VolumeUpDownHold IntControl = "volume_up_down_hold" // Integer represents a number of milliseconds.
// A FloatControl contains the name of a gettable/settable Control which takes a floating-point value.
type FloatControl string
// These are the Servo controls with floating-point values.
const (
VBusVoltage FloatControl = "vbus_voltage"
// A OnOffControl accepts either "on" or "off" as a value.
type OnOffControl string
// These controls accept only "on" and "off" as values.
const (
CCDKeepaliveEn OnOffControl = "ccd_keepalive_en"
CCDState OnOffControl = "ccd_state"
DTSMode OnOffControl = "servo_dts_mode"
RecMode OnOffControl = "rec_mode"
// An OnOffValue is a string value that would be accepted by an OnOffControl.
type OnOffValue string
// These are the values used by OnOff controls.
const (
Off OnOffValue = "off"
On OnOffValue = "on"
// A KeypressControl is a special type of Control which can take either a numerical value or a KeypressDuration.
type KeypressControl StringControl
// These are the Servo controls which can be set with either a numerical value or a KeypressDuration.
const (
CtrlD KeypressControl = "ctrl_d"
CtrlS KeypressControl = "ctrl_s"
CtrlU KeypressControl = "ctrl_u"
CtrlEnter KeypressControl = "ctrl_enter"
Ctrl KeypressControl = "ctrl_key"
Enter KeypressControl = "enter_key"
Refresh KeypressControl = "refresh_key"
CtrlRefresh KeypressControl = "ctrl_refresh_key"
ImaginaryKey KeypressControl = "imaginary_key"
SysRQX KeypressControl = "sysrq_x"
PowerKey KeypressControl = "power_key"
Pwrbutton KeypressControl = "pwr_button"
USBEnter KeypressControl = "usb_keyboard_enter_key"
// A KeypressDuration is a string accepted by a KeypressControl.
type KeypressDuration string
// These are string values that can be passed to a KeypressControl.
const (
DurTab KeypressDuration = "tab"
DurPress KeypressDuration = "press"
DurLongPress KeypressDuration = "long_press"
// Dur returns a custom duration that can be passed to KeypressWithDuration
func Dur(dur time.Duration) KeypressDuration {
return KeypressDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%f", dur.Seconds()))
// A FWWPStateValue is a string accepted by the FWWPState control.
type FWWPStateValue string
// These are the string values that can be passed to the FWWPState control.
const (
FWWPStateOff FWWPStateValue = "force_off"
FWWPStateOn FWWPStateValue = "force_on"
// A PowerStateValue is a string accepted by the PowerState control.
type PowerStateValue string
// These are the string values that can be passed to the PowerState control.
const (
PowerStateCR50Reset PowerStateValue = "cr50_reset"
PowerStateOff PowerStateValue = "off"
PowerStateOn PowerStateValue = "on"
PowerStateRec PowerStateValue = "rec"
PowerStateRecForceMRC PowerStateValue = "rec_force_mrc"
PowerStateReset PowerStateValue = "reset"
PowerStateWarmReset PowerStateValue = "warm_reset"
// A USBMuxState indicates whether the servo's USB mux is on, and if so, which direction it is powering.
type USBMuxState string
// These are the possible states of the USB mux.
const (
USBMuxOff USBMuxState = "off"
USBMuxDUT USBMuxState = "dut_sees_usbkey"
USBMuxHost USBMuxState = "servo_sees_usbkey"
// A PDRoleValue is a string that would be accepted by the PDRole control.
type PDRoleValue string
// These are the string values that can be passed to PDRole.
const (
PDRoleSnk PDRoleValue = "snk"
PDRoleSrc PDRoleValue = "src"
// PDRoleNA indicates a non-v4 servo.
PDRoleNA PDRoleValue = "n/a"
// A DUTConnTypeValue is a string that would be returned by the DUTConnectionType control.
type DUTConnTypeValue string
// These are the string values that can be returned by DUTConnectionType
const (
DUTConnTypeA DUTConnTypeValue = "type-a"
DUTConnTypeC DUTConnTypeValue = "type-c"
// DUTConnTypeNA indicates a non-v4 servo.
DUTConnTypeNA DUTConnTypeValue = "n/a"
// A WatchdogValue is a string that would be accepted by WatchdogAdd & WatchdogRemove control.
type WatchdogValue string
// These are the string watchdog type values that can be passed to WatchdogAdd & WatchdogRemove.
const (
WatchdogCCD WatchdogValue = "ccd"
WatchdogMain WatchdogValue = "main"
// DUTController is the active controller on a dual mode servo.
type DUTController string
// Parameters that can be passed to SetActiveDUTController().
const (
DUTControllerC2D2 DUTController = "c2d2"
DUTControllerCCD DUTController = "ccd_cr50"
DUTControllerServoMicro DUTController = "servo_micro"
// ServoKeypressDelay comes from hdctools/servo/drv/
// It is the minimum time interval between 'press' and 'release' keyboard events.
const ServoKeypressDelay = 100 * time.Millisecond
// HasControl determines whether the Servo being used supports the given control.
func (s *Servo) HasControl(ctx context.Context, ctrl string) (bool, error) {
err := s.xmlrpc.Run(ctx, xmlrpc.NewCall("doc", ctrl))
// If the control exists, doc() should return with no issue.
if err == nil {
return true, nil
// If the control doesn't exist, then doc() should return a fault.
if _, isFault := err.(xmlrpc.FaultError); isFault {
return false, nil
// A non-fault error indicates that something went wrong.
return false, err
// Echo calls the Servo echo method.
func (s *Servo) Echo(ctx context.Context, message string) (string, error) {
var val string
err := s.xmlrpc.Run(ctx, xmlrpc.NewCall("echo", message), &val)
return val, err
// PowerNormalPress calls the Servo power_normal_press method.
func (s *Servo) PowerNormalPress(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
var val bool
err := s.xmlrpc.Run(ctx, xmlrpc.NewCall("power_normal_press"), &val)
return val, err
// SetActChgPort enables a charge port on fluffy.
func (s *Servo) SetActChgPort(ctx context.Context, port string) error {
return s.SetString(ctx, ActiveChgPort, port)
// DUTVoltageMV reads the voltage present on the DUT port on fluffy.
func (s *Servo) DUTVoltageMV(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
return s.GetString(ctx, DUTVoltageMV)
// GetServoVersion gets the version of Servo being used.
func (s *Servo) GetServoVersion(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
if s.version != "" {
return s.version, nil
err := s.xmlrpc.Run(ctx, xmlrpc.NewCall("get_version"), &s.version)
return s.version, err
// IsServoV4 determines whether the Servo being used is v4.
func (s *Servo) IsServoV4(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
version, err := s.GetServoVersion(ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "determining servo version")
return strings.HasPrefix(version, "servo_v4"), nil
// GetDUTConnectionType gets the type of connection between the Servo and the DUT.
// If Servo is not V4, returns DUTConnTypeNA.
func (s *Servo) GetDUTConnectionType(ctx context.Context) (DUTConnTypeValue, error) {
if s.dutConnType != "" {
return s.dutConnType, nil
if isV4, err := s.IsServoV4(ctx); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "determining whether servo is v4")
} else if !isV4 {
s.dutConnType = DUTConnTypeNA
return s.dutConnType, nil
connType, err := s.GetString(ctx, DUTConnectionType)
if err != nil {
return "", err
s.dutConnType = DUTConnTypeValue(connType)
return s.dutConnType, nil
// GetString returns the value of a specified control.
func (s *Servo) GetString(ctx context.Context, control StringControl) (string, error) {
var value string
if err := s.xmlrpc.Run(ctx, xmlrpc.NewCall("get", string(control)), &value); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "getting value for servo control %q", control)
return value, nil
// GetStringTimeout returns the value of a specified control with a custom timeout.
func (s *Servo) GetStringTimeout(ctx context.Context, control StringControl, timeout time.Duration) (string, error) {
var value string
if err := s.xmlrpc.Run(
&value); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "getting value for servo control %q", control)
return value, nil
// GetServoSerials returns a map of servo serial numbers. Interesting map keys are "ccd", "main", "servo_micro", but there are others also.
func (s *Servo) GetServoSerials(ctx context.Context) (map[string]string, error) {
value := make(map[string]string)
if err := s.xmlrpc.Run(ctx, xmlrpc.NewCall("get_servo_serials"), &value); err != nil {
return map[string]string{}, errors.Wrap(err, "getting servo serials")
return value, nil
// GetCCDSerial returns the serial number of the CCD interface.
func (s *Servo) GetCCDSerial(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
value, err := s.GetServoSerials(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", err
ccdSerial, ok := value["ccd"]
if ok {
return ccdSerial, nil
servoType, err := s.GetServoType(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get servo type")
// SuzyQ reports as ccd_cr50, and doesn't have an interface named ccd.
if servoType == "ccd_cr50" {
ccdSerial, ok := value["main"]
if ok {
return ccdSerial, nil
return "", errors.Errorf("no ccd serial in %q", value)
// GetBool returns the boolean value of a specified control.
func (s *Servo) GetBool(ctx context.Context, control BoolControl) (bool, error) {
var value bool
if err := s.xmlrpc.Run(ctx, xmlrpc.NewCall("get", string(control)), &value); err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "getting value for servo control %q", control)
return value, nil
// GetChargerAttached returns the boolean value to indicate whether charger is attached.
func (s *Servo) GetChargerAttached(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
return s.GetBool(ctx, ChargerAttached)
// parseUint extracts a hex number from `value` at `*index+1` that is exactly `bits` in length.
// `bits` must be power of 2.
// `*index` will be moved to the end of the extracted runes.
func parseUint(value []rune, index *int, bits int) (rune, error) {
chars := bits / 4
endIndex := *index + chars
if endIndex >= len(value) {
return 0, errors.Errorf("unparsable escape sequence `\\%s`", string(value[*index:]))
char, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(value[*index+1:endIndex+1]), 16, bits)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrapf(err, "unparsable escape sequence `\\%s`", string(value[*index:endIndex+1]))
*index += chars
return rune(char), nil
// parseQuotedStringInternal returns a new string with the quotes and escaped chars from `value` removed, moves `*index` to the index of the closing quote rune.
func parseQuotedStringInternal(value []rune, index *int) (string, error) {
if *index >= len(value) {
return "", errors.Errorf("unexpected end of string at %d in %s", *index, string(value))
// The first char should always be a ' or "
quoteChar := value[*index]
if quoteChar != '\'' && quoteChar != '"' {
return "", errors.Errorf("unexpected string char %c at index %d in %s", quoteChar, *index, string(value))
var current strings.Builder
for ; *index < len(value); (*index)++ {
c := value[*index]
if c == quoteChar {
} else if c == '\\' {
if *index >= len(value) {
return "", errors.New("unparsable escape sequence \\")
switch value[*index] {
case '"', '\'', '\\':
case 'r':
case 'n':
case 't':
case 'x':
r, err := parseUint(value, index, 8)
if err != nil {
return "", err
case 'u':
r, err := parseUint(value, index, 16)
if err != nil {
return "", err
case 'U':
r, err := parseUint(value, index, 32)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "", errors.Errorf("unexpected escape sequence \\%c at index %d in %s", value[*index], *index, string(value))
} else {
return current.String(), nil
// parseStringListInternal parses `value` as a possibly nested list of strings, each quoted and separated by commas. Moves `*index` to the index of the closing ] rune.
func parseStringListInternal(value []rune, index *int) ([]interface{}, error) {
var result []interface{}
if *index >= len(value) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected end of string at %d in %s", *index, string(value))
// The first char should always be a [
if value[*index] != '[' {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected list char %c at index %d in %s", value[*index], *index, string(value))
for ; *index < len(value); (*index)++ {
c := value[*index]
switch c {
case '[':
sublist, err := parseStringListInternal(value, index)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result = append(result, sublist)
case '\'', '"':
substr, err := parseQuotedStringInternal(value, index)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result = append(result, substr)
case ',', ' ':
// Ignore this char
case ']':
return result, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected list char %c at index %d in %s", c, *index, string(value))
return nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected end of string at %d in %s", *index, string(value))
// ParseStringList parses `value` as a possibly nested list of strings, each quoted and separated by commas.
func ParseStringList(value string) ([]interface{}, error) {
index := 0
return parseStringListInternal([]rune(value), &index)
// ParseQuotedString returns a new string with the quotes and escaped chars from `value` removed.
func ParseQuotedString(value string) (string, error) {
index := 0
return parseQuotedStringInternal([]rune(value), &index)
// GetStringList parses the value of a control as an encoded list
func (s *Servo) GetStringList(ctx context.Context, control StringControl) ([]interface{}, error) {
v, err := s.GetString(ctx, control)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ParseStringList(v)
// GetQuotedString parses the value of a control as a quoted string
func (s *Servo) GetQuotedString(ctx context.Context, control StringControl) (string, error) {
v, err := s.GetString(ctx, control)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return ParseQuotedString(v)
// SetString sets a Servo control to a string value.
func (s *Servo) SetString(ctx context.Context, control StringControl, value string) error {
// Servo's Set method returns a bool stating whether the call succeeded or not.
// This is redundant, because a failed call will return an error anyway.
// So, we can skip unpacking the output.
if err := s.xmlrpc.Run(ctx, xmlrpc.NewCall("set", string(control), value)); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "setting servo control %q to %q", control, value)
return nil
// SetStringTimeout sets a Servo control to a string value.
func (s *Servo) SetStringTimeout(ctx context.Context, control StringControl, value string, timeout time.Duration) error {
// Servo's Set method returns a bool stating whether the call succeeded or not.
// This is redundant, because a failed call will return an error anyway.
// So, we can skip unpacking the output.
if err := s.xmlrpc.Run(ctx, xmlrpc.NewCallTimeout("set", timeout, string(control), value)); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "setting servo control %q to %q", control, value)
return nil
// SetStringList sets a Servo control to a list of string values.
func (s *Servo) SetStringList(ctx context.Context, control StringControl, values []string) error {
value := "["
for i, part := range values {
if i > 0 {
value += ", "
// Escape \ and '
part = strings.ReplaceAll(part, `\`, `\\`)
part = strings.ReplaceAll(part, `'`, `\'`)
// Surround by '
value += "'" + part + "'"
value += "]"
return s.SetString(ctx, control, value)
// SetInt sets a Servo control to an integer value.
func (s *Servo) SetInt(ctx context.Context, control IntControl, value int) error {
if err := s.xmlrpc.Run(ctx, xmlrpc.NewCall("set", string(control), value)); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "setting servo control %q to %d", control, value)
return nil
// GetInt returns the integer value of a specified control.
func (s *Servo) GetInt(ctx context.Context, control IntControl) (int, error) {
var value int
if err := s.xmlrpc.Run(ctx, xmlrpc.NewCall("get", string(control)), &value); err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrapf(err, "getting value for servo control %q", control)
return value, nil
// GetBatteryChargeMAH returns the battery's charge in mAh.
func (s *Servo) GetBatteryChargeMAH(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
return s.GetInt(ctx, BatteryChargeMAH)
// GetBatteryFullChargeMAH returns the battery's last full charge in mAh.
func (s *Servo) GetBatteryFullChargeMAH(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
return s.GetInt(ctx, BatteryFullChargeMAH)
// GetFloat returns the floating-point value of a specified control.
func (s *Servo) GetFloat(ctx context.Context, control FloatControl) (float64, error) {
var value float64
if err := s.xmlrpc.Run(ctx, xmlrpc.NewCall("get", string(control)), &value); err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrapf(err, "getting value for servo control %q", control)
return value, nil
// SetStringAndCheck sets a control to a specified value, and then verifies that it was set correctly.
func (s *Servo) SetStringAndCheck(ctx context.Context, control StringControl, value string) error {
if err := s.SetString(ctx, control, value); err != nil {
return err
if checkedValue, err := s.GetString(ctx, control); err != nil {
return err
} else if checkedValue != value {
return errors.Errorf("after attempting to set %s to %s, checked value was %s", control, value, checkedValue)
return nil
// KeypressWithDuration sets a KeypressControl to a KeypressDuration value.
func (s *Servo) KeypressWithDuration(ctx context.Context, control KeypressControl, value KeypressDuration) error {
return s.SetString(ctx, StringControl(control), string(value))
// GetUSBMuxState determines whether the servo USB mux is on, and if so, which direction it is pointed.
func (s *Servo) GetUSBMuxState(ctx context.Context) (USBMuxState, error) {
pwr, err := s.GetString(ctx, ImageUSBKeyPwr)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if pwr == string(USBMuxOff) {
return USBMuxOff, nil
direction, err := s.GetString(ctx, ImageUSBKeyDirection)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if direction != string(USBMuxDUT) && direction != string(USBMuxHost) {
return "", errors.Errorf("%q has an unknown value: %q", ImageUSBKeyDirection, direction)
return USBMuxState(direction), nil
// SetUSBMuxState switches the servo's USB mux to the specified power/direction state.
func (s *Servo) SetUSBMuxState(ctx context.Context, value USBMuxState) error {
if value == USBMuxOff {
return s.SetString(ctx, ImageUSBKeyPwr, string(value))
// Servod ensures the following:
// * The port is power cycled if it is changing directions
// * The port ends up in a powered state after this call
// * If facing the host side, the call only returns once a USB device is detected, or after a generous timeout (10s)
if err := s.SetStringTimeout(ctx, ImageUSBKeyDirection, string(value), 90*time.Second); err != nil {
return err
// Because servod makes no guarantees when switching to the DUT side,
// add a detection delay here when facing the DUT.
// Polling until GetUSBMuxState returns USBMuxDUT is not sufficient, because
// servod will return USBMuxDUT immediately. We need to wait to ensure that the DUT
// has had time to enumerate the USB.
// TODO(b/157751281): Clean this up once servo_v3 has been removed.
if value == USBMuxDUT {
if err := testing.Sleep(ctx, 5*time.Second); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "sleeping after switching usbkey direction")
return nil
// SetPowerState sets the PowerState control.
// Because this is particularly disruptive, it is always logged.
// It can be slow, because some boards are configured to hold down the power button for 12 seconds.
func (s *Servo) SetPowerState(ctx context.Context, value PowerStateValue) error {
return s.SetStringTimeout(ctx, PowerState, string(value), 20*time.Second)
// SetFWWPState sets the FWWPState control.
// Because this is particularly disruptive, it is always logged.
func (s *Servo) SetFWWPState(ctx context.Context, value FWWPStateValue) error {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Setting %q to %q", FWWPState, value)
// Don't use SetStringAndCheck because the state can be "on" after we set "force_on".
shortCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 3*time.Second)
defer cancel()
return s.SetString(shortCtx, FWWPState, string(value))
// GetPDRole returns the servo's current PDRole (SNK or SRC), or PDRoleNA if Servo is not V4.
func (s *Servo) GetPDRole(ctx context.Context) (PDRoleValue, error) {
isV4, err := s.IsServoV4(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "determining whether servo is v4")
if !isV4 {
return PDRoleNA, nil
role, err := s.GetString(ctx, PDRole)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return PDRoleValue(role), nil
// SetPDRole sets the PDRole control for a servo v4.
// On a Servo version other than v4, this does nothing.
func (s *Servo) SetPDRole(ctx context.Context, newRole PDRoleValue) error {
// Determine the current PD role
currentRole, err := s.GetPDRole(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "getting current PD role")
// Save the initial PD role so we can restore it during servo.Close()
if s.initialPDRole == "" {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Saving initial PDRole %q for later", currentRole)
s.initialPDRole = currentRole
// If not using a servo V4, then we can't set the PD Role
if currentRole == PDRoleNA {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Skipping setting %q to %q on non-v4 servo", PDRole, newRole)
return nil
// If the current value is already the intended value,
// then don't bother resetting.
if currentRole == newRole {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Skipping setting %q to %q, because that is the current value", PDRole, newRole)
return nil
return s.SetString(ctx, PDRole, string(newRole))
// SetOnOff sets an OnOffControl setting to the specified value.
func (s *Servo) SetOnOff(ctx context.Context, ctrl OnOffControl, value OnOffValue) error {
return s.SetString(ctx, StringControl(ctrl), string(value))
// ToggleOffOn turns a switch off and on again.
func (s *Servo) ToggleOffOn(ctx context.Context, ctrl OnOffControl) error {
if err := s.SetString(ctx, StringControl(ctrl), string(Off)); err != nil {
return err
if err := testing.Sleep(ctx, ServoKeypressDelay); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.SetString(ctx, StringControl(ctrl), string(On)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ToggleOnOff turns a switch on and off again.
func (s *Servo) ToggleOnOff(ctx context.Context, ctrl OnOffControl) error {
if err := s.SetString(ctx, StringControl(ctrl), string(On)); err != nil {
return err
if err := testing.Sleep(ctx, ServoKeypressDelay); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.SetString(ctx, StringControl(ctrl), string(Off)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// GetOnOff gets an OnOffControl as a bool.
func (s *Servo) GetOnOff(ctx context.Context, ctrl OnOffControl) (bool, error) {
str, err := s.GetString(ctx, StringControl(ctrl))
if err != nil {
return false, err
switch str {
case string(On):
return true, nil
case string(Off):
return false, nil
return false, errors.Errorf("cannot convert %q to boolean", str)
// WatchdogAdd adds the specified watchdog to the servod instance.
func (s *Servo) WatchdogAdd(ctx context.Context, val WatchdogValue) error {
return s.SetString(ctx, WatchdogAdd, string(val))
// WatchdogRemove removes the specified watchdog from the servod instance.
// Servo.Close() will restore the watchdog.
func (s *Servo) WatchdogRemove(ctx context.Context, val WatchdogValue) error {
if err := s.SetString(ctx, WatchdogRemove, string(val)); err != nil {
return err
s.removedWatchdogs = append(s.removedWatchdogs, val)
return nil
// runUARTCommand runs the given command on the servo console.
func (s *Servo) runUARTCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd string) error {
return s.SetString(ctx, UARTCmd, cmd)
// RunUSBCDPConfigCommand executes the "usbc_action dp" command with the specified args on the servo
// console.
func (s *Servo) RunUSBCDPConfigCommand(ctx context.Context, args ...string) error {
args = append([]string{"usbc_action dp"}, args...)
cmd := strings.Join(args, " ")
return s.runUARTCommand(ctx, cmd)
// SetCC sets the CC line to the specified value.
func (s *Servo) SetCC(ctx context.Context, val OnOffValue) error {
cmd := "cc " + string(val)
return s.runUARTCommand(ctx, cmd)
// SetActiveDUTController sets the active controller on a dual mode v4 servo
func (s *Servo) SetActiveDUTController(ctx context.Context, adc DUTController) error {
return s.SetString(ctx, ActiveDUTController, string(adc))
// GetServoType gets the type of the servo.
func (s *Servo) GetServoType(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
if s.servoType != "" {
return s.servoType, nil
servoType, err := s.GetString(ctx, Type)
if err != nil {
return "", err
hasCCD := strings.Contains(servoType, string(DUTControllerCCD))
if !hasCCD {
if hasCCDState, err := s.HasControl(ctx, string(CCDState)); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to check ccd_state control")
} else if hasCCDState {
ccdState, err := s.GetOnOff(ctx, CCDState)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get ccd_state")
hasCCD = ccdState
hasServoMicro := strings.Contains(servoType, string(DUTControllerServoMicro))
hasC2D2 := strings.Contains(servoType, string(DUTControllerC2D2))
isDualV4 := strings.Contains(servoType, "_and_")
if !hasCCD && !hasServoMicro && !hasC2D2 {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Assuming %s is equivalent to servo_micro", servoType)
hasServoMicro = true
s.servoType = servoType
s.hasCCD = hasCCD
s.hasServoMicro = hasServoMicro
s.hasC2D2 = hasC2D2
s.isDualV4 = isDualV4
return s.servoType, nil
// RequireCCD verifies that the servo has a CCD connection, and switches to it for dual v4 servos.
func (s *Servo) RequireCCD(ctx context.Context) error {
servoType, err := s.GetServoType(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get servo type")
if !s.hasCCD {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "servo %s is not CCD", servoType)
if s.isDualV4 {
if err = s.SetActiveDUTController(ctx, DUTControllerCCD); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to set active dut controller")
return nil
// PreferDebugHeader switches to the servo_micro or C2D2 for dual v4 servos, but doesn't fail on CCD only servos.
// Returns true if the servo has a debug header connection, false if it only has CCD.
func (s *Servo) PreferDebugHeader(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
_, err := s.GetServoType(ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get servo type")
if s.isDualV4 {
if s.hasServoMicro {
if err = s.SetActiveDUTController(ctx, DUTControllerServoMicro); err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to set active dut controller")
return true, nil
} else if s.hasC2D2 {
if err = s.SetActiveDUTController(ctx, DUTControllerC2D2); err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to set active dut controller")
return true, nil
return s.hasServoMicro || s.hasC2D2, nil
// RequireDebugHeader verifies that the servo has a servo_micro or C2D2 connection, and switches to it for dual v4 servos.
func (s *Servo) RequireDebugHeader(ctx context.Context) error {
servoType, err := s.GetServoType(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get servo type")
if !s.hasServoMicro && !s.hasC2D2 {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "servo %s doesn't have debug header", servoType)
if s.isDualV4 {
if s.hasServoMicro {
if err = s.SetActiveDUTController(ctx, DUTControllerServoMicro); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to set active dut controller")
} else if s.hasC2D2 {
if err = s.SetActiveDUTController(ctx, DUTControllerC2D2); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to set active dut controller")
return nil