blob: b3824a0c513e72c912a25073927691c8ce15982c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package servo is used to communicate with servo devices connected to DUTs.
// It communicates with servod over XML-RPC.
// More details on servo:
package servo
import (
// Servo holds the servod connection information.
type Servo struct {
xmlrpc *xmlrpc.XMLRpc
// Cache queried attributes that won't change.
version string
dutConnType DUTConnTypeValue
servoType string
hasCCD bool
hasServoMicro bool
hasC2D2 bool
isDualV4 bool
// If initialPDRole is set, then upon Servo.Close(), the PDRole control will be set to initialPDRole.
initialPDRole PDRoleValue
removedWatchdogs []WatchdogValue
const (
// servodDefaultHost is the default host for servod.
servodDefaultHost = "localhost"
// servodDefaultPort is the default port for servod.
servodDefaultPort = 9999
// New creates a new Servo object for communicating with a servod instance.
// connSpec holds servod's location, either as "host:port" or just "host"
// (to use the default port).
func New(ctx context.Context, host string, port int) (*Servo, error) {
s := &Servo{xmlrpc: xmlrpc.New(host, port)}
// Ensure Servo is set up properly before returning.
return s, s.verifyConnectivity(ctx)
// Default creates a Servo object for communicating with a local servod
// instance using the default port.
func Default(ctx context.Context) (*Servo, error) {
return New(ctx, servodDefaultHost, servodDefaultPort)
// verifyConnectivity sends and verifies an echo request to make sure
// everything is set up properly.
func (s *Servo) verifyConnectivity(ctx context.Context) error {
const msg = "hello from servo"
actualMessage, err := s.Echo(ctx, "hello from servo")
if err != nil {
return err
const expectedMessage = "ECH0ING: " + msg
if actualMessage != expectedMessage {
return errors.Errorf("echo verification request returned %q; expected %q", actualMessage, expectedMessage)
return nil
// Close performs Servo cleanup.
func (s *Servo) Close(ctx context.Context) error {
var firstError error
if s.initialPDRole != "" && s.initialPDRole != PDRoleNA {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Restoring %q to %q", PDRole, s.initialPDRole)
if err := s.SetPDRole(ctx, s.initialPDRole); err != nil && firstError == nil {
firstError = errors.Wrapf(err, "restoring servo control %q to %q", PDRole, s.initialPDRole)
for _, v := range s.removedWatchdogs {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Restoring servo watchdog %q", v)
if err := s.WatchdogAdd(ctx, v); err != nil && firstError == nil {
firstError = errors.Wrapf(err, "restoring watchdog %q", v)
return firstError