blob: ea849a93113c689b7422a8a8dc322acedef98fe2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package wificell
import (
const debugWPAMonitor = false
// SupplicantEvent defines functions common for all wpa_supplicant events.
type SupplicantEvent interface {
ToLogString() string
// RoamEvent defines data of CTRL-EVENT-DO-ROAM and CTRL-EVENT-SKIP-ROAM events.
type RoamEvent struct {
CurBSSID string
CurFreq int
CurLevel int
CurEstThroughput int
SelBSSID string
SelFreq int
SelLevel int
SelEstThroughput int
Skip bool
// DisconnectedEvent defines data of CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED event.
type DisconnectedEvent struct {
BSSID string
Reason int
LocallyGenerated string
RcvTime time.Time
// ScanResultsEvent defines data of CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS event.
type ScanResultsEvent struct {
// WPAMonitor holds internal context of the WPA monitor.
type WPAMonitor struct {
stdin io.WriteCloser
stdoutScanner *bufio.Scanner
cmd *ssh.Cmd
lines chan string
type eventDef struct {
matcher *regexp.Regexp
parseFunc func(matches []string) (event SupplicantEvent, firstError error)
func parseRoamEvent(matches []string) (event RoamEvent, firstError error) {
event = RoamEvent{
CurBSSID: matches[1],
CurFreq: atoi(matches[2], &firstError),
CurLevel: atoi(matches[3], &firstError),
CurEstThroughput: atoi(matches[4], &firstError),
SelBSSID: matches[5],
SelFreq: atoi(matches[6], &firstError),
SelLevel: atoi(matches[7], &firstError),
SelEstThroughput: atoi(matches[8], &firstError),
return event, firstError
var eventDefs = []eventDef{
regexp.MustCompile(`CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=([\da-fA-F:]+) reason=(\d+)(?: locally_generated=(1))?`),
func(matches []string) (_ SupplicantEvent, firstError error) {
event := new(DisconnectedEvent)
event.BSSID = matches[1]
event.Reason = atoi(matches[2], &firstError)
event.LocallyGenerated = matches[3]
event.RcvTime = time.Now()
return event, firstError
`CTRL-EVENT-DO-ROAM cur_bssid=([\da-fA-F:]+) cur_freq=(\d+) ` +
`cur_level=([\d-]+) cur_est=(\d+) ` +
`sel_bssid=([\da-fA-F:]+) sel_freq=(\d+) ` +
`sel_level=([\d-]+) sel_est=(\d+)`),
func(matches []string) (SupplicantEvent, error) {
event, firstError := parseRoamEvent(matches)
event.Skip = false
return &event, firstError
`CTRL-EVENT-SKIP-ROAM cur_bssid=([\da-fA-F:]+) cur_freq=(\d+) ` +
`cur_level=([\d-]+) cur_est=(\d+) ` +
`sel_bssid=([\da-fA-F:]+) sel_freq=(\d+) ` +
`sel_level=([\d-]+) sel_est=(\d+)`),
func(matches []string) (SupplicantEvent, error) {
event, firstError := parseRoamEvent(matches)
event.Skip = true
return &event, firstError
func(matches []string) (SupplicantEvent, error) {
return new(ScanResultsEvent), nil
// ToLogString formats the event data to string suitable for logging.
func (e *RoamEvent) ToLogString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%+v\n", e)
// ToLogString formats the event data to string suitable for logging.
func (e *ScanResultsEvent) ToLogString() string {
return ""
// ToLogString formats the event data to string suitable for logging
func (e *DisconnectedEvent) ToLogString() string {
const timeLayout = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %+v\n", e.RcvTime.Format(timeLayout), e)
// Start initializes the wpa_supplicant monitor.
// It starts wpa_cli process in background and creates a thread collecting its output.
// Both need to be stopped with a call to w.Stop().
func (w *WPAMonitor) Start(ctx context.Context, dutConn *ssh.Conn) error {
cmd := dutConn.Command("sudo", "-u", "wpa", "wpa_cli")
stdin, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get stdin pipe to wpa_cli")
stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get stdout pipe from wpa_cli")
if err := cmd.Start(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to start wpa_cli")
w.lines = make(chan string, 100)
w.stdin = stdin
w.stdoutScanner = bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
w.cmd = cmd
go func() {
defer close(w.lines)
for w.stdoutScanner.Scan() {
line := w.stdoutScanner.Text()
w.lines <- line
if err := w.waitReady(ctx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *WPAMonitor) waitReady(ctx context.Context) error {
timeoutCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
for {
select {
case <-timeoutCtx.Done():
return errors.New("Timeout waiting for wpa_cli interactive mode start")
case line := <-w.lines:
if strings.Contains(line, "Interactive mode") {
return nil
// Stop sends quit command to wpa_cli and waits until the process exits (or context deadline passes).
func (w *WPAMonitor) Stop(ctx context.Context) error {
if w.stdin == nil || w.cmd == nil {
return errors.New("WPAMonitor not started")
if _, err := io.WriteString(w.stdin, "q\n"); err != nil {
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Failed to send command to wpa_cli: ", err)
if err := w.cmd.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to wait for wpa_cli exit")
// drain w.lines in case scan goroutine is stuck on writing to a full channel
// and wait until it's closed there
for range w.lines {
return nil
// ClearEvents clears all buffered output from wpa_cli, discarding events collected so far.
// Some events may still be in i/o buffers, these won't be cleared.
// Timeout (1s) is used in case of events flood.
func (w *WPAMonitor) ClearEvents(ctx context.Context) {
timeoutCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 1*time.Second)
defer cancel()
for len(w.lines) > 0 {
select {
case <-timeoutCtx.Done():
case <-w.lines:
// atoi parses string to integer, writes error to *parseErr only if it's nil
func atoi(str string, parseErr *error) int {
value, err := strconv.Atoi(str)
if err != nil && *parseErr == nil {
*parseErr = err
return value
// WaitForEvent waits for any event in wpa_cli stdout, as defined in @eventDefs.
// It includes events already buffered in since last call to WaitForEvent or to ClearEvents.
// It returns event = nil when context deadline is exceeded.
// In case of successful match and error in parsing the fields, the event is returned (incomplete)
// and firstErr contains the first parsing error that occurred.
func (w *WPAMonitor) WaitForEvent(ctx context.Context) (event SupplicantEvent, firstErr error) {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, nil
case line := <-w.lines:
if debugWPAMonitor {
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "wpa: ", line)
for _, eventDef := range eventDefs {
if matches := eventDef.matcher.FindStringSubmatch(line); matches != nil {
event, error := eventDef.parseFunc(matches)
if error != nil {
error = errors.Wrapf(error, "error parsing line: %s", line)
return event, error