blob: 176648e53dd8f01660a5e9be4c68988737d1f5d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package cellular
import (
cbiperf ""
type iperfTestCaseConfiguration struct {
testType cbiperf.TestType
additionalOptions []iperf.ConfigOption
type iperfTestCase struct {
callboxOpts *manager.ConfigureCallboxRequestBody
iperfConfigurations []iperfTestCaseConfiguration
func init() {
Func: IperfTx,
LacrosStatus: testing.LacrosVariantUnneeded,
Desc: "Conducts cellular performance tests between DUT and callbox using Iperf to compare actual throughput results with expected for a given network configuration",
Contacts: []string{
BugComponent: "b:167157", // ChromeOS > Platform > Connectivity > Cellular
Attr: []string{"group:cellular", "cellular_callbox", "cellular_cmw_callbox"},
ServiceDeps: []string{"tast.cros.cellular.RemoteCellularService"},
SoftwareDeps: []string{"chrome"},
Fixture: "callboxManagedFixture",
Timeout: 15 * time.Minute,
Params: []testing.Param{{
// Establishes a LTE connection with the callbox and runs multiple tcp iperf sessions with TCPTx configuration for uplink.
Name: "tcp",
Val: iperfTestCase{
callboxOpts: &manager.ConfigureCallboxRequestBody{
Hardware: manager.CallboxHardwareCMW,
CellularType: manager.CellularTechnologyLTE,
Parameters: []manager.CellConfiguration{
iperfConfigurations: []iperfTestCaseConfiguration{{testType: cbiperf.TestTypeTCPTx}},
}, {
// Establishes a LTE connection with the callbox and runs multiple udp iperf sessions with UDPTx configuration for uplink.
Name: "udp",
Val: iperfTestCase{
callboxOpts: &manager.ConfigureCallboxRequestBody{
Hardware: manager.CallboxHardwareCMW,
CellularType: manager.CellularTechnologyLTE,
Parameters: []manager.CellConfiguration{
iperfConfigurations: []iperfTestCaseConfiguration{{testType: cbiperf.TestTypeUDPTx}},
func IperfTx(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
tc := s.Param().(iperfTestCase)
tf := s.FixtValue().(*manager.TestFixture)
dutConn := s.DUT().Conn()
if err := tf.ConnectToCallbox(ctx, dutConn, tc.callboxOpts); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to initialize cellular connection: ", err)
testManager := cbiperf.NewTestManager(tf.Vars.Callbox, dutConn, tf.CallboxManagerClient)
// Get Modem type to apply throughput values accordingly.
resp, err := tf.RemoteCellularClient.QueryModemType(ctx, &empty.Empty{})
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to get modemType: ", err)
s.Log("modemType is :", resp.ModemType)
max := manager.GetMaxLTETxThroughputInMbps(ctx, resp.ModemType)
additionalOptions := []iperf.ConfigOption{iperf.TestTimeOption(30 * time.Second), iperf.MaxBandwidthOption(iperf.BitRate(max) * iperf.Mbps), iperf.ClientWindowSizeOption(320 * iperf.KB), iperf.ServerWindowSizeOption(320 * iperf.KB)}
// Test is Tx/upload so DUT is client and callbox is server.
perfValues := perf.NewValues()
for _, config := range tc.iperfConfigurations {
subTest := func(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
history, err := testManager.RunOnce(ctx, config.testType, tf.InterfaceName, additionalOptions)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to run iperf session: ", err)
result, err := iperf.NewResultFromHistory(*history)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to calculate iperf result statistics: ", err)
Name: string(config.testType),
Unit: "Mbps",
Direction: perf.BiggerIsBetter,
}, float64(result.Throughput/iperf.Mbps))
min, target, err := testManager.CalculateExpectedThroughput(ctx, config.testType)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to calculate expected throughput: ", err)
if result.Throughput < min {
s.Fatalf("Throughput below required, got: %v want: %v Mbit/s", result.Throughput/iperf.Mbps, min/iperf.Mbps)
if result.Throughput < target {
s.Logf("WARNING: Throughput below target, got: %v want: %v Mbit/s", result.Throughput/iperf.Mbps, target/iperf.Mbps)
s.Logf("Finished Iperf test %v, minimum: %v target: %v actual: %v +/- %v Mbit/s",
config.testType, min/iperf.Mbps, target/iperf.Mbps, result.Throughput/iperf.Mbps, result.StdDeviation/iperf.Mbps)
s.Run(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Testcase %s", config.testType), subTest)
if err := perfValues.Save(s.OutDir()); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to save perf data: ", err)