blob: 36c3b74534d5b7e9a0dd0342907b57da64b8384c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package cellular
import (
type stressConnectTestCase struct {
ExpectedTechnology string
callboxOpts *manager.ConfigureCallboxRequestBody
func init() {
Func: StressConnectDisconnect,
LacrosStatus: testing.LacrosVariantUnneeded,
Desc: "Verifies that the DUT is able to connect and disconnect on 5GNSA",
Contacts: []string{"", ""},
BugComponent: "b:167157",
Attr: []string{"group:cellular", "cellular_callbox", "cellular_cmx_callbox"},
ServiceDeps: []string{"tast.cros.cellular.RemoteCellularService"},
SoftwareDeps: []string{"chrome"},
Fixture: "callboxManagedFixture",
Timeout: 12 * time.Minute,
Params: []testing.Param{
Name: "nr5gnsa",
ExtraAttr: []string{"cellular_cmx_callbox"},
Val: stressConnectTestCase{
ExpectedTechnology: string(shillconst.CellularNetworkTechnology5GNR),
callboxOpts: &manager.ConfigureCallboxRequestBody{
Hardware: manager.CallboxHardwareCMX,
CellularType: manager.CellularTechnologyNR5GNSA,
Parameters: []manager.CellConfiguration{
manager.AntennaOption(manager.MimoMode4x4, manager.TransmissionMode3),
manager.AntennaOption(manager.MimoMode4x4, manager.TransmissionMode3),
func StressConnectDisconnect(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
dutConn := s.DUT().Conn()
tf := s.FixtValue().(*manager.TestFixture)
tc := s.Param().(stressConnectTestCase)
if err := tf.ConnectToCallbox(ctx, dutConn, tc.callboxOpts); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to initialize cellular connection: ", err)
// cycle through connect,disconnect.
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
s.Log("Iteration ", i)
// Make sure we're connected to the network service.
if resp, err := tf.RemoteCellularClient.QueryService(ctx, &empty.Empty{}); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to get cellular service details: ", err)
} else if !resp.IsConnected {
if _, err := tf.RemoteCellularClient.Connect(ctx, &empty.Empty{}); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to connect to cellular network: ", err)
// Verify network type.
if err := testing.Poll(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
resp, err := tf.RemoteCellularClient.QueryService(ctx, &empty.Empty{})
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get cellular service details")
if tc.ExpectedTechnology != resp.NetworkTechnology {
return errors.Errorf("unexpected network technology: got %q, want %q", resp.NetworkTechnology, manager.CellularTechnologyNR5GNSA)
return nil
}, &testing.PollOptions{Interval: time.Second, Timeout: time.Minute}); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to verify network technology: ", err)
// Check connection.
if err := dutConn.CommandContext(ctx, "curl", "--interface", tf.InterfaceName, "").Run(); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to curl on DUT using cellular interface: ", err)
// Disconnect.
if resp, err := tf.RemoteCellularClient.QueryService(ctx, &empty.Empty{}); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to get cellular service details: ", err)
} else if resp.IsConnected {
if _, err := tf.RemoteCellularClient.Disconnect(ctx, &empty.Empty{}); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to disconnect to cellular network: ", err)