blob: b4a13100632f935a57a7dff830f72937612028d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package policy
import (
ps ""
const freTestTimeout = 30 * time.Minute
func init() {
Func: ForcedReEnrollment,
LacrosStatus: testing.LacrosVariantUnneeded,
Desc: "Test forced re-enrollment after powerwash",
Contacts: []string{
BugComponent: "b:1111632",
ServiceDeps: []string{
Attr: []string{"group:powerwash-daily"},
SoftwareDeps: []string{"chrome"},
Timeout: freTestTimeout,
Vars: []string{
Fixture: fixture.CleanOwnership,
Params: []testing.Param{
Name: "automated_prod",
Val: freTestParams{
DMServer: policy.DMServerProdURL,
PoolID: tape.FREAutomated,
OrgUnitPath: "AutoRE",
ExtraSoftwareDeps: []string{"non_flex_device"},
Name: "automated_alpha",
Val: freTestParams{
DMServer: policy.DMServerAlphaURL,
PoolID: tape.FREAutomated,
OrgUnitPath: "AutoRE",
ExtraSoftwareDeps: []string{"non_flex_device"},
// TODO(b/359219375): Add manual FRE variants.
type freTestParams struct {
DMServer string // device management server url
PoolID string // poolID for the used test account
OrgUnitPath string // path to the OU into which device must be moved
func ForcedReEnrollment(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
// Shorten deadline to leave time separately for logging and cleanup.
cleanupCtx := ctx
ctx, cancel := ctxutil.Shorten(cleanupCtx, 20*time.Second)
defer cancel()
defer log.MergeLogs(cleanupCtx)
// Capture screenshot if test unexpectedly fails.
captureScreenshotOnError := func(ctx context.Context, filename string) {
cl, err := rpc.Dial(ctx, s.DUT(), s.RPCHint())
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to connect to the device to take screenshot: ", err)
defer cl.Close(ctx)
screenshotService := graphics.NewScreenshotServiceClient(cl.Conn)
screenshotService.CaptureScreenshot(ctx, &graphics.CaptureScreenshotRequest{FilePrefix: filename})
defer func() {
if !s.HasError() {
captureScreenshotOnError(cleanupCtx, "test-failure")
// Deprovision the device after the test.
tapeClient, err := tape.NewClient(ctx, []byte(s.RequiredVar(tape.ServiceAccountVar)))
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to create tape client: ", err)
defer func(ctx context.Context) {
cl, err := rpc.Dial(ctx, s.DUT(), s.RPCHint())
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to connect to the device before deprovisioning: ", err)
defer cl.Close(ctx)
if err := tapeClient.DeprovisionHelper(ctx, cl, ""); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to deprovision device: ", err)
// Create an account manager and lease a test account for the duration of the test.
param := s.Param().(freTestParams)
accManager, acc, err := tape.NewOwnedTestAccountManagerFromClient(
ctx, tapeClient,
/*lock=*/ false, tape.WithTimeout(int32(freTestTimeout.Seconds())),
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to create an account manager and lease an account: ", err)
defer accManager.CleanUp(cleanupCtx)
// Manually enroll into target organization.
cl, err := rpc.Dial(ctx, s.DUT(), s.RPCHint())
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to connect the DUT before manual enrollment: ", err)
defer cl.Close(ctx)
policyClient := ps.NewPolicyServiceClient(cl.Conn)
if _, err := policyClient.GAIAEnrollUsingChrome(ctx, &ps.GAIAEnrollUsingChromeRequest{
Username: acc.Username,
Password: acc.Password,
DmserverURL: param.DMServer,
}); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to manually enroll device before testing FRE: ", err)
// Move the device to the target OU with FRE enabled.
if err := tapeClient.MoveDeviceToOU(ctx, cl, param.OrgUnitPath); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to move device to the target OU: ", err)
// Powerwash.
if err := policyutil.Powerwash(ctx, s.CloudStorage(), s.DUT(), s.PushedFilesToDUT(""), nil); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to powerwash: ", err)
// When device has not been enrolled into any domain shortly prior to the
// enrollment above, it may have been missing in the PSM and FRE will likely
// fail because it can take up to 20 minutes before it is added to PSM. This
// is why we want to wait at least 2 minutes between attempts so that device
// has a chance of being added to PSM and do not unnecessarily overload
// DMServer with repeated state determination requests.
attempt := 0
if err := testing.Poll(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// Give FRE attempt 5 minutes to succeed, then retry.
oobeCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Minute)
defer cancel()
// Reconnect to the device because cleaning the TPM restarts Chrome.
cl, err = rpc.Dial(oobeCtx, s.DUT(), s.RPCHint())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to connect to the RPC service on the DUT")
defer cl.Close(ctx)
policyClient := ps.NewPolicyServiceClient(cl.Conn)
if param.PoolID == tape.FREAutomated {
// Wait until device automatically enrolls into same org.
_, err = policyClient.AutoReEnrollUsingChrome(oobeCtx, &ps.AutoReEnrollUsingChromeRequest{
DmserverURL: param.DMServer,
ManifestKey: s.RequiredVar("ui.signinProfileTestExtensionManifestKey"),
} else if param.PoolID == tape.FREManual {
// TODO(b/359219375): Implement manual FRE verification logic.
err = nil
} else {
s.Fatal("Unexpected PoolID: ", param.PoolID)
if err != nil {
s.Logf("Failed to re-enroll on attempt %d with error: %s", attempt, err)
captureScreenshotOnError(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("attempt-%d-failure", attempt))
if err := policyutil.EnsureTPMAndSystemStateAreReset(ctx, s.DUT(), s.RPCHint()); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to reset the TPM after failed FRE attempt")
return err
return nil
}, &testing.PollOptions{Interval: 2 * time.Minute}); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to re-enroll: ", err)