blob: 29e2c771ab6538b1f6303fdf40ba1b8f3534e66a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package uwb is the set of remote tests that test UWB capabilities and functionality in ChromeOS
package uwb
import (
ur ""
us ""
func init() {
Func: CrosToCrosRanging,
Desc: "Basic UWB Ranging Test between 2 CrOS devices",
LacrosStatus: testing.LacrosVariantUnneeded,
Contacts: []string{
Attr: []string{"group:uwb", "uwb_cros_peers_1", "uwb_unstable"},
SoftwareDeps: []string{"chrome"},
ServiceDeps: []string{"tast.cros.uwb.UwbService"},
Timeout: 5 * time.Minute,
BugComponent: "b:1135853",
Fixture: "uwbMixedPeerRemote",
Params: []testing.Param{{
Name: "aoa",
Val: true,
}, {
Name: "no_aoa",
Val: false,
func CrosToCrosRanging(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
//Check if AoA is tested, set aoa to true
aoa := s.Param().(bool)
uwbFixtValue := s.FixtValue().(*ur.FixtData)
//Verify that devices set up in fixture match required minimum number of devices for this test (2 ChromeOS devices including main DUT)
if len(uwbFixtValue.CrosClients) < 2 {
s.Fatal("Number of CrosClients in FixtureValue is less than 2, indicating that an insufficient number of companion DUTs have been set up in the fixture")
// Retrieve actual Lab DUT unique names from fixtValue
mainHostName := uwbFixtValue.MainHost
cros1Name := uwbFixtValue.CrosHosts[0]
// Get d-bus clients from fixture
mainDutClient := *uwbFixtValue.CrosClients[0]
cros1Client := *uwbFixtValue.CrosClients[1]
// Set up fira ranging params and init requests
controllerParams := uwb.FiraDefaultControllerSet()
controleeParams := uwb.FiraDefaultControleeSet()
// Generate random Session ID to avoid concurrent ranging sessions from different testbeds in the same lab conflicting with one another
sessionID := uint32(rand.Intn(10000000) + 1)
controllerReq := uwb.InitSessionRequest{
SessionId: sessionID,
SessionType: uwb.SessionType_FIRA_RANGING_SESSION,
Params: controllerParams,
controleeReq := uwb.InitSessionRequest{
SessionId: sessionID,
SessionType: uwb.SessionType_FIRA_RANGING_SESSION,
Params: controleeParams,
// Set AoA FiRA parameter
if aoa {
controllerReq.Params.AoaResultRequest = uwb.AoaResultRequest_REQ_AOA_RESULTS
controleeReq.Params.AoaResultRequest = uwb.AoaResultRequest_REQ_AOA_RESULTS
// Init Main DUT as controller & initiator
err := uwb.CallAndCheckOK(mainDutClient.InitSession(ctx, &controllerReq))
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Init session dbus call failed for main dut: ", err)
// Init CrOS device 1 as controlee & responder
err = uwb.CallAndCheckOK(cros1Client.InitSession(ctx, &controleeReq))
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Init session dbus call failed for cros device 1: ", err)
startReq := uwb.StartRangingRequest{
SessionId: sessionID,
// Start Ranging session on Main Dut
err = uwb.CallAndCheckOK(mainDutClient.StartRanging(ctx, &startReq))
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Start session dbus call failed for main dut: ", err)
// Start Ranging session on CrOS 1
err = uwb.CallAndCheckOK(cros1Client.StartRanging(ctx, &startReq))
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Start session dbus call failed for cros 1 device: ", err)
// GoBigSleepLint: uwb ranging takes a few seconds to begin, so we give it some time before collecting
//the reports to avoid collecting reports where either device have yet to start
testing.Sleep(ctx, 5*time.Second)
// Get the expected distance and angle bounds for the 2 respective lab devices
bounds, err := uwb.GetBoundsFromNames(mainHostName, cros1Name, uwb.DistanceAcceptableErrorMargin, uwb.AngleAcceptableErrorMargin, uwb.AngleAcceptableMinFOM)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Unable to create expected ranging bounds based on given Device names: ", err)
// Listen and store Fira ranging reports from the main DUT
reports, err := mainDutClient.GetFiraRangingReports(ctx, &us.FiraReportRequest{
SessionID: sessionID,
TimeInSeconds: 60,
// Converts CrOS_1 Mac address to int, which will serve as the key for the ranging results
dut1Address := uwb.ByteSliceToInt(controleeReq.Params.DeviceMacAddress)
// Get ranging summary for main DUT's ranging session with CrOS 1
summary, err := uwb.GetRangingSessionSummary(reports.RangingResults[dut1Address], &bounds, true, false)
s.Logf("Ranging summary: %v ", *summary)
// Report error if insufficient percentage of Status_OK reports
if summary.SuccessReportRate < 90 {
s.Errorf("Ranging Session Status_OK report rate too low at %f, passing criteria is 90%%", summary.SuccessReportRate)
// Report error if an insufficient share of the reported distances fall within the acceptable boundaries of the actual distances
if summary.DistanceStats.WithinBoundaryPercentage < uwb.DistanceMinAcceptablePercent {
s.Errorf("Ranging session distance reports within upper bound of %d and lower bound of %d is at %f%%, which is below passing criteria of %d%%",
bounds.DistanceUpperBound, bounds.DistanceLowerBound, summary.DistanceStats.WithinBoundaryPercentage, uwb.DistanceMinAcceptablePercent)
// Report error if an insufficient share of the reported angles fall within the acceptable boundaries of the actual distances
if aoa {
if summary.AzimuthStats.WithinBoundaryPercentage < uwb.AngleMinAcceptablePercent {
s.Errorf("Ranging session azimuth reports within upper bound of %f and lower bound of %f is at %f%%, which is below passing criteria of %d%%",
bounds.AzimuthUpperBound, bounds.AzimuthLowerBound, summary.AzimuthStats.WithinBoundaryPercentage, uwb.AngleMinAcceptablePercent)
// Stops and Deinits ranging session for main_dut and CrOS 1
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
deviceClient := *s.FixtValue().(*ur.FixtData).CrosClients[i]
// StopRanging
stopRangingRequest := uwb.StopRangingRequest{
SessionId: sessionID,
err = uwb.CallAndCheckOK(deviceClient.StopRanging(ctx, &stopRangingRequest))
if err != nil {
s.Errorf("Cros device %d StopRanging failed: %v", i, err)
// DeinitSession
deinitRequest := uwb.DeinitSessionRequest{
SessionId: sessionID,
err = uwb.CallAndCheckOK(deviceClient.DeinitSession(ctx, &deinitRequest))
if err != nil {
s.Errorf("Cros Device %d DeinitSession failed: %v", i, err)