blob: ffa0119bb051dea286b1724e7b90d671e63be4c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package arc
import (
// adbPort is the Hard-coded port of ADB in ARC.
const adbPort = 5555
// connectADB connects to the remote ADB daemon.
// After this function returns successfully, we can assume that ADB connection is ready.
func connectADB(ctx context.Context) (*adb.Device, error) {
ctx, st := timing.Start(ctx, "connect_adb")
defer st.End()
// ADBD thinks that there is an Android emulator running because it notices adb-proxy listens on localhost:5555.
if device, err := adb.WaitForDevice(ctx, func(d *adb.Device) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(d.Serial, "emulator-")
}, 10*time.Second); err == nil {
if err = device.WaitForState(ctx, adb.StateDevice, ctxutil.MaxTimeout); err == nil {
return device, nil
// shows that on certain conditions emulator may not be listed.
// For safety, fallback to manually connecting to adb-proxy address.
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "ARC failed to find emulator. Falling back to ip address")
device, err := adb.Connect(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", adbPort), ctxutil.MaxTimeout)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return device, device.WaitForState(ctx, adb.StateDevice, ctxutil.MaxTimeout)
// Install installs an APK file to the Android system.
// By default, it uses InstallOptionReplaceApp and InstallOptionAllowVersionDowngrade.
func (a *ARC) Install(ctx context.Context, path string, installOptions ...adb.InstallOption) error {
return a.device.Install(ctx, path, installOptions...)
// InstallMultiple installs a split APK to the Android system.
// By default, it uses InstallOptionReplaceApp and InstallOptionAllowVersionDowngrade.
func (a *ARC) InstallMultiple(ctx context.Context, apks []string, installOptions ...adb.InstallOption) error {
return a.device.InstallMultiple(ctx, apks, installOptions...)
// InstalledPackages returns a set of currently-installed packages, e.g. "android".
// This operation is slow (700+ ms), so unnecessary calls should be avoided.
func (a *ARC) InstalledPackages(ctx context.Context) (map[string]struct{}, error) {
return a.device.InstalledPackages(ctx)
// PackageInstalled returns true if the given package has been installed.
func (a *ARC) PackageInstalled(ctx context.Context, pkg string) (bool, error) {
return a.device.PackageInstalled(ctx, pkg)
// Uninstall uninstalls a package from the Android system.
func (a *ARC) Uninstall(ctx context.Context, pkg string) error {
return a.device.Uninstall(ctx, pkg)
// IsConnected checks if ARC is connected through ADB.
func (a *ARC) IsConnected(ctx context.Context) error {
return a.device.IsConnected(ctx)