blob: c866969c2dc5874690a03ba2e1ea90bdfc04795e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import dataclasses
import json
import os
import pathlib
import pickle
import re
import subprocess
from typing import Optional
TAST_PKG_CACHE = pathlib.Path("/tmp/tast_list_packages_cache.json")
TAST_CMD_CACHE = pathlib.Path("/tmp/tast_last_debugger_cmd.pickle")
TEST_FORMAT = re.compile(r"[a-z0-9]+\.([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)(?:\.[a-z]+)?")
TEST_PREFIX= re.compile(".*?/platform/tast-tests/src/")
BUNDLE_FORMAT = re.compile("tast-tests/src/chromiumos/tast/(local|remote)/bundles")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--dut", required=True, help="IP of dut")
parser.add_argument("--current-file", required=True, help="The file currently open in vscode")
parser.add_argument("--fast-build-tast", action="store_const", dest="tast_binary",
default="tast", const="~/go/bin/tast",
help="Use the version of tast built by")
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_const", dest="debug", const=True,
help="Run tast test and wait for a debugger to attach")
parser.add_argument("--no-debug", action="store_const", dest="debug", const=False,
help="Run tast without waiting for a debugger to attach")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Because I've handed out the instructions for debugging already, debugging has
# to be true by default (changing this would break existing use cases).
if args.debug is None:
args.debug = True
if not TAST_PKG_CACHE.exists():
print("Creating a file -> test mapping now. Please be patient (first time setup).")
with open(TAST_PKG_CACHE, "w") as f:["tast", "list", "-json", args.dut], stdout=f, check=True)
# These directories are symlinks. Since we care about the path and not the
# contents, we'll need to resolve it (and the path doesn't work, since it
# was generated outside the chroot).
args.current_file = re.sub("tast-tests/(local|remote)_tests",
class DebuggerCommand:
bundle: str
test: str
extra_args: str
def load_last_debugger_command() -> Optional[DebuggerCommand]:
if TAST_CMD_CACHE.exists():
with open(TAST_CMD_CACHE, "rb") as f:
return pickle.load(f)
def save_debugger_command() -> Optional[DebuggerCommand]:
"""Determines the test & test params to debug, & saves the params to disk."""
bundle_match =
path = re.sub(TEST_PREFIX, "", args.current_file)
expected_pkg, expected_test_name = os.path.split(path)
if bundle_match is None or not expected_test_name.endswith(".go"):
print("The currently open file in vscode is not a test file. "
"Debugging your most recently debugged test.")
bundle =
# my_test.go -> MyTest. Tast literally has a lint for this, so we won't get
# funny business where they have a different name.
expected_test_name = re.sub("_([a-z])",
lambda s:,
"_" + expected_test_name[:-3])
with open(TAST_PKG_CACHE) as f:
tests = json.load(f)
matches = []
for test in tests:
if test["pkg"] == expected_pkg:
name = test["name"]
test_name = TEST_FORMAT.match(name).group(1)
if test_name == expected_test_name:
matches = sorted(matches)
if not matches:
print("The currently open file in vscode appears not to be a test file. "
f"If that is incorrect, try running 'rm {TAST_PKG_CACHE}'. "
"Debugging your most recently debugged test.")
# Same file as last time, so don't re-prompt for the subtest / extra args.
last_cmd = load_last_debugger_command()
if last_cmd is not None and last_cmd.test in matches:
return last_cmd
if len(matches) == 1:
test = matches[0]
print(f"Detected test {test} open in vscode, running it.")
print("Detected multiple possible options for the test file currently "
"open in vscode. Please select the one you intend to run.")
for i, test in enumerate(matches):
print(f"[{i}] {test}")
test = matches[int(input("Enter a number corresponding to a test: "))]
extra_args = input("Enter any additional arguments you want to provide to "
"tast (eg. -var=keepState=true): ")
cmd = DebuggerCommand(bundle=bundle, test=test, extra_args=extra_args)
with open(TAST_CMD_CACHE, "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(cmd, f)
return cmd
cmd = save_debugger_command() or load_last_debugger_command()
if cmd is None:
print("Couldn't work out what test to run, and no test was previously run. "
"Can't do anything, exiting")
debug_args = f"-attachdebugger={cmd.bundle}:2345" if args.debug else ""
run = f"{args.tast_binary} run {debug_args} {cmd.extra_args} {args.dut} {cmd.test}"
print(f"Running command: {run}")
os.execlp("sh", "sh", "-c", run)