blob: 42f7b0ac4046d54ed96539e83b6a55b9e23dd0bc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package camera
import (
func init() {
Func: GetUserMediaPerf,
Desc: "Captures performance data about getUserMedia video capture",
Contacts: []string{"", ""},
Attr: []string{"group:crosbolt", "crosbolt_perbuild"},
SoftwareDeps: []string{caps.BuiltinOrVividCamera, "chrome"},
Data: append(webrtc.DataFiles(), "getusermedia.html"),
Params: []testing.Param{
Pre: pre.ChromeCameraPerf(),
Val: lacros.ChromeTypeChromeOS,
Name: "lacros",
Fixture: "chromeCameraPerfLacros",
ExtraSoftwareDeps: []string{"lacros"},
Timeout: 7 * time.Minute, // A lenient limit for launching Lacros Chrome.
Val: lacros.ChromeTypeLacros,
// GetUserMediaPerf is the full version of GetUserMedia. It renders the camera's
// media stream in VGA and 720p for 20 seconds. If there is no error while
// exercising the camera, it uploads statistics of black/frozen frames. This
// test will fail when an error occurs or too many frames are broken.
// This test uses the real webcam unless it is running under QEMU. Under QEMU,
// it uses "vivid" instead, which is the virtual video test driver and can be
// used as an external USB camera.
func GetUserMediaPerf(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
var cr getusermedia.ChromeInterface
runLacros := s.Param().(lacros.ChromeType) == lacros.ChromeTypeLacros
if runLacros {
var err error
cr, err = launcher.LaunchLacrosChrome(ctx, s.FixtValue().(launcher.FixtValue))
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to launch lacros-chrome: ", err)
defer cr.Close(ctx)
} else {
cr = s.PreValue().(*chrome.Chrome)
// Run tests for 20 seconds per resolution.
results := getusermedia.RunGetUserMedia(ctx, s, cr, 20*time.Second, getusermedia.NoVerboseLogging)
if !s.HasError() {
// Set and upload frame statistics below.
p := perf.NewValues()
if err := p.Save(s.OutDir()); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed saving perf data: ", err)