blob: 135dd56ea2ff38dd1656f97c0d8accf480475710 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package crash contains functionality shared by tests that exercise the crash reporter.
package crash
import (
const (
// CrasherPath is the full path for crasher.
CrasherPath = "/usr/local/libexec/tast/helpers/local/cros/platform.UserCrash.crasher"
crashReporterLogFormat = "[user] Received crash notification for %s[%d] sig 11, user %s group %s (handling)"
crashReporterNoConsentLogFormat = "No consent. Not handling invocation: /sbin/crash_reporter --user=%d:11:%s:%s:%s"
crashSenderRateDir = "/var/lib/crash_sender"
var pidRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^pid=(\d+)$`)
var userCrashDirRegex = regexp.MustCompile("/home/chronos/u-([a-f0-9]+)/crash")
var nonAlphaNumericRegex = regexp.MustCompile("[^0-9A-Za-z]")
// CrasherOptions stores configurations for running crasher process.
type CrasherOptions struct {
Username string
CauseCrash bool
Consent bool
CrasherPath string
ExpectCrashReporterFail bool
// CrasherResult stores result status and outputs from a crasher process execution.
type CrasherResult struct {
// ReturnCode is the return code of the crasher process.
ReturnCode int
// Crashed stores whether the crasher returned segv error code.
Crashed bool
// CrashReporterCaught stores whether the crash reporter caught a segv.
CrashReporterCaught bool
// Minidump (.dmp) crash report filename.
Minidump string
// Basename of the crash report files.
Basename string
// .meta crash report filename.
Meta string
// .log crash report filename.
Log string
// .pslog crash report filename (optional; only for crash reporter failures)
Pslog string
// DefaultCrasherOptions creates a CrasherOptions which actually cause and catch crash.
// Username is not populated as it should be set explicitly by each test.
func DefaultCrasherOptions() CrasherOptions {
return CrasherOptions{
CauseCrash: true,
Consent: true,
CrasherPath: CrasherPath,
ExpectCrashReporterFail: false,
func checkCrashDirectoryPermissions(path string) error {
fileInfo, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return err
s, ok := fileInfo.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
if !ok {
return errors.New("failed to cast to Stat_t")
usr, err := user.LookupId(strconv.FormatInt(int64(s.Uid), 10))
if err != nil {
return err
grp, err := user.LookupGroupId(strconv.FormatInt(int64(s.Gid), 10))
if err != nil {
return err
mode := fileInfo.Mode()
permittedModes := make(map[os.FileMode]struct{})
var expectedUser string
var expectedGroup string
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "/var/spool/crash") {
if fileInfo.IsDir() {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read directory %s", path)
for _, f := range files {
if err := checkCrashDirectoryPermissions(filepath.Join(path, f.Name())); err != nil {
return err
permittedModes[os.FileMode(0770)|os.ModeDir|os.ModeSetgid] = struct{}{}
} else {
permittedModes[os.FileMode(0660)] = struct{}{}
permittedModes[os.FileMode(0640)] = struct{}{}
permittedModes[os.FileMode(0644)] = struct{}{}
expectedUser = "root"
expectedGroup = "crash-access"
} else {
permittedModes[os.ModeDir|os.FileMode(0770)|os.ModeSetgid] = struct{}{}
expectedUser = "chronos"
expectedGroup = "crash-user-access"
if usr.Username != expectedUser || grp.Name != expectedGroup {
return errors.Errorf("ownership of %s got %s.%s; want %s.%s",
path, usr.Username, grp.Name, expectedUser, expectedGroup)
if _, found := permittedModes[mode]; !found {
var keys []os.FileMode
for k := range permittedModes {
keys = append(keys, k)
return errors.Errorf("mode of %s got %v; want either of %v", path, mode, keys)
return nil
// canonicalizeCrashDir converts /home/chronos crash directory to /home/user counterpart.
func canonicalizeCrashDir(path string) string {
m := userCrashDirRegex.FindStringSubmatch(path)
if m == nil {
return path
return filepath.Join("/home/user", m[1], "crash")
// resetRateLimiting resets the count of crash reports sent today.
// This clears the contents of the rate limiting directory which has
// the effect of reseting our count of crash reports sent.
func resetRateLimiting() error {
if err := os.RemoveAll(crashSenderRateDir); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed cleaning crash sender rate dir %s", crashSenderRateDir)
return nil
func waitForProcessEnd(ctx context.Context, name string) error {
// TODO( Deduplicate with the similar function in
// src/chromiumos/tast/local/crash/sender.go
return testing.Poll(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
cmd := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "pgrep", name)
err := cmd.Run()
if cmd.ProcessState == nil {
return testing.PollBreak(errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get exit code of %s", name))
if code := (cmd.ProcessState).ExitCode(); code == 0 {
// pgrep return code 0: one or more process matched
return errors.Errorf("still have a %s process", name)
} else if code != 1 {
return testing.PollBreak(errors.Errorf("unexpected return code: %d", code))
// pgrep return code 1: no process matched
return nil
}, &testing.PollOptions{Timeout: 10 * time.Second})
// RunCrasherProcess runs the crasher process.
// Will wait up to 10 seconds for crash_reporter to finish.
func RunCrasherProcess(ctx context.Context, cr *chrome.Chrome, opts CrasherOptions) (*CrasherResult, error) {
if opts.CrasherPath != CrasherPath {
if err := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "cp", "-a", CrasherPath, opts.CrasherPath).Run(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to copy crasher")
var command []string
if opts.Username != "root" {
command = []string{"su", opts.Username, "-c"}
basename := filepath.Base(opts.CrasherPath)
// Use only the first 15 characters of the basename since the kernel
// strips the rest.
filterBasename := basename
if len(filterBasename) > 15 {
filterBasename = filterBasename[:15]
if err := crash.EnableCrashFiltering(ctx, filterBasename); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to replace crash filter: %v", err)
command = append(command, opts.CrasherPath)
if !opts.CauseCrash {
command = append(command, "--nocrash")
cmd := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, command[0], command[1:]...)
reader, err := syslog.NewReader(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to prepare syslog reader in RunCrasherProcess")
defer reader.Close()
b, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
out := string(b)
crasherExitCode, ok := testexec.ExitCode(err)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to execute crasher")
// Get the PID from the output, since || may be su's PID.
m := pidRegex.FindStringSubmatch(out)
if m == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("no PID found in output: %s", out)
pid, err := strconv.Atoi(m[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse PID from output of command")
usr, err := user.Lookup(opts.Username)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to lookup username %s", opts.Username)
var crashCaughtMessage string
if opts.Consent {
crashCaughtMessage = fmt.Sprintf(crashReporterLogFormat, basename, pid, usr.Uid, usr.Gid)
} else {
crashCaughtMessage = fmt.Sprintf(crashReporterNoConsentLogFormat, pid, usr.Uid, usr.Gid, basename)
// Wait until no crash_reporter is running.
if err := waitForProcessEnd(ctx, "crash_reporter"); err != nil {
// TODO( include system log message in this error.
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "timeout waiting for crash_reporter to finish")
// Wait until crash reporter processes the crash, or making sure it didn't.
waitCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
_, err = reader.Wait(waitCtx, time.Hour /* unused */, func(e *syslog.Entry) bool {
return strings.Contains(e.Content, crashCaughtMessage)
var crashReporterCaught bool
select {
case <-waitCtx.Done():
// Context timed out. This usually means WaitForMessage timed out.
// However, there are two exceptional cases by race conditions.
// 1. WaitForMessage returned non-timeout error (like I/O error) right before the context times out.
// Ideally the test should catch it and fail.
// However we don't distinguish such case with this normal path, because it can only happen after
// multiple consequent successful reads verifying that the pattern did not appear in the log.
// 2. WaitForMessage successfully found target message right before context timed out. Covered here.
crashReporterCaught = err == nil
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to verify crash_reporter message")
crashReporterCaught = true
result := CrasherResult{
Crashed: (crasherExitCode == 128+int(syscall.SIGSEGV)),
CrashReporterCaught: crashReporterCaught,
ReturnCode: crasherExitCode,
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Crasher process result: ", result)
return &result, nil
func crashFilePrefix(crasherPath string) string {
// The prefix of report file names. Basename of the executable, but non-alphanumerics replaced by underscores.
// See CrashCollector::Sanitize in src/platform2/crash-repoter/
return nonAlphaNumericRegex.ReplaceAllLiteralString(filepath.Base(crasherPath), "_")
// RunCrasherProcessAndAnalyze executes a crasher process and extracts result data from dumps and logs.
func RunCrasherProcessAndAnalyze(ctx context.Context, cr *chrome.Chrome, opts CrasherOptions) (*CrasherResult, error) {
result, err := RunCrasherProcess(ctx, cr, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to execute and capture result of crasher")
if !result.Crashed || !result.CrashReporterCaught {
return result, nil
crashDir, err := crash.GetCrashDir(opts.Username)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get crash directory for user [%s]", opts.Username)
if !opts.Consent {
filesAndDirs, err := ioutil.ReadDir(crashDir)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, err
for _, f := range filesAndDirs {
if !f.IsDir() {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "crash directory %s was not empty", crashDir)
return result, err
if info, err := os.Stat(crashDir); err != nil || !info.IsDir() {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "crash directory does not exist")
crashDir = canonicalizeCrashDir(crashDir)
crashContents, err := ioutil.ReadDir(crashDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read crash directory %s", crashDir)
basename := crashFilePrefix(opts.CrasherPath)
oldBasename := ""
if opts.ExpectCrashReporterFail {
oldBasename = basename
basename = "crash_reporter_failure"
// A dict tracking files for each crash report.
crashReportFiles := make(map[string]string)
if err := checkCrashDirectoryPermissions(crashDir); err != nil {
return result, err
var crashFiles []string
for _, f := range crashContents {
if !f.IsDir() {
// Skip directories, e.g. those created by crashpad.
crashFiles = append(crashFiles, f.Name())
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Contents in %s: %v", crashDir, crashFiles)
// Variables and their typical contents:
// basename: crasher_nobreakpad
// filename: crasher_nobreakpad.20181023.135339.16890.dmp
// ext: .dmp
for _, f := range crashContents {
if filepath.Ext(f.Name()) == ".core" {
// Ignore core files. We'll test them later.
if f.IsDir() {
// Skip directories, e.g. those created by crashpad.
if opts.ExpectCrashReporterFail && strings.HasPrefix(f.Name(), oldBasename+".") {
// In the CrashReporterFail case, we might generate
// some files with the basename of the crashing
// executable. That's okay -- just ignore them.
if !strings.HasPrefix(f.Name(), basename+".") {
// Flag all unknown files.
return nil, errors.Errorf("crash reporter created an unknown file: %s / base=%s",
f.Name(), basename)
ext := filepath.Ext(f.Name())
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Found crash report file (%s): %s", ext, f.Name())
if data, ok := crashReportFiles[ext]; ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("found multiple files with %s: %s and %s",
ext, f.Name(), data)
crashReportFiles[ext] = f.Name()
// Every crash report needs one of these to be valid.
reportRequiredFiletypes := []string{
// Reports might have these and that's OK!
reportOptionalFiletypes := []string{
".dmp", ".log", ".proclog", ".pslog",
// Make sure we generated the exact set of files we expected.
var missingFileTypes []string
for _, rt := range reportRequiredFiletypes {
found := false
for k := range crashReportFiles {
if k == rt {
found = true
if !found {
missingFileTypes = append(missingFileTypes, rt)
if len(missingFileTypes) > 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("crash report in %s is missing files: %v", crashDir, missingFileTypes)
find := func(target string, lst []string) bool {
for _, v := range lst {
if target == v {
return true
return false
findInKey := func(target string, m map[string]string) bool {
_, found := m[target]
return found
var unknownFileTypes []string
for k := range crashReportFiles {
if !find(k, append(reportRequiredFiletypes, reportOptionalFiletypes...)) {
unknownFileTypes = append(missingFileTypes, k)
if len(unknownFileTypes) > 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("crash report includes unkown files: %v", unknownFileTypes)
// Create full paths for the logging code below.
for _, key := range append(reportRequiredFiletypes, reportOptionalFiletypes...) {
if findInKey(key, crashReportFiles) {
crashReportFiles[key] = filepath.Join(crashDir, crashReportFiles[key])
} else {
crashReportFiles[key] = ""
result.Minidump = crashReportFiles[".dmp"]
result.Basename = filepath.Base(opts.CrasherPath)
result.Meta = crashReportFiles[".meta"]
result.Log = crashReportFiles[".log"]
result.Pslog = crashReportFiles[".pslog"]
return result, nil
// isFrameInStack searches for frame entries in the given stack dump text.
// Returns true if an exact match is present.
// A frame entry looks like (alone on a line)
// "16 crasher_nobreakpad!main [ : 21 + 0xb]",
// where 16 is the frame index (0 is innermost frame),
// crasher_nobreakpad is the module name (executable or dso), main is the function name,
// is the function name and 21 is the line number.
// We do not care about the full function signature - ie, is it
// foo or foo(ClassA *). These are present in function names
// pulled by dump_syms for Stabs but not for DWARF.
func isFrameInStack(ctx context.Context, frameIndex int, moduleName, functionName, fileName string,
lineNumber int, stack []byte) bool {
re := regexp.MustCompile(
frameIndex, moduleName, functionName, fileName, lineNumber))
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Searching for regexp ", re)
return re.FindSubmatch(stack) != nil
// verifyStack checks if a crash happened at the expected location.
func verifyStack(ctx context.Context, stack []byte, basename string, fromCrashReporter bool) error {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "minidump_stackwalk output: %s", string(stack))
// Look for a line like:
// Crash reason: SIGSEGV
// Crash reason: SIGSEGV /0x00000000
match := regexp.MustCompile(`Crash reason:\s+([^\s]*)`).FindSubmatch(stack)
const expectedAddress = "0x16"
if match == nil || string(match[1]) != "SIGSEGV" {
return errors.New("Did not identify SIGSEGV cause")
match = regexp.MustCompile(`Crash address:\s+(.*)`).FindSubmatch(stack)
if match == nil || string(match[1]) != expectedAddress {
return errors.Errorf("Did not identify crash address %s", expectedAddress)
const (
bombSource = `platform\.UserCrash\.crasher\.bomb\.cc`
crasherSource = `platform\.UserCrash\.crasher\.crasher\.cc`
recbomb = "recbomb"
// Should identify crash at *(char*)0x16 assignment line.
if !isFrameInStack(ctx, 0, basename, recbomb, bombSource, 9, stack) {
return errors.New("Did not show crash line on stack")
// Should identify recursion line which is on the stack for 15 levels.
if !isFrameInStack(ctx, 15, basename, recbomb, bombSource, 12, stack) {
return errors.New("Did not show recursion line on stack")
// Should identify main line.
if !isFrameInStack(ctx, 16, basename, "main", crasherSource, 23, stack) {
return errors.New("Did not show main on stack")
return nil
// checkMinidumpStackwalk acquires stack dump log from minidump and verifies it.
func checkMinidumpStackwalk(ctx context.Context, minidumpPath, crasherPath, basename string, fromCrashReporter bool) error {
symbolDir := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(crasherPath), "symbols")
command := []string{"minidump_stackwalk", minidumpPath, symbolDir}
cmd := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, command[0], command[1:]...)
out, err := cmd.Output(testexec.DumpLogOnError)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get minidump output %v", cmd)
if err := verifyStack(ctx, out, basename, fromCrashReporter); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "minidump stackwalk verification failed")
return nil
// checkSendResult checks that the crash_sender result matches expectation computed from
// the crasher configuration.
func checkSendResult(ctx context.Context, got []*crash.SendResult, co CrasherOptions, cr *CrasherResult) error {
// TODO( Verify the result.
return nil
// CheckCrashingProcess runs crasher process and verifies that it's processed.
func CheckCrashingProcess(ctx context.Context, cr *chrome.Chrome, opts CrasherOptions) error {
result, err := RunCrasherProcessAndAnalyze(ctx, cr, opts)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to run and analyze crasher")
if !result.Crashed {
return errors.Errorf("Crasher returned %d instead of crashing", result.ReturnCode)
if !result.CrashReporterCaught {
return errors.New("Logs do not contain crash_reporter message")
if !opts.Consent {
return nil
if result.Minidump == "" {
return errors.New("crash reporter did not generate minidump")
// TODO( Check that crash reporter announces minidump location to the log like "Stored minidump to /var/...."
if err := checkMinidumpStackwalk(ctx, result.Minidump, opts.CrasherPath, result.Basename, true); err != nil {
return err
rs, err := crash.RunSender(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to run crash_sender")
if err := checkSendResult(ctx, rs, opts, result); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "unexpected crash_sender result")
return nil
// RunCrashTest runs a crash test case after setting up crash reporter.
func RunCrashTest(ctx context.Context, cr *chrome.Chrome, s *testing.State, testFunc func(context.Context, *chrome.Chrome, *testing.State), consentType crash.ConsentType) error {
opt := crash.WithMockConsent()
if consentType == crash.RealConsent {
opt = crash.WithConsent(cr)
if err := crash.SetUpCrashTest(ctx, crash.FilterCrashes(crash.FilterInIgnoreAllCrashes), opt); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Couldn't set up crash test: ", err)
defer func() {
if err := crash.TearDownCrashTest(ctx); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to tear down crash test: ", err)
// Ignore process-not-found error.
// TODO(yamaguchi): Refactor to this after Go version >= 1.12
// (*cmd.ProcessState).ExitCode()
if err := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "pkill", "-9", "-e", "crash_sender").Run(); err != nil {
e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError)
if !ok {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get exit status from crash_sender: failed to cast to exec.ExitError")
s, ok := e.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus)
if !ok {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get exit status from crash_sender: failed to cast to syscall.WaitStatus")
if s.ExitStatus() != 1 {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to kill crash_sender")
testFunc(ctx, cr, s)
return nil
// CleanCrashSpoolDirs removes all crash files in the crash spool directories,
// produced artificially but not consumed during a test.
func CleanCrashSpoolDirs(ctx context.Context, crasherPath string) error {
crashes, err := crash.GetCrashes(
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get crash file list")
var firstErr error
for _, f := range crashes {
if strings.SplitN(filepath.Base(f), ".", 2)[0] != crashFilePrefix(crasherPath) {
if err := os.Remove(f); err != nil {
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = err
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Couldn't clean up %s: %v", f, err)
return firstErr