blob: 5b23b95663b78a62e234e3de277d9a03f10fedbc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package graphics
import (
func init() {
Func: DEQP,
Desc: "Runs a pre-CQ-suitable subset of the drawElements Quality Program test suite shipped with test images",
Contacts: []string{"", "", ""},
SoftwareDeps: []string{"no_qemu"},
Attr: []string{"group:mainline"},
Fixture: "gpuWatchHangs",
// deqpTests contains the names of the DEQP tests to run. Some may be skipped
// depending on the supported graphics APIs. This list is directly obtained from
// autotest/files/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/master/bvt.txt.
var deqpTests = []string{
// TODO(ihf): reenable when smoke.triangle is not flaky anymore on coral/boxton b/149329522
// testNameToAPI extracts the graphics API that should be used based on a DEQP
// test name. An error is returned if the name is invalid. This is a port of the
// _translate_name_to_api() method in
// autotest/files/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/
// TODO(andrescj): consider moving this to utils.go and adding tests for it.
func testNameToAPI(test string) (graphics.APIType, error) {
deqpPrefixToAPIMap := map[string]graphics.APIType{
"dEQP-EGL": graphics.EGL,
"dEQP-GLES2": graphics.GLES2,
"dEQP-GLES3": graphics.GLES3,
"dEQP-GLES31": graphics.GLES31,
"dEQP-VK": graphics.VK,
if api, ok := deqpPrefixToAPIMap[strings.Split(test, ".")[0]]; ok {
return api, nil
return graphics.UnknownAPI, errors.Errorf("%q is not a valid test name", test)
// canRunTest returns true iff the DEQP test named test can be run according to
// the supported graphics APIs (passed as apis). If the graphics API cannot be
// inferred from the test name, an error is returned. This function is based on
// the _can_run() method of graphics_dEQP in
// autotest/files/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/
// TODO(andrescj): consider moving this to utils.go and adding tests for it.
func canRunTest(test string, apis []graphics.APIType) (bool, error) {
testAPI, err := testNameToAPI(test)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, a := range apis {
if testAPI == a {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// runSingleTest runs a single DEQP test named test, e.g.,
// "" in a child process (which means, e.g., a new
// graphics context for the test). env lists the environment variables to set
// when running the test, e.g., "SHELL=/bin/bash". The test's log is written to
// a file named <test>.log within logDir.
// This function returns the outcome of the test determined by the result of
// parsing the test's log file. If an unrecoverable parsing error occurs,
// "parsefailed" is returned.
// This function is based on multiple places:
// - Initialization of graphics_dEQP in
// autotest/files/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/
// - The _run_tests_individually() method of graphics_dEQP in
// autotest/files/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/
// - The _get_executable() method of graphics_dEQP in
// autotest/files/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/
func runSingleTest(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, test string, env []string, logDir string) string {
// Get the path to the DEQP binary to run for the test.
api, err := testNameToAPI(test)
if err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Could not infer the API for %q: %v", test, err)
p, err := graphics.DEQPExecutable(api)
if err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Could not get the executable for %q: %v", api, err)
// Prepare the command. Note that --deqp-surface-type is either "fbo" or
// "pbuffer". The latter avoids DEQP assumptions. The --deqp-surface-width
// and --deqp-surface-height should be the smallest for which all tests
// run/pass.
logFile := filepath.Join(logDir, test+".log")
cmd := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, p,
// We should be in the executable's directory when running it so that it can
// find its test data files.
cmd.Dir = filepath.Dir(p)
cmd.Env = env
s.Log("Command: ", cmd.Args)
// Run the test. Note that we don't care about the exit status code of the
// command. For example, even if the DEQP test fails, the command can return
// 0. We base our determination of the outcome entirely on the parsing of
// the detailed log file.
// TODO(andrescj): since cmd.Run() returns an error, maybe we should look
// into it and fatally fail for unexpected errors not related to dEQP.
if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
// In the original code, we impose a timeout on the command (on top of
// the DEQP watchdog). Here, the deadline is imposed by the overall Tast
// test timeout. That means that if enough DEQP tests time out, we will
// just stop running the Tast test.
s.Fatal("Absolute timeout! Things seem too broken")
stats, nonFailed, err := graphics.ParseDEQPOutput(logFile)
if err != nil {
// An unrecoverable error occurred during parsing. An unrecoverable
// error implies that the log file wasn't processed fully. Since we ran
// a single test, we can attribute the error to that test. Hence, we'll
// count this error under the "parsefailed" outcome.
s.Logf("Unrecoverable parsing error for %v: %v", logFile, err)
return "parsefailed"
// Do some validity checks on the parsing results.
if len(stats) != 1 {
s.Fatalf("Unexpected parsing result for %v: got %v stats; want 1", logFile, len(stats))
if len(nonFailed) > 1 {
s.Fatalf("Unexpected parsing result for %v: got %v non-failed tests; want at most 1", logFile, len(nonFailed))
var outcome string
for r, c := range stats {
if c != 1 {
s.Fatalf("Unexpected parsing result for %v: got %v tests for outcome %v; want 1", logFile, c, r)
outcome = r
return outcome
func DEQP(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
// Start of setup code - this is a port from multiple places:
// - Initialization of GraphicsApiHelper in
// autotest/files/client/cros/graphics/
// - Initialization of graphics_dEQP in
// autotest/files/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/
// - The run_once() method of graphics_dEQP in
// autotest/files/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/
// TODO(andrescj): port GraphicsTest initialization and clean up from
// autotest/files/client/cros/graphics/ to prepare for the
// test and clean up at the end.
// Step 1: query the supported graphics APIs.
glMajor, glMinor, err := graphics.GLESVersion(ctx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Could not obtain the OpenGL version: ", err)
s.Logf("Found gles%d.%d", glMajor, glMinor)
hasVulkan, err := graphics.SupportsVulkanForDEQP(ctx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Could not check for Vulkan support: ", err)
s.Log("Vulkan support: ", hasVulkan)
apis := graphics.SupportedAPIs(glMajor, glMinor, hasVulkan)
s.Log("Supported APIs: ", apis)
// TODO(andrescj): also extract/log the following in the configuration per
// graphics_dEQP initialization: board, CPU type, and GPU type. Right now,
// the board and CPU type seem to be used only for logging. The GPU type is
// used to deduce test expectations (tests that we expect to pass/fail
// depending on the GPU).
// Step 2: get the environment for the DEQP binaries.
env := graphics.DEQPEnvironment(os.Environ())
s.Logf("Using environment: %q", env)
// Step 3: create a location for storing detailed logs.
logDir := filepath.Join(s.OutDir(), "dEQP-results")
if err := os.Mkdir(logDir, 0700); err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Could not create %v: %v", logDir, err)
// TODO(andrescj): stop services per graphics_dEQP initialization - ui and
// powerd. Restore after tests are done.
// End of setup code
// Step 4: get the list of tests to execute and run them. This is based on
// the _run_once() and _run_tests_individually() methods of graphics_dEQP in
// autotest/files/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/
for i, t := range deqpTests {
s.Logf("[%d/%d] Test: %v", i+1, len(deqpTests), t)
// Check if the test is supported in the DUT.
if canRun, err := canRunTest(t, apis); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Could not check if test is supported: ", err)
} else if !canRun {
// TODO(andrescj): add the GPU type to this log message.
s.Logf("Skipping %q due to unsupported API", t)
// Actually run the test.
if o := runSingleTest(ctx, s, t, env, logDir); graphics.DEQPOutcomeIsFailure(o) {
s.Errorf("Result for %q: %v", t, strings.ToUpper(o))
} else {
s.Logf("Result for %q: %v", t, strings.ToUpper(o))
// TODO(andrescj): maybe output some counts, like # passes, # failures,
// #skipped per the run_once() method of graphics_dEQP in
// autotest/files/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/