blob: 584cc7d919b5d2c1c22481302ff09b04637f0bf4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package network
import (
func init() {
Func: HermesMultiProfile,
Desc: "Iterates over profiles in an eUICC and enables them. At least 1 profile must be preinstalled",
Contacts: []string{
Attr: []string{"group:cellular", "cellular_unstable"},
Timeout: 10 * time.Minute,
func HermesMultiProfile(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
ctxForCleanUp := ctx
ctx, cancel := ctxutil.Shorten(ctx, time.Minute)
defer cancel()
uninhibit, err := modemmanager.InhibitModem(ctx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to inhibit modem: ", err)
defer func(ctx context.Context) {
if err := uninhibit(ctxForCleanUp); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to uninhibit modem: ", err)
const prodSimSlotNum = 0
euicc, err := hermes.NewEUICC(ctx, prodSimSlotNum)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Unable to get Hermes euicc: ", err)
s.Log("Looking for enabled profile before test begins")
p, err := euicc.EnabledProfile(ctx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Could not read profile status: ", err)
// Disable all profiles before starting the test
if p != nil {
s.Logf("Disabling profile %s", p.String())
if err := p.Call(ctx, hermesconst.ProfileMethodDisable).Err; err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Failed to disable %s: %s", p.String(), err)
profiles, err := euicc.InstalledProfiles(ctx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to get installed profiles: ", err)
if len(profiles) < 1 {
s.Fatal("No profiles found on euicc. Expected atleast one installed profile")
for _, profile := range profiles {
s.Logf("Enabling profile %s", profile.String())
if err := profile.Call(ctx, hermesconst.ProfileMethodEnable).Err; err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Failed to enable %s: %s", profile.String(), err)
checkProfileState(ctx, s, &profile, hermesconst.ProfileStateEnabled)
s.Logf("Disabling profile %s", profile.String())
if err := profile.Call(ctx, hermesconst.ProfileMethodDisable).Err; err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Failed to disable %s: %s", profile.String(), err)
checkProfileState(ctx, s, &profile, hermesconst.ProfileStateDisabled)
s.Log("Enabling profiles back to back without disabling them")
for _, profile := range profiles {
v, err := profile.IsTestProfile(ctx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Failed to check class of %s: %s", profile.String(), err)
if v {
// certain eUICC's have trouble implicitly disabling test profiles
// thus we skip them. These eUICC's will need a FW update.
// Blocked on b/169946663. Workaround the issue since test profiles
// are not visible to the user.
s.Logf("Enabling profile %s", profile.String())
if err := profile.Call(ctx, hermesconst.ProfileMethodEnable).Err; err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Failed to enable %s: %s", profile.String(), err)
checkProfileState(ctx, s, &profile, hermesconst.ProfileStateEnabled)
// checkProfileState checks if a profile is in the expected state
func checkProfileState(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, p *hermes.Profile, expected int32) {
props, err := dbusutil.NewDBusProperties(ctx, p.DBusObject)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to read profile properties: ", err)
actual, err := props.GetInt32(hermesconst.ProfilePropertyState)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to read profile state: ", err)
if actual != expected {
s.Fatalf("Unexpected profile state, got: %d, want: %d", actual, expected)