blob: 0606fee66a56a5cda3b60340094a81a34b071325 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package tast.cros.lacros;
option go_package = "chromiumos/tast/services/cros/lacros";
// BrowserType is to specify the types of supported browsers.
enum BrowserType {
ASH = 1;
// BrowserContext is a shared info to configure or check the browser under test.
message BrowserContext {
// The type of supported browsers.
BrowserType browser = 1;
// Chrome options used to launch browser.
repeated string opts = 2;
// TestResult is detailed test status data for a verification action in a DUT.
message TestResult {
enum Status {
Status status = 1;
string status_details = 2;
// VerifyUpdateRequest contains the Lacros browser info that is used
// to verify whether the expected Lacros is selected in the given context of
// provisioned browsers and Ash configs.
message VerifyUpdateRequest {
BrowserContext ash_context = 1;
repeated BrowserContext provisioned_lacros_context = 2;
// The following fields describe the Lacros to be selected.
BrowserType expected_browser = 3; // e.g. LACROS_STATEFUL
string expected_version = 4; // e.g. "9999.0.0.1"
string expected_component = 5; // e.g. "lacros-dogfood-dev" for the dev channel
// Whether to use UI for verification
bool use_ui = 6;
// VerifyUpdateResponse contains a test result of version comparison for
// a single action of simulated autoupdate.
message VerifyUpdateResponse {
TestResult result = 1;
message ClearUpdateRequest {
message ClearUpdateResponse {
message GetBrowserVersionRequest {
BrowserType browser = 1;
message GetBrowserVersionResponse {
repeated string versions = 1;
// UpdateTestService verifies Lacros autoupdate scenarios for remote tests.
// Each API should be able to be run in no particular order.
service UpdateTestService {
// VerifyUpdate sets a DUT with given contexts and checks if the
// expected version of Lacros is loaded successfully without crash.
rpc VerifyUpdate(VerifyUpdateRequest) returns (VerifyUpdateResponse) {}
// ClearUpdate removes provisioned Lacros in the install path or browser data
// if needed.
rpc ClearUpdate(ClearUpdateRequest) returns (ClearUpdateResponse) {}
// GetBrowserVersion returns version info of the given browser type.
// If multiple Lacros browsers are provisioned in the stateful partition,
// all the versions will be returned.
rpc GetBrowserVersion(GetBrowserVersionRequest) returns (GetBrowserVersionResponse) {}