blob: 30144b45cfdcebf590c5b308156b668c70714a43 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package video
import (
func init() {
Func: Capability,
Desc: "Compare capabilities computed by autocaps package with ones detected by avtest_label_detect",
Contacts: []string{"", ""},
Attr: []string{"group:mainline", "informational"},
// capability defines a single entry in the avtestLabelToCapability map.
type capability struct {
name string // The name of the capability
optional bool // Whether the capability is optional
// avtestLabelToCapability is a map from labels detected by avtest_label_detect to capabilities
// set in the autocaps package. Capabilities marked as optional can be omitted, even if they
// are detected by avtest_label_detect. This is e.g. necessary for devices that technically support
// 4K HW decoding, but don't have the autocaps labels set because these device are so slow that
// running 4K tests is a huge drain on lab resources.
// See /src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/chromeos-base/autotest-capability-default/files/managed-capabilities.yaml
// for the meaning of each label.
var avtestLabelToCapability = map[string]capability{
"hw_video_acc_h264": {caps.HWDecodeH264, false},
"hw_video_acc_vp8": {caps.HWDecodeVP8, false},
"hw_video_acc_vp9": {caps.HWDecodeVP9, false},
"hw_video_acc_vp9_2": {caps.HWDecodeVP9_2, false},
"hw_video_acc_h264_4k": {caps.HWDecodeH264_4K, true},
"hw_video_acc_vp8_4k": {caps.HWDecodeVP8_4K, true},
"hw_video_acc_vp9_4k": {caps.HWDecodeVP9_4K, true},
"hw_jpeg_acc_dec": {caps.HWDecodeJPEG, false},
"hw_video_acc_enc_h264": {caps.HWEncodeH264, false},
"hw_video_acc_enc_vp8": {caps.HWEncodeVP8, false},
"hw_video_acc_enc_vp9": {caps.HWEncodeVP9, false},
"hw_video_acc_enc_h264_4k": {caps.HWEncodeH264_4K, false},
"hw_video_acc_enc_vp8_4k": {caps.HWEncodeVP8_4K, false},
"hw_video_acc_enc_vp9_4k": {caps.HWEncodeVP9_4K, false},
"hw_jpeg_acc_enc": {caps.HWEncodeJPEG, false},
"builtin_usb_camera": {caps.BuiltinUSBCamera, false},
"builtin_mipi_camera": {caps.BuiltinMIPICamera, false},
"vivid_camera": {caps.VividCamera, false},
"builtin_camera": {caps.BuiltinCamera, false},
"builtin_or_vivid_camera": {caps.BuiltinOrVividCamera, false},
// Capability compares the results between autocaps package and avtest_label_detect.
// The test failure is decided as follows, where OK and Fail stands for success and
// failure, respectively. For the capability marked "disable", we don't check
// them, because the capability is not disabled in driver level, but disabled in
// Chrome level by default, which an user can enable it by chrome://flags.
// avldetect\autocaps | Yes | No | Disable |
// detected | OK | Fail | OK |
// detected (optional) | OK | OK | OK |
// not detected | Fail | OK | OK |
func Capability(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
vl, err := logging.NewVideoLogger()
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to set values for verbose logging")
defer vl.Close()
// Get capabilities computed by autocaps package.
staticCaps, err := autocaps.Read(autocaps.DefaultCapabilityDir, nil)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to read statically-set capabilities: ", err)
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Statically-set capabilities: ", staticCaps)
// Get capabilities detected by "avtest_label_detect" command.
cmd := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "avtest_label_detect")
avOut, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to execute avtest_label_detect: ", err)
var detectedLabelRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^Detected label: (.*)$`)
detectedCaps := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, m := range detectedLabelRegexp.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(avOut), -1) {
label := strings.TrimSpace(m[1])
if c, found := avtestLabelToCapability[label]; found {
detectedCaps[stripPrefix(] = struct{}{}
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "avtest_label_detect result: ", detectedCaps)
for _, c := range avtestLabelToCapability { = stripPrefix(
_, wasDetected := detectedCaps[]
state, ok := staticCaps[]
if !ok {
s.Errorf("Static capabilities don't include %q",
switch state {
case autocaps.Yes:
if !wasDetected {
s.Errorf("%q statically set but not detected",
case autocaps.No:
if wasDetected && !c.optional {
s.Errorf("%q detected but not statically set and not optional",
// stripPrefix removes caps.Prefix from the beginning of cap.
func stripPrefix(cap string) string {
if !strings.HasPrefix(cap, caps.Prefix) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%q doesn't start with %q", cap, caps.Prefix))
return cap[len(caps.Prefix):]