Tast: Writing Tests

Code location

Public tests are checked into the tast-tests repository under the src/chromiumos/tast/local/tests/ and src/chromiumos/tast/remote/tests/ directories. Tests are grouped into packages by the functionality that they exercise; for example, the ui package contains local tests that exercise Chrome OS's UI.

Support packages used by tests are located in local/ and remote/, alongside the tests/ subdirectories. For example, the chrome package can be used by local tests to interact with Chrome.

Coding style and best practices

Test code should be formatted by gofmt and validated by go vet. It should follow Go's established best practices as described by these documents:

Support packages should be exercised by unit tests when possible. Unit tests can cover edge cases that may not be typically seen when using the package, and they greatly aid in future refactorings (since it can be hard to determine the full set of Tast-based tests that must be run to exercise the package). See Go's testing package for more information about writing tests for Go code. The Best practices for writing Chrome OS unit tests document contains additional suggestions that may be helpful (despite being C++-centric).

Naming and defining tests

Tests are identified by names like ui.ChromeSanity. The portion before the period is the test‘s package name, while the portion after the period is the function that implements the test. Test function names should follow Go's naming conventions, and acronyms should be fully capitalized. Test names are automatically derived and usually shouldn’t be specified.

A local test named example.MyTest would be placed in a file named local/tests/example/my_test.go (i.e. convert the test name to lowercase and insert underscores between words) with contents similar to the following:

// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package example

import (

func init() {
		Func: MyTest,
		Desc: "Does X to verify Y",
		Attr: []string{"experimental"},

func MyTest(s *testing.State) {
	// The actual test goes here.

Reporting errors

The Tast testing package (not to be confused with Go's standard testing package) defines a State struct that is passed to test functions and used to report failures and to log messages.

Support packages should not record test failures directly. Instead, return error values and allow tests to decide how to handle them. Support package‘s exported functions should typically take context.Context arguments and use them to return early when the test’s deadline is reached and to log informative messages using testing.ContextLog and testing.ContextLogf.

Writing output files

Tests can write output files that are automatically copied to the host machine that was used to initiate testing:

func WriteOutput(s *testing.State) {
	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(s.OutDir(), "my_output.txt"),
		[]byte("Here's my output!"), 0644); err != nil {

As described in the Running tests document, a test's output files are copied to a tests/<test-name>/ subdirectory within the results directory.

Using data files

Tests can register ancillary data files that will be copied to the DUT and made available while the test is running; consider a short binary audio file that a test plays in a loop, for example.

Data files should be checked into a data/ subdirectory under the test package. Prefix their names by the test file's name (e.g. data/audio_playback_sample.wav for a test file named audio_playback.go) to make ownership obvious.

Keep data files minimal; source control systems are not adept at managing large binary files. If your test depends on outside executables, use Portage to build and package those executables separately and include them in test Chrome OS system images.

To register data files, in your test‘s testing.AddTest call, set the testing.Test struct’s Data field to contain a slice of data file names (omitting the data/ subdirectory):

	Data: []string{"my_test_data.bin"},

Later, within the test function, pass the same filename to testing.State's DataPath function to receive the path to the data file on the DUT:

b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(s.DataPath("my_test_data.bin"))

See the example.DataFiles test for a complete example of using data files.

Adding new test packages

When adding a new test package, you must update the test executable's main.go file (either local/main.go or remote/main.go) to underscore-import the new package so its init functions will run and register tests.