blob: 7673718767994e4db06e3d8ba3206acb4c7359b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package run
import (
// This file uses types and functions from local_test.go.
func TestGetInitialSysInfo(t *testing.T) {
td := newLocalTestData(t)
defer td.close()
// Report a few log files and crashes.
res := runner.GetSysInfoStateResult{
State: runner.SysInfoState{
LogInodeSizes: map[uint64]int64{1: 2, 3: 4},
MinidumpPaths: []string{"foo.dmp", "bar.dmp"},
td.runFunc = func(args *runner.Args, stdout, stderr io.Writer) (status int) {
checkArgs(t, args, &runner.Args{Mode: runner.GetSysInfoStateMode})
return 0
// Check that the expected command is sent to the DUT and that the returned state is decoded properly.
td.cfg.collectSysInfo = true
if err := getInitialSysInfo(context.Background(), &td.cfg); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("getInitialSysInfo(..., %+v) failed: %v", td.cfg, err)
if td.cfg.initialSysInfo == nil {
t.Error("initialSysInfo is nil")
} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(*td.cfg.initialSysInfo, res.State) {
t.Errorf("initialSysInfo is %+v; want %+v", *td.cfg.initialSysInfo, res.State)
// The second call should fail, because it tried to update cfg's field twice.
if err := getInitialSysInfo(context.Background(), &td.cfg); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Calling getInitialSysInfo twice unexpectedly succeeded")
func TestCollectSysInfo(t *testing.T) {
td := newLocalTestData(t)
defer td.close()
td.runFunc = func(args *runner.Args, stdout, stderr io.Writer) (status int) {
checkArgs(t, args, &runner.Args{
Mode: runner.CollectSysInfoMode,
CollectSysInfo: &runner.CollectSysInfoArgs{InitialState: *td.cfg.initialSysInfo},
return 0
td.cfg.collectSysInfo = true
td.cfg.initialSysInfo = &runner.SysInfoState{
LogInodeSizes: map[uint64]int64{1: 2, 3: 4},
MinidumpPaths: []string{"foo.dmp", "bar.dmp"},
if err := collectSysInfo(context.Background(), &td.cfg); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("collectSysInfo(..., %+v) failed: %v", td.cfg, err)
// TODO(derat): The test SSH server doesn't support file copies. If/when that changes, set the
// LogDir and CrashDir in the result that returned above and verify that collectSysInfo copies
// the directories.