blob: e53916d6924158da0eb6c6debf3a219752e7bc3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package planner
import (
frameworkprotocol ""
// OutputStream is an interface to report streamed outputs of multiple entity runs.
type OutputStream = output.Stream
// FixtureStack maintains a stack of fixtures and their states.
type FixtureStack = fixture.InternalStack
// NewFixtureStack creates a new empty fixture stack.
func NewFixtureStack(cfg *Config, out OutputStream) *FixtureStack {
return fixture.NewInternalStack(cfg.FixtureConfig(), out)
const (
preTestTimeout = 3 * time.Minute // timeout for RuntimeConfig.TestHook
postTestTimeout = 3 * time.Minute // timeout for a closure returned by RuntimeConfig.TestHook
// DefaultGracePeriod is default recommended grace period for SafeCall.
DefaultGracePeriod = 30 * time.Second
// Config contains details about how the planner should run tests.
type Config struct {
// Dirs holds several directory paths important for running tests.
Dirs *protocol.RunDirectories
// Features contains software/hardware features the DUT has, and runtime variables.
Features *protocol.Features
// ServiceConfig contains configurations of external services available to
// Tast framework and Tast tests.
Service *protocol.ServiceConfig
// DataFileConfig contains configurations about data files.
DataFile *protocol.DataFileConfig
// RemoteData contains information relevant to remote tests.
// It is nil for local tests.
RemoteData *testing.RemoteData
// TestHook is run before TestInstance.Func (and TestInstance.Pre.Prepare, when applicable) if non-nil.
// The returned closure is executed after a test if not nil.
TestHook func(context.Context, *testing.TestHookState) func(context.Context, *testing.TestHookState)
// BeforeDownload specifies a function called before downloading external data files.
// It is ignored if it is nil.
BeforeDownload func(context.Context)
// Tests is a map from a test name to its metadata.
Tests map[string]*testing.TestInstance
// Fixtures is a map from a fixture name to its metadata.
Fixtures map[string]*testing.FixtureInstance
// StartFixtureName is a name of a fixture to start test execution.
// Tests requested to run should depend on the start fixture directly or
// indirectly.
// Since a start fixture is treated specially (e.g. no output directory is
// created), metadata of a start fixture must not be contained in
// Config.Fixtures. Instead, StartFixtureImpl gives an implementation of
// a start fixture.
StartFixtureName string
// StartFixtureImpl gives an implementation of a start fixture.
// If it is nil, a default stub implementation is used.
StartFixtureImpl testing.FixtureImpl
// CustomGracePeriod specifies custom grace period after entity timeout.
// If nil reasonable default will be used. Config.GracePeriod() returns
// the grace period to use. This field exists for unit testing.
CustomGracePeriod *time.Duration
// ExternalTarget represents configs for running an external bundle from
// current bundle. (i.e. local bundle from remote bundle).
ExternalTarget *ExternalTarget
//MaxSysMsgLogSize is a size of flag for truncate log file.
MaxSysMsgLogSize int64
// GracePeriod returns grace period after entity timeout.
func (c *Config) GracePeriod() time.Duration {
if c.CustomGracePeriod != nil {
return *c.CustomGracePeriod
return DefaultGracePeriod
// FixtureConfig returns a fixture config derived from c.
func (c *Config) FixtureConfig() *fixture.Config {
// Features contains software/hardware features each DUT has, and runtime variables.
// Its key for the map is the role of the DUT such as "cd1".
// The role for primary DUT should be "".
features := make(map[string]*frameworkprotocol.DUTFeatures)
features[""] = c.Features.GetDut()
for role, dutFeatures := range c.Features.GetCompanionFeatures() {
features[role] = dutFeatures
return &fixture.Config{
DataDir: c.Dirs.GetDataDir(),
OutDir: c.Dirs.GetOutDir(),
Vars: c.Features.GetInfra().GetVars(),
Service: c.Service,
BuildArtifactsURL: c.DataFile.GetBuildArtifactsUrl(),
RemoteData: c.RemoteData,
StartFixtureName: c.StartFixtureName,
Features: features,
GracePeriod: c.GracePeriod(),
DUTLabConfig: c.Features.GetInfra().GetDUTLabConfig(),
// RunTestsLegacy runs a set of tests, writing outputs to out.
// RunTestsLegacy is responsible for building an efficient plan to run the given tests.
// Therefore the order of tests in the argument is ignored; it just specifies
// a set of tests to run.
// RunTestsLegacy runs tests on goroutines. If a test does not finish after reaching
// its timeout, this function returns with an error without waiting for its finish.
func RunTestsLegacy(ctx context.Context, tests []*testing.TestInstance, out OutputStream, pcfg *Config) error {
if pcfg.Tests != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("BUG: RunTestsLegacy pcfg.Tests = %v, want nil", pcfg.Tests)
// HACK: modify Tests field. This code should soon go away along with the
// removal of this function.
defer func() {
pcfg.Tests = nil
pcfg.Tests = make(map[string]*testing.TestInstance)
for _, t := range tests {
pcfg.Tests[t.Name] = t
ts := make([]*protocol.ResolvedEntity, len(tests))
for i, t := range tests {
ts[i] = &protocol.ResolvedEntity{
Hops: 0,
Entity: t.EntityProto(),
return RunTests(ctx, ts, out, pcfg)
// RunTests runs a set of tests, writing outputs to out.
// RunTests is responsible for building an efficient plan to run the given tests.
// Therefore the order of tests in the argument is ignored; it just specifies
// a set of tests to run.
// RunTests runs tests on goroutines. If a test does not finish after reaching
// its timeout, this function returns with an error without waiting for its finish.
func RunTests(ctx context.Context, tests []*protocol.ResolvedEntity, out OutputStream, pcfg *Config) error {
plan, err := buildPlan(tests, pcfg)
if err != nil {
return err
return, out)
// plan holds a top-level plan of test execution.
type plan struct {
skips []*skippedTest
fixtPlan *fixtPlan
prePlans []*prePlan
pcfg *Config
type skippedTest struct {
test *testing.TestInstance
reasons []string
err error
func buildPlan(tests []*protocol.ResolvedEntity, pcfg *Config) (*plan, error) {
var testsWithFixture []*protocol.ResolvedEntity
preMap := make(map[string][]*testing.TestInstance)
var skips []*skippedTest
for _, t := range tests {
if t.GetHops() > 0 {
testsWithFixture = append(testsWithFixture, t)
ti, ok := pcfg.Tests[t.GetEntity().GetName()]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("BUG: test %v does not exist", t.GetEntity().GetName())
reasons, err := ti.Deps().Check(pcfg.Features)
if err != nil || len(reasons) > 0 {
skips = append(skips, &skippedTest{test: ti, reasons: reasons, err: err})
if ti.Pre != nil {
preName := ti.Pre.String()
preMap[preName] = append(preMap[preName], ti)
// A test which is not skipped nor depending on a precondition is
// fixture-ready, possibly depending on an empty fixture.
testsWithFixture = append(testsWithFixture, t)
sort.Slice(skips, func(i, j int) bool {
return skips[i].test.Name < skips[j].test.Name
preNames := make([]string, 0, len(preMap))
for preName := range preMap {
preNames = append(preNames, preName)
prePlans := make([]*prePlan, len(preNames))
for i, preName := range preNames {
prePlans[i] = buildPrePlan(preMap[preName], pcfg)
fixtPlan, err := buildFixtPlan(testsWithFixture, pcfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &plan{skips, fixtPlan, prePlans, pcfg}, nil
func (p *plan) run(ctx context.Context, out output.Stream) error {
dl, err := newDownloader(ctx, p.pcfg)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create new downloader")
defer dl.TearDown()
dl.BeforeRun(ctx, p.entitiesToRun())
for _, s := range p.skips {
tout := output.NewEntityStream(out, s.test.EntityProto())
reportSkippedTest(tout, s.reasons, s.err)
if err :=, out, dl); err != nil {
return err
for _, pp := range p.prePlans {
if err :=, out, dl); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *plan) entitiesToRun() []*protocol.Entity {
var res = p.fixtPlan.entitiesToRun()
for _, pp := range p.prePlans {
for _, t := range pp.testsToRun() {
res = append(res, t.EntityProto())
return res
// fixtTree represents a fixture tree.
// At the beginning of fixture plan execution, a clone of a fixture tree is
// created, and finished tests are removed from the tree as we execute the plan
// to remember which tests are still to be run.
// A fixture tree is considered empty if it contains no test. An empty fixture
// tree must not appear as a subtree of another fixture tree so that we can
// check if a fixture tree is empty in O(1).
type fixtTree struct {
fixt *testing.FixtureInstance
// Following fields are updated as we execute a plan.
tests []*testing.TestInstance
externalTests []string
children []*fixtTree
// Empty returns if a tree has no test.
// An empty fixture tree must not appear as a subtree of another fixture tree
// so that we can check if a fixture tree is empty in O(1).
func (t *fixtTree) Empty() bool {
return len(t.tests) == 0 && len(t.externalTests) == 0 && len(t.children) == 0
// Clone returns a deep copy of fixtTree.
func (t *fixtTree) Clone() *fixtTree {
children := make([]*fixtTree, len(t.children))
for i, child := range t.children {
children[i] = child.Clone()
return &fixtTree{
fixt: t.fixt,
tests: append([]*testing.TestInstance(nil), t.tests...),
externalTests: append([]string(nil), t.externalTests...),
children: children,
// orphanTest represents a test that depends on a missing fixture directly or
// indirectly.
type orphanTest struct {
test *protocol.ResolvedEntity
missingFixtName string
// fixtPlan holds an execution plan of fixture-ready tests.
type fixtPlan struct {
pcfg *Config
tree *fixtTree // original fixture tree; must not be modified
orphans []*orphanTest
// buildFixtPlan builds an execution plan of fixture-ready tests. Tests passed
// to this function must not depend on preconditions.
func buildFixtPlan(tests []*protocol.ResolvedEntity, pcfg *Config) (*fixtPlan, error) {
var orphans []*orphanTest
testsToRun := make(map[string][]*testing.TestInstance) // keyed by fixture
externalTestsToRun := make(map[string][]string)
// Build a graph of fixtures relevant to the given tests.
graph := make(map[string][]string) // fixture name to its children names
added := make(map[string]struct{}) // set of fixtures added to graph as children
var traverse func(string) (bool, string)
traverse = func(fixture string) (rooted bool, missingFixtureName string) {
if fixture == pcfg.StartFixtureName {
return true, ""
if _, ok := added[fixture]; ok {
return true, ""
f, ok := pcfg.Fixtures[fixture]
if !ok {
return false, fixture
rooted, missing := traverse(f.Parent)
if rooted {
added[fixture] = struct{}{}
graph[f.Parent] = append(graph[f.Parent], fixture)
return rooted, missing
for _, t := range tests {
f := fixtTreeParent(t)
rooted, missing := traverse(f)
if !rooted {
orphans = append(orphans, &orphanTest{
test: t,
missingFixtName: missing,
} else if t.Hops == 0 {
// Existence of the test instance is already checked in buildPlan.
testsToRun[f] = append(testsToRun[f], pcfg.Tests[t.GetEntity().GetName()])
} else if len(t.GetSkip().GetReasons()) > 0 {
// If a test is going to be skipped, don't run fixture setup.
externalTestsToRun[""] = append(externalTestsToRun[""], t.GetEntity().GetName())
} else {
externalTestsToRun[f] = append(externalTestsToRun[f], t.GetEntity().GetName())
// Normalize
sort.Slice(orphans, func(i, j int) bool {
ei := orphans[i].test
ej := orphans[j].test
if ei.Hops != ej.Hops {
return ei.Hops < ej.Hops
return ei.Entity.Name < ej.Entity.Name
for _, ts := range testsToRun {
sort.Slice(ts, func(i, j int) bool {
return ts[i].Name < ts[j].Name
for _, ts := range externalTestsToRun {
for _, children := range graph {
impl := pcfg.StartFixtureImpl
if impl == nil {
impl = &stubFixture{}
const infinite = 24 * time.Hour // a day is considered infinite
rootFixture := &testing.FixtureInstance{
// Do not set Name of a start fixture. output.EntityOutputStream do not
// emit EntityStart/EntityEnd for unnamed entities.
Impl: impl,
// Set infinite timeouts to all lifecycle methods. In production, the
// start fixture may communicate with the host machine to trigger remote
// fixtures, which would take quite some time but timeouts are responsibly
// handled by the host binary. In unit tests, we may set the custom grace
// period to very small values (like a millisecond) to test the behavior
// when user code ignore timeouts, where we need long timeouts to avoid
// hitting timeouts in the start fixture.
SetUpTimeout: infinite,
TearDownTimeout: infinite,
ResetTimeout: infinite,
PreTestTimeout: infinite,
PostTestTimeout: infinite,
// Traverse the graph to build a fixture tree.
var newTree func(name string) *fixtTree
newTree = func(name string) *fixtTree {
var f *testing.FixtureInstance
if name == pcfg.StartFixtureName {
f = rootFixture
} else {
f = pcfg.Fixtures[name]
var children []*fixtTree
for _, c := range graph[name] {
children = append(children, newTree(c))
return &fixtTree{
fixt: f,
tests: testsToRun[name],
externalTests: externalTestsToRun[name],
children: children,
tree := newTree(pcfg.StartFixtureName)
return &fixtPlan{pcfg: pcfg, tree: tree, orphans: orphans}, nil
func fixtTreeParent(test *protocol.ResolvedEntity) string {
if test.Hops > 0 {
return test.StartFixtureName
return test.Entity.Fixture
func (p *fixtPlan) run(ctx context.Context, out output.Stream, dl *downloader) error {
for _, o := range p.orphans {
tout := output.NewEntityStream(out, o.test.GetEntity())
reportOrphanTest(tout, o.missingFixtName)
tree := p.tree.Clone()
internalStack := fixture.NewInternalStack(p.pcfg.FixtureConfig(), out)
var stack *internalOrCombinedStack
if p.pcfg.ExternalTarget != nil {
externalStack, err := fixture.NewExternalStack(ctx, out)
if err != nil {
return err
combinedStack := fixture.NewCombinedStack(externalStack, internalStack)
stack = &internalOrCombinedStack{combined: combinedStack}
internalStack.ParentFixtSerializedValue = func() ([]byte, error) {
return externalStack.SerializedVal(ctx)
} else {
// TODO(oka): Remove this code after migration for full remote fixtures.
// After migration is fully finished, only CombinedStack should be used.
stack = &internalOrCombinedStack{internal: internalStack}
return runFixtTree(ctx, tree, stack, p.pcfg, out, dl)
func (p *fixtPlan) entitiesToRun() []*protocol.Entity {
var entities []*protocol.Entity
for _, o := range p.orphans {
entities = append(entities, o.test.GetEntity())
var traverse func(tree *fixtTree)
traverse = func(tree *fixtTree) {
if tree.fixt.Name != "" {
entities = append(entities, tree.fixt.EntityProto())
for _, t := range tree.tests {
entities = append(entities, t.EntityProto())
for _, subtree := range tree.children {
return entities
// runFixtTree runs tests in a fixture tree.
// tree is modified as tests are run.
func runFixtTree(ctx context.Context, tree *fixtTree, stack *internalOrCombinedStack, pcfg *Config, out output.Stream, dl *downloader) error {
// Note about invariants:
// On entering this function, if the fixture stack is green, it is clean.
// Thus we don't need to reset fixtures before running a next test.
// On returning from this function, if the fixture stack was green and the
// fixture tree was non-empty on entering this function, the stack is dirty.
for !tree.Empty() && stack.Status() != fixture.StatusYellow {
if err := func() error {
// Create a fixture-scoped context.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
release := dl.BeforeEntity(ctx, tree.fixt.EntityProto())
defer release()
// Push a fixture to the stack. This will call SetUp if the fixture stack is green.
if err := stack.Push(ctx, tree.fixt); err != nil {
return err
// Do not defer stack.Pop call here. It is correct to not call TearDown when
// returning an error because it happens only when the timeout is ignored.
// Run direct child tests first.
for stack.Status() != fixture.StatusYellow && len(tree.tests) > 0 {
t := tree.tests[0]
tree.tests = tree.tests[1:]
tout := output.NewEntityStream(out, t.EntityProto())
if err := runTest(ctx, t, tout, pcfg, &preConfig{}, stack, dl); err != nil {
return err
if !tree.Empty() {
if err := stack.Reset(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// Run external tests then.
for stack.Status() != fixture.StatusYellow && len(tree.externalTests) > 0 {
unstarted, err := runExternalTests(ctx, tree.externalTests, stack.combined, pcfg, out)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(unstarted) == len(tree.externalTests) {
return fmt.Errorf("BUG: runExternalTests succeeds but no external test has run")
tree.externalTests = unstarted
// Run child fixtures recursively.
for stack.Status() != fixture.StatusYellow && len(tree.children) > 0 {
subtree := tree.children[0]
if err := runFixtTree(ctx, subtree, stack, pcfg, out, dl); err != nil {
return err
// It is possible that a recursive call of runFixtTree aborted in middle of
// execution due to reset failures. Remove the subtree only when it is empty.
if subtree.Empty() {
tree.children = tree.children[1:]
if stack.Status() != fixture.StatusYellow && !tree.Empty() {
if err := stack.Reset(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// Pop the fixture from the stack. This will call TearDown if it is not red.
if err := stack.Pop(ctx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
}(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// prePlan holds execution plan of tests using the same precondition.
type prePlan struct {
pre testing.Precondition
tests []*testing.TestInstance
pcfg *Config
func buildPrePlan(tests []*testing.TestInstance, pcfg *Config) *prePlan {
sort.Slice(tests, func(i, j int) bool {
return tests[i].Name < tests[j].Name
return &prePlan{tests[0].Pre, tests, pcfg}
func (p *prePlan) run(ctx context.Context, out output.Stream, dl *downloader) error {
// Create a precondition-scoped context.
ec := &testcontext.CurrentEntity{
// OutDir is not available for a precondition-scoped context.
HasSoftwareDeps: true,
SoftwareDeps: append([]string(nil), p.tests[0].SoftwareDeps[""]...),
ServiceDeps: append([]string(nil), p.tests[0].ServiceDeps...),
PrivateAttr: append([]string(nil), p.tests[0].PrivateAttr...),
plog := newPreLogger(out)
pctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(testing.NewContext(ctx, ec, logging.NewFuncLogger(plog.Log)))
defer cancel()
// Create an empty fixture stack. Tests using preconditions can't depend on
// fixture.
internalStack := fixture.NewInternalStack(p.pcfg.FixtureConfig(), out)
stack := &internalOrCombinedStack{internal: internalStack}
for i, t := range p.tests {
ti := t.EntityProto()
tout := output.NewEntityStream(out, ti)
precfg := &preConfig{
ctx: pctx,
close: p.pre != nil && i == len(p.tests)-1,
if err := runTest(ctx, t, tout, p.pcfg, precfg, stack, dl); err != nil {
return err
if i < len(p.tests)-1 {
if err := stack.Reset(ctx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *prePlan) testsToRun() []*testing.TestInstance {
return append([]*testing.TestInstance(nil), p.tests...)
// preLogger is a logger behind precondition-scoped contexts. It emits
// precondition logs to output.OutputStream just as if they are emitted by a currently
// running test. Call SetCurrentTest to set a current test.
type preLogger struct {
out output.Stream
mu sync.Mutex
ti *protocol.Entity
func newPreLogger(out output.Stream) *preLogger {
return &preLogger{out: out}
// Log emits a log message to output.OutputStream just as if it is emitted by the
// current test. SetCurrentTest must be called before calling this method.
func (l *preLogger) Log(level logging.Level, ts time.Time, msg string) {
l.out.EntityLog(l.ti, level, ts, msg)
// SetCurrentTest sets the current test.
func (l *preLogger) SetCurrentTest(ti *protocol.Entity) {
l.ti = ti
// preConfig contains information needed to interact with a precondition for
// a single test.
type preConfig struct {
// ctx is a context that lives as long as the precondition. It is available
// to preconditions as testing.PreState.PreCtx.
ctx context.Context
// close is true if the test is the last test using the precondition and thus
// it should be closed.
close bool
// runTest runs a single test, writing outputs messages to tout.
// runTest runs a test on a goroutine. If a test does not finish after reaching
// its timeout, this function returns with an error without waiting for its finish.
func runTest(ctx context.Context, t *testing.TestInstance, tout *output.EntityStream, pcfg *Config, precfg *preConfig, stack *internalOrCombinedStack, dl *downloader) error {
fixtCtx := ctx
// Attach a log that the test can use to report timing events.
timingLog := timing.NewLog()
ctx = timing.NewContext(ctx, timingLog)
outDir, err := entity.CreateOutDir(pcfg.Dirs.GetOutDir(), t.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
defer tout.End(nil, timingLog)
afterTest := dl.BeforeEntity(ctx, t.EntityProto())
defer afterTest()
if err := stack.MarkDirty(ctx); err != nil {
return err
switch stack.Status() {
case fixture.StatusGreen:
case fixture.StatusRed:
for _, e := range stack.Errors() {
return nil
case fixture.StatusYellow:
return errors.New("BUG: Cannot run a test on a yellow fixture stack")
tcfg := &testConfig{
test: t,
outDir: outDir,
fixtCtx: fixtCtx,
// TODO( Make sure this approach is scalable.
// Recomputing purgeable on each test costs O(|purgeable| * |tests|) overall.
purgeable: dl.m.Purgeable(),
if err := runTestWithConfig(ctx, tcfg, pcfg, stack, precfg, tout); err != nil {
// If runTestWithRoot reported that the test didn't finish, print diagnostic messages.
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%v (see log for goroutine dump)", err)
tout.Error(testing.NewError(nil, msg, msg, 0))
return err
return nil
type testConfig struct {
test *testing.TestInstance
outDir string
fixtCtx context.Context
purgeable []string
// runTestWithConfig runs a test on the given configs.
// The time allotted to the test is generally the sum of t.Timeout and t.ExitTimeout, but
// additional time may be allotted for preconditions and pre/post-test hooks.
func runTestWithConfig(ctx context.Context, tcfg *testConfig, pcfg *Config, stack *internalOrCombinedStack, precfg *preConfig, out testing.OutputStream) error {
// codeName is included in error messages if the user code ignores the timeout.
// For compatibility, the same fixed name is used for tests, preconditions and test hooks.
const codeName = "Test"
var postTestFunc func(ctx context.Context, s *testing.TestHookState)
condition := testing.NewEntityCondition()
features := make(map[string]*frameworkprotocol.DUTFeatures)
features[""] = pcfg.Features.GetDut()
for role, dutFeatures := range pcfg.Features.GetCompanionFeatures() {
features[role] = dutFeatures
rcfg := &testing.RuntimeConfig{
DataDir: filepath.Join(pcfg.Dirs.GetDataDir(), testing.RelativeDataDir(tcfg.test.Pkg)),
OutDir: tcfg.outDir,
Vars: pcfg.Features.GetInfra().GetVars(),
Features: features,
DUTLabConfig: pcfg.Features.GetInfra().GetDUTLabConfig(),
CloudStorage: testing.NewCloudStorage(
RemoteData: pcfg.RemoteData,
FixtCtx: tcfg.fixtCtx,
FixtValue: stack.Val(),
FixtSerializedValue: func() ([]byte, error) {
return stack.SerializedVal(ctx)
PreCtx: precfg.ctx,
Purgeable: tcfg.purgeable,
MaxSysMsgLogSize: pcfg.MaxSysMsgLogSize,
troot := testing.NewTestEntityRoot(tcfg.test, rcfg, out, condition)
ctx = troot.NewContext(ctx)
testState := troot.NewTestState()
// First, perform setup and run the pre-test function.
if err := usercode.SafeCall(ctx, codeName, preTestTimeout, pcfg.GracePeriod(), usercode.ErrorOnPanic(testState), func(ctx context.Context) {
// The test bundle is responsible for ensuring t.Timeout is nonzero before calling Run,
// but we call s.Fatal instead of panicking since it's arguably nicer to report individual
// test failures instead of aborting the entire run.
if tcfg.test.Timeout <= 0 {
testState.Fatal("Invalid timeout ", tcfg.test.Timeout)
entity.PreCheck(tcfg.test.Data, testState)
if testState.HasError() {
// In remote tests, reconnect to the DUT if needed.
if pcfg.RemoteData != nil && testState.DUT() != nil {
dt := testState.DUT()
if !dt.Connected(ctx) {
testState.Log("Reconnecting to DUT")
if err := dt.Connect(ctx); err != nil {
testState.Fatal("Failed to reconnect to DUT: ", err)
if pcfg.TestHook != nil {
postTestFunc = pcfg.TestHook(ctx, troot.NewTestHookState())
}); err != nil {
return err
// Prepare the test's precondition (if any) if setup was successful.
if !condition.HasError() && tcfg.test.Pre != nil {
preState := troot.NewPreState()
if err := usercode.SafeCall(ctx, codeName, tcfg.test.Pre.Timeout(), pcfg.GracePeriod(), usercode.ErrorOnPanic(preState), func(ctx context.Context) {
preState.Logf("Preparing precondition %q", tcfg.test.Pre)
troot.SetPreValue(tcfg.test.Pre.Prepare(ctx, preState))
}); err != nil {
return err
if err := func() error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
// Run fixture pre-test hooks.
postTest, err := stack.PreTest(ctx, tcfg.test.EntityProto(), tcfg.outDir, out, condition)
if err != nil {
return err
if !condition.HasError() {
// Run the test function itself.
if err := usercode.SafeCall(ctx, codeName, tcfg.test.Timeout, timeoutOrDefault(tcfg.test.ExitTimeout, pcfg.GracePeriod()), usercode.ErrorOnPanic(testState), func(ctx context.Context) {
tcfg.test.Func(ctx, testState)
}); err != nil {
return err
// Run fixture post-test hooks.
if err := postTest(ctx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
}(); err != nil {
return err
// If this is the final test using this precondition, close it
// (even if setup, tcfg.test.Pre.Prepare, or tcfg.test.Func failed).
if precfg.close {
preState := troot.NewPreState()
if err := usercode.SafeCall(ctx, codeName, tcfg.test.Pre.Timeout(), pcfg.GracePeriod(), usercode.ErrorOnPanic(preState), func(ctx context.Context) {
preState.Logf("Closing precondition %q", tcfg.test.Pre.String())
tcfg.test.Pre.Close(ctx, preState)
}); err != nil {
return err
// Finally, run the post-test functions unconditionally.
if postTestFunc != nil {
if err := usercode.SafeCall(ctx, codeName, postTestTimeout, pcfg.GracePeriod(), usercode.ErrorOnPanic(testState), func(ctx context.Context) {
postTestFunc(ctx, troot.NewTestHookState())
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// timeoutOrDefault returns timeout if positive or def otherwise.
func timeoutOrDefault(timeout, def time.Duration) time.Duration {
if timeout > 0 {
return timeout
return def
// reportOrphanTest is called instead of runTest for a test that depends on
// a missing fixture directly or indirectly.
func reportOrphanTest(tout *output.EntityStream, missingFixtName string) {
_, fn, ln, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Fixture %q not found", missingFixtName),
Location: &protocol.ErrorLocation{
File: fn,
Line: int64(ln),
tout.End(nil, timing.NewLog())
// reportSkippedTest is called instead of runTest for a test that is skipped due to
// having unsatisfied dependencies.
func reportSkippedTest(tout *output.EntityStream, reasons []string, err error) {
if err == nil {
tout.End(reasons, timing.NewLog())
_, fn, ln, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
Reason: err.Error(),
Location: &protocol.ErrorLocation{
File: fn,
Line: int64(ln),
// Do not report a test as skipped if we encounter errors while checking
// dependencies. There is ambiguity if a test is skipped while reporting
// errors, and in the worst case, dependency check errors can be
// silently discarded.
tout.End(nil, timing.NewLog())
// dumpGoroutines dumps all goroutines to tout.
func dumpGoroutines(tout *output.EntityStream) {
tout.Log(logging.LevelInfo, time.Now(), "Dumping all goroutines")
if err := func() error {
p := pprof.Lookup("goroutine")
if p == nil {
return errors.New("goroutine pprof not found")
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := p.WriteTo(&buf, 2); err != nil {
return err
sc := bufio.NewScanner(&buf)
for sc.Scan() {
tout.Log(logging.LevelInfo, time.Now(), sc.Text())
return sc.Err()
}(); err != nil {
Reason: fmt.Sprintf("Failed to dump goroutines: %v", err),
// stubFixture is a stub implementation of testing.FixtureImpl.
type stubFixture struct{}
func (f *stubFixture) SetUp(ctx context.Context, s *testing.FixtState) interface{} { return nil }
func (f *stubFixture) Reset(ctx context.Context) error { return nil }
func (f *stubFixture) PreTest(ctx context.Context, s *testing.FixtTestState) {}
func (f *stubFixture) PostTest(ctx context.Context, s *testing.FixtTestState) {}
func (f *stubFixture) TearDown(ctx context.Context, s *testing.FixtState) {}