blob: ecb4e37b5b17dc9c8e3534b8bf67ee3e549dc1fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package testcontext
import (
// privateDataKey is the type of the key used for attaching a PrivateData
// to a context.Context.
type privateDataKey struct{}
// PrivateData contains information private to the framework.
type PrivateData struct {
// WaitUntilReady carries the value of -waituntilready flag.
WaitUntilReady bool
// WaitUntilReadyTimeout carries the value of -waituntilreadytimeout flag.
WaitUntilReadyTimeout time.Duration
// WithPrivateData attaches PrivateData to context.Context.
// This function must not be exposed to user code.
func WithPrivateData(ctx context.Context, pd PrivateData) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, privateDataKey{}, pd)
// PrivateDataFromContext extracts PrivateData from a context.Context.
// This function must not be exposed to user code.
func PrivateDataFromContext(ctx context.Context) (pd PrivateData, ok bool) {
pd, ok = ctx.Value(privateDataKey{}).(PrivateData)
return pd, ok