Tast Test Validation

Reviewing test code can be time-consuming, so it's desirable to automate the identification of common problems as much as possible. This document describes and compares different approaches that are available.


Validation methods have different benefits and downsides, several of which are listed here.


Some validation processes can be manually overridden by developers. This is useful in the case of false positives, but can be problematic if the check is trying to defend against severe issues that would also affect other tests.

Using source code vs. compiled code

Validation processes can inspect either the original test source code or behavior at runtime. Both techniques are important:

  • Source code validation is needed to detect coding style issues.
  • Runtime checks are needed to detect issues that can't be easily detected from source code, e.g. bad values in struct fields that are initialized by expressions or function calls.

Ease of writing

Some validation code is easier to write than other code. In particular, inspecting ASTs produced by parsing source code is a lot of work.

Early warning

It‘s best if a validation system notifies test authors about issues before they’ve uploaded their code. If the checks are only performed when the test is compiled and executed in the commit queue, developers may need to wait hours to learn about issues.

Validation methods

This section describes different validation methods that are in use in light of the above considerations.

Validation methodOverridableUses sourceEasy to writeEarly warning
gofmt / goimportn/a
go vetn/a
Test registration
Unit tests

gofmt and goimport

gofmt is used to format Go code and verify that it is syntactically valid. It‘s typically configured to run automatically within developers’ text editors (sometimes via goimport, which corrects and sorts import statements), so it generally provides instant feedback. tast-lint (described below) also runs gofmt when a change is uploaded for review.

go vet

The go vet command is part of the official Go distribution:

Vet examines Go source code and reports suspicious constructs, such as Printf calls whose arguments do not align with the format string. Vet uses heuristics that do not guarantee all reports are genuine problems, but it can find errors not caught by the compilers.

go vet is minimally configurable; we pass the -printf.funcs flag to enable checking of additional printf-like functions in addition to the unusedresult.funcs flag but otherwise use default settings.

go vet currently runs as part of the src_test stage when building test bundle packages (e.g. tast-local-tests-cros). If developers don‘t manually emerge the test bundle package withFEATURES=test or run fast_build.sh -C, they may not learn about issues until their change is compiled in the Pre-Commit Queue. Running go vet earlier (e.g. when uploading the change) seems challenging since it expects to be able to resolve imports and therefore can’t be easily run outside the chroot. See issue 888259 for further discussion, and see also Modifying Tast for information about fast_build.sh.


tast-lint inspects modified source files. In addition to running gofmt and goimports, it performs additional Tast-specific checks to identify problems like disallowed cross-test dependencies and forbidden imports and function calls. tast-lint is compiled and executed by run_lint.sh, which is executed by PRESUBMIT.cfg when a change is uploaded for review.

Test registration

Some test metadata (as specified via the testing.Test struct) is validated at runtime when tests are registered via testing.AddTest. This validation is performed by the instantiate function in test_instance.go. Validated metadata includes test names, data paths, and timeouts. If a test contains bad data, an error is reported and no tests are executed. As such, test authors typically notice problems while trying to run their tests locally.

Registration errors in local tests in the cros bundle are also caught by a unit test in main_test.go.

Unit tests

Some validation is test-specific. For example, all ARC tests should depend on the android and chrome software features and have a sufficiently-long timeout. These sorts of checks can be performed by a unit test that inspects test metadata after tests are registered. For the above ARC example, see registration_test.go and the testcheck package.

You can use fast_build.sh to run unit tests in the tast and tast-tests repositories. The script's usage is described in the Modifying Tast document.