Touch firmware report

Every time the touch update scripts are run, they produce a report file at /run/touch-fw-versions, containing a summary of the run. This is useful for including in feedback reports, but is also machine-readable for use by diagnostics and other code.

File format

The file has one or more lines for each touch device handled by the scripts. Each line will contain the sysfs path to the device followed by a JSON object. To get all the information related to a particular device, readers of the file should combine the JSON objects on its lines, with values included later in the file taking precedence. For example, take this report file:

/sys/devices/platform/AMD0010:00/i2c-0/i2c-ELAN0000:00 {"updater": "Elan", "initial_version": "123.0"}
/sys/devices/platform/AMD0010:00/i2c-1/i2c-ATML0001:01 {"updater": "Atmel firmware", "initial_version": "1.0.AA"}
/sys/devices/platform/AMD0010:00/i2c-0/i2c-ELAN0000:00 {"update_status": "SUCCESS", "flashed_version": "124.0"}
/sys/devices/platform/AMD0010:00/i2c-1/i2c-ATML0001:01 {"update_status": "SUCCESS", "flashed_version": "1.1.BB"}
/sys/devices/platform/AMD0010:00/i2c-1/i2c-ATML0001:01 {"initial_config": "7c2fb6"}
/sys/devices/platform/AMD0010:00/i2c-1/i2c-ATML0001:01 {"update_status": "FAILURE", "flashed_config": "12abf4"}

For the Elan device (/sys/devices/platform/AMD0010:00/i2c-0/i2c-ELAN0000:0), following JSON object would be formed:

  "updater": "Elan",
  "initial_version": "123.0",
  "update_status": "SUCCESS",
  "flashed_version": "124.0"

While for the Atmel device (/sys/devices/platform/AMD0010:00/i2c-1/i2c-ATML0001:01), this JSON would be formed:

  "updater": "Atmel firmware",
  "initial_version": "1.0.AA",
  "update_status": "FAILURE",
  "flashed_version": "1.1.BB",
  "initial_config": "7c2fb6",
  "flashed_config": "12abf4"

(Note that although the firmware update was successful here, the overall status is still FAILURE due to the config change.)

JSON fields

The JSON objects may contain any of these fields:

  • updater: a name for the updater making the report
  • update_status: either "NOT_NEEDED", "SUCCESS", or "FAILURE" (defaults to “NOT_NEEDED” if unspecified)
  • initial_version: the version found on the device at boot (or (recovery) if it was in a recovery mode)
  • flashed_version: if an update or downgrade was attempted (whether successful or not), the new firmware version
  • initial_config: the config found on the device at boot, typically represented by its checksum
  • flashed_config: if an update or downgrade was attempted (whether successful or not), the new config, typically represented by its checksum

Version numbers are strings, but readers of the file can assume that versions are lexically ordered (e.g. version “1.2.3” is later than “1.2.0”, and version “4D” is earlier than “5A”). initial_config and flashed_config, on the other hand, are not lexically comparable.

Individual updaters may include extra fields for other notable information. For example, the Elan updater includes elan_product_id, which specifies the exact touch device found in more detail than the evdev product ID does.

Creating the report from an update script provides four utility functions for writing to the report:

  • report_initial_version should be called by every firmware updater on every run.
  • report_update_result should only be called after a firmware update is attempted, giving the status and the version of the new firmware.
  • report_initial_config and report_config_result are the equivalents for config updaters.

See the comments in the source file for the details of each call.