blob: 4db829bb56e9d4804275350938736db468e9538d [file] [log] [blame]
This is the list of device bounding boxes.
There are two files for each device in this directory:
*.txt This is a text file containing a by-hand capture of
the data using manual positioning of the robot finger.
In all cases the finger used for registration is the
finger closest to the origin (the finger on the left,
if you are looking at the robot).
In addition, this text file contains both orientation
information for how the device is to be placed in the
robot, as well as sample area registration information
for the registration marks which have been affixed to
the sample area for the purpose of positioning the
sample clamps on a per device basis.
*.pp This is a pickle file containing the device touch area
bounding box that is reachable by the robot. The
pickled coordinates are described in the gesture code,
but are reproduced here for completeness:
[0][0] Minimum X for touch area
[0][1] Maximum X for touch area
[1][0] Minimum Y for touch area
[1][1] Maximum Y for touch area
[2][0] Paper touch for Z (paper won't fit between device
and finger)
[2][1] Explicit click for Z (button depressed by finger)
The devices we currently have data files for are:
macbook_air_11 An 11" MacBook Air
lumpy A Samsung Series 5 550 Chromebook
touchbot This is the area of the touchbot sample
In general, you can not sweep out the entire sample area, since the sample
area has sample clamps, and the robot won't avoid hitting. For this
reason, care should be take when making large multi-axis motions, such as
a return to origin, since the finger could hit a sample clamp. To avoid
such a collision, the Z axis should be zeroed prior to a return to origin
End Of Document.